Genshinkan Library Catalogue

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our books cover:





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Robert Aitken

Karen Armstrong

Taking the path of



There is a fine art to presenting complex ideas with simplicity and

insight, in a manner that both guides and inspires. In Taking the Path
of Zen Robert Aitken presents the practice, lifestyle, rationale, and
ideology of Zen Buddhism with remarkable clarity. The foundation of
Zen is the practice of zazen, or mediation, and Aitken Roshi insists
that everything flows from the center. He discusses correct breathing,
posture, routine, teacher-student relations, and koan study, as well
as common problems and milestones encountered in the process.
Throughout the book the author returns to zazen, offering further
advice and more advanced techniques. The orientation extends to
various religious attitudes and includes detailed discussions of the
Three Treasures and the Ten Precepts of Zen Buddhism. Taking the
Path of Zen will serve as orientation and guide for anyone who is
drawn to the ways of Zen, from the simply curious to the serious Zen

With such bestsellers as A History of God and Islam, Karen Armstrong

has consistently delivered ?penetrating, readable, and prescient? (The
New York Times) works that have lucidly engaged a wide range of
religions and religious issues. In Buddha she turns to a figure whose
thought is still reverberating throughout the world 2,500 years after
his death. Many know the Buddha only from seeing countless serene,
iconic images. But what of the man himself and the world he lived
in? What did he actually do in his roughly eighty years on earth that
spawned one of the greatest religions in world history? Armstrong
tackles these questions and more by examining the life and times
of the Buddha in this engrossing philosophical biography. Against
the tumultuous cultural background of his world, she blends history,
philosophy, mythology, and biography to create a compelling and
illuminating portrait of a man whose awakening continues to inspire



Charlotte Joko Beck

Charlotte Joko Beck

Everyday Zen

Nothing special

Love & work

Living zen

Charlotte Joko Beck offers a warm, engaging, uniquely American

approach to using Zen to deal with the problems of daily living: love,
relationships, work, fear, ambition, and suffering. Everyday Zen shows
us how to live each moment to the fullest.

WHEN NOTHING IS SPECIAL, EVERYTHING CAN BE. The bestselling author of Everyday Zen shows how to awaken to daily life
and discover the ideal in the everyday, finding riches in our feelings,
relationships, and work.


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authors last name



Thomas Cleary

The zen teaching

of Bodhidharma

Soul of the

Translated by Red Pine

Modern Translations of Three

Classic Works of Zen &

This bilingual edition, the only volume of the great teachers work
currently available in English, presents four teachings in their entirety.
Outline of Practice describes the four all-inclusive habits that lead to
enlightenment, the Bloodstream Sermon exhorts students to seek the
Buddha by seeing their own nature, the Wake-up Sermon defends
his premise that the most essential method for reaching enlightenment
is beholding the mind. The original Chinese text, presented on facing
pages, is taken from a Ching dynasty woodblock edition.

In Soul of the Samurai bestselling author and respected translator

Thomas Cleary reveals the true essence of the Bushido code or
Zen warrior teachings according to 17th-century Japanese samurai
master Yagyu Munenori and his Zen teacher Takuan Soho. These
writings introduce the reader to the authentic world of Zen culture and
the secrets behind the Samurais successbeing in the moment
and freeing the mind from all distractions, allowing you to react
instantaneously and instinctively without thinking. In these classic
works we learn that Zen mental control and meditational training were
as important to the Samurai as swordsmanship and fighting skills.



Tri Thong Dang

Boye Lafayette De Mente

Beyond the known


The ultimate goal of the

marital arts

The key to understanding &

dealing with the japanese!

In a series of parables relating the experiences of an unusually

talented but otherwise typical martial artist, it calls for teachers and
practitioners of all martial arts to question their motives and goals,
to go beyond the superficial dazzle of prizes and awards, beyond
repetition of techniques, ultimately to go beyond the knownthe
ultimate goal of the martial arts. Tri Thong Dang was born in Vietnam
and studied under the revered Chiu Chuk-Kai, eighth-generation
grandmaster of the Chinese tai mantis system. In addition, he was a
practitioner of pa kua chang, hsing i chuan, qigong, and Yang style
tai chi chuan. He studied and taught martial arts worldwide and was
the author of Toward the Unknown and Beginning Tai Chi, both from
Tuttle Publishing. He was the founder and director, until his death of
Californias Budo Educational Center.

In 70 brief essays, ranging from The Art of Bowing and Importance

of the Apology to The Compulsion for Quality and Exchanging
Name-Cards, the author looks at the origin, nature, use, and influence
of kata (literally the form and order of doing things) in Japanese life
and how this cultural conditioning causes the Japanese to think and
react in the way they do. Because all relations with the Japanese are
influenced by kata, the key to dealing with the Japanese in personal,
business or political matters requires knowing how to work within the
confines of kata and when to induce or compel them to break the kata
and behave in a non-Japanese way.


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authors last name


Gichin Funakoshi

Karl E Geis


Twelve Winds

My way of life

Linking the time when karate was a strictly Okinawan art of selfdefense shrouded in the deepest secrecy and the present day, when
it has become a martial art practiced throughout the world, is Gichin
Funakoshi, the Father of Karate-do. Various forms of empty-hand
techniques have been practiced in Okinawa for centuries, but due
to the lack of historical records, fancy often masquerades as fact. In
telling of his own famous teachers-and not only of their mastery of
technique but of the way they acted in critical situations-the author
reveals what true karate is. The stories he tells about himself are no
less instructive: his determination to continue the art, after having
started it to improve his health; his perseverance in the face of
difficulties, even of poverty; his strict observance of the way of life of
the samurai; and the spirit of self-reliance that he carried into an old
age kept healthy by his practice of Karate-do.


Karl E. Geis 10th Dan Aikido 10th Dan Judo 9th Dan Jyodo The only
foreigner ever promoted by Kenji Tomiki Shihan to the rank of 6th Dan
in Aikido. One of the few foreigners promoted to the Judo rank of 4th
Dan in the Kodokan, 1967. Promoted to the rank of 6th Dan in Jyodo
by Miyake Tsunako Shihan


Bernie Glassman

Richard Strozzi Heckler

Infinite Circle

In search of the
warrior spirit

Teachings in Zen

Teaching awareness
disciplines to the green berets

In Infinite Circle, one of Americas most distinctive Zen teachers

takes a back-to-basics approach to Zen. Glassman illuminates three
key teachings of Zen Buddhism, offering line-by-line commentary
in clear, direct language: . The Heart Sutra: the Buddhas essential
discourse on emptiness, a central sutra of the Mahayana Buddhist
tradition. . The Identity of Relative and Absolute: an eighth-century
poem by Shih-tou His-chien, a key text of the Soto Zen school. The
Zen precepts: the rules of conduct for laypeople and monks. His
commentaries are based on workshops he gave as Abbot of the Zen
Community of New York, and they contain within them the principles
that became the foundation for the Greyston Mandala of community
development organizations and the Zen Peacemaker Order.

The war in Iraq has heightened interest in the military mindset and
raised questions about whether its possible to be a mindful, moral
fighter at a time when impersonal, technology based warfare reigns.
In Search of the Warrior Spirit confronts this thorny issue with Richard
Strozzi-Hecklers trademark personal, sympathetic style. In a topsecret U.S. military experiment, the author was asked to teach Eastern
awareness disciplines ranging from aikido to meditation to a group of
twenty-five Green Berets. This account chronicles his experiences in
the training program and his attempts to revive traditional warriorship
in a technological society. In Search of the Warrior Spirit explores
the nature of war, the meaning of masculinity, and the need for moral
values in the military. The book includes Hecklers response to 9/11,
his experiences with the Pentagon and U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan,
and his poignant reflections on the movie Black Hawk Down, which
depicts the deaths of two of his trainees.


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authors last name


Steven Heine

Gaku Homma

Opening a

Aikido for Life

Koans of the zen masters

With the growing popularity of Zen Buddhism in the West, virtually

everyone knows, or thinks they know, what a koan is: a brief and
baffling question or statement that cannot be solved by the logical
mind and which, after sustained concentration, can lead to sudden
enlightenment. But the truth about koans is both simpler--and more
complicated--than this. In Opening a Mountain, Steven Heine shows
that koans, and the questions we associate with them--such as
What is the sound of one hand clapping?--are embedded in larger
narratives and belong to an ancient Buddhist tradition of encounter
dialogues. These dialogues feature dramatic and often inscrutable
contests between masters and disciples, or between masters and an
array of natural and supernatural forces: rouge priests, wild foxes,
hermits, wizards, shapeshifters, magical animals, and dangerous


A teachers guide for instructing beginners of Aikido--this book

appeals to the new beginner and experienced student alike. Nippon
Kan was established in 1980 as a center for Denver residents to
experience Japanese culture. The center has since served more than
6,000 studetns wit hits variety of classes, but its core is still Aikido.
Thousands of students have benfitted from Gaku Hommas form of
dynamic Aikido.


Joe Hyams

Will Johnson

Zen in the Martial


The posture of
A practical manual for
meditators of all traditions

Under the guidance of such celebrated masters as Ed Parker and the

immortal Bruce Lee, Joe Hyams vividly recounts his more than 25
years of experience in the martial arts. In his illuminating story, Hyams
reveals to you how the daily application of Zen principles not only
developed his physical expertise but gave him the mental discipline to
control his personal problems-self-image, work pressure, competition.
Indeed, mastering the spiritual goals in martial arts can dramatically
alter the quality of your life-enriching your relationships with people, as
well as helping you make use of all your abilities.

When it comes to meditation practices, the body is as important as

the minda fact that may come as a surprise to the many people
who regard meditation as a strictly mental activity. But, as Will
Johnson shows, the physical aspect of the practice is far too often
underemphasized. The alert-yet-relaxed sitting posture that is the
common denominator of so many meditative techniques is a wonderful
aid for clearing the mind and opening the heart, but it also works to
activate the natural healing energies of both body and mind. The
author offers guidance and exercises for working with the posture of
meditation and advice on how to carry its benefits on into all the rest
of life.


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authors last name



Philip Kapleau

Dainin Katagiri

The three pillars of


Each moment is
the universe

Teaching, practice, and


Zen and the way of being time

Through explorations of the three pillars of Zen--teaching, practice,

and enlightenment--Roshi Philip Kapleau presents a comprehensive
overview of the history and discipline of Zen Buddhism. An
established classic, this 35th anniversary edition features new
illustrations and photographs, as well as a new afterword by Sensei
Bodhin Kjolhede, who has succeeded Philip Kapleau as spiritual
director of the Rochester Zen Center, one of the oldest and most
influential Zen centers in the United States.


Its easy to regard time as a commodity: we even speak of saving or

spending it. We often regard it as an enemy, when we feel it slipping
away before were ready for time to be up. The Zen view of time
is radically different than that: time is not something separate from
our life; rather, our life is time. Understand this, says Dainin Katagiri
Roshi, and you can live fully and freely right where you are in each
moment. Katagiri bases his teaching on Being Time, a text by the
most famous of all Zen masters, Eihei Dogen (1200-1253), to show
that time is a creative, dynamic process that continuously produces the
universe and everything in it: and that to understand this is to discover
a gateway to freedom from the dissatisfactions of everyday life. He
guides us in contemplating impermanence, the present moment,
and the ungraspable nature of past and future. He discusses time as
part of our inner being, made manifest through constant change in
ourselves and our surroundings.


Bruce Klickstein

Mitsuo Kure

Living Aikido


under the supervision of

Morihiro Saito

An illustrated history

Living Aikido contains excellent tips that would help sharpen the novice
technique through the advanced practitioner. In the process of reading
it, one undergoes an enlightening experience.

This book of Japanese history traces the story of a unique historical

phenomenon: a period of 700 yearsequivalent to the entire stretch
of Western history between the reigns of the Crusader king Richard
the Lionhearted and of Queen Victoria at the height of the British
Empireduring which an enclosed civilization was dominated by a
single warrior caste.


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authors last name


John Daido Loori

John Daido Loori

Bringing the
Sacred to Life

Sitting with Koans

The daily practice of zen ritual

essential writings on
the practice of zen koan

Zen rituals, such as chanting, bowing, lighting incense before the

Buddha statue, are ways of recognizing the sacredness in all of life. A
ritual is simply a deliberate and focused moment that symbolizes the
care with which we should be approaching all of life, and practicing
the Zen liturgy is a way of cultivating this quality of attention in order
to bring it to everything we do. Here, John Daido Loori demystifies
the details of the Zen rituals and highlights their deeper meaning and
purpose. We humans are all creatures of ritual, he teaches, whether
we recognize it or not. Even if we dont make ritual part of some
religious observance, we still fall into ritual behavior, whether it be our
daily grooming sequence or the way we have our morning coffee and
paper. The book includes instructions for a simple Zen home liturgy, as
it is practiced by students of the Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen.


The Zen tradition has just two main meditative practices: shikantaza,
or just sitting; and introspection guided by the powerful Zen teaching
stories called koans. Following in the tradition of The Art of Just Sitting
(endorsed as a A book we have needed for a long, long time), this
new anthology from John Daido Loori illuminates the subtle practice of
koan study from many different points of view.


Albert Low

Dave Lowry

Hakuin on Kensho

In the Dojo

The four ways of knowing

A guide to the rituals and

etiquette of the Japanese
marital arts

Hakuins short text on kensho, Four Ways of Knowing of an

Awakened Person is a little-known Zen classic. The four ways he
describes include the way of knowing of the Great Perfect Mirror, the
way of knowing equality, the way of knowing by differentiation, and
the way of the perfection of action. Rather than simply being methods
for checking for enlightenment in oneself, these ways ultimately
exemplify Zen practice. Albert Low has provided careful, line-by-line
commentary for the text that illuminates its profound wisdom and
makes it an inspiration for deeper spiritual practice.

Beginning students in Japanese martial arts, such as karate, judo,

aikido, iaido, kyudo, and kendo, learn that when they are in the dojo
(the practice space), they must don their practice garb with ritual
precision, address their teacher and senior students in a specific
way, and follow certain unwritten but deeply held codes of behavior.
But very soon they begin to wonder about the meaning behind the
traditions, gear, and relationships in the dojo. In this collection of
lively, detailed essays, Dave Lowry, one of the most well-known and
respected swordsmen in the United States, illuminates the history
and meaning behind the rituals, training costumes, objects, and
relationships that have such profound significance in Japanese martial


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Dave Lowry

Dave Lowry

Moving toward

The essence of

Lessons in daily life from the

martial ways of japan

a practitioners guide to
understanding the japanese
martial ways

Drawing from his highly regarded magazine columns in Black Belt

magazine, author Dave Lowry sets out lessons that not only guide us
to a deeper understanding of the social values and moral imperatives
that are the ancient heart of budo, but speak to us also of the universal
nature of those values and of how they remain relevant to us, in the
modern West. Among the 45 chapters of this martial arts philosophy
book youll find lessons addressing everything from such well-known
martial concepts as one encounter, one chance to the art of being
alone, from strategy for the modern-day battlefield to the luxury
of anger, from subduing the self and bending like the bamboo to
maintaining an unwavering calm in the face of death.


Taizan Maezumi

Appreciate your
The essence of zen practice

Here is the first major collection of the teachings of Taizan Maezumi

Roshi (1931-1995), one of the first Japanese Zen masters to bring
Zen to the West and founding abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles
and Zen Mountain Center in Idyllwild, California. These short, inspiring
readings illuminate Zen practice in simple, eloquent language. Topics
include zazen and Zen koans, how to appreciate your life as the life
of the Buddha, and the essential matter of life and death. Appreciate
Your Life conveys Maezumi Roshis unique spirit and teaching style,
as well as his timeless insights into the practice of Zen. Never satisfied
with merely conveying ideas, his teisho, the Zen talks he gave weekly
and during retreats, evoked personal questions from his students.
Maezumi Roshi insisted that his students address these questions in
their own lives. As he often said, Be intimate with your life.

The study of budo, or Japanese martial arts for self-cultivation, is a

lifelong path toward achieving perfect balance in body, mind, and
spirit. Here, Dave Lowry, who has pursued that path for over forty
years, addresses the myriad issues, vagaries, and inconsistencies
that arise for students of karate-do, judo, kendo, aikido, iaido and
other Japanese martial arts, classical and modern, as their training
develops. Lowry also gives practical advice on improving structural
integrity in posture and movement; focusing under stress; stances and
preparatory actions before engaging with an opponent; and telling a
good teacher from a bad one. Both beginning and advanced students
of Japanese martial arts will appreciate Lowrys take on the real issues
and experiences that they encounter in practice.


Taizan Maezumi, Bernie


On Zen practice
Body, Breath & Mind

This updated landmark volume makes available for the first time in
decades the teachings that were formative to a whole generation of
American Zen teachers and students. Conceived as an overarching
primer on the practice of Zen, chapters in this volume address every
aspect of practice: beginning practice, shikantaza, chanting, sesshin,
working with Mu, and the nature of koans. In the intervening years
since the publication of the earlier edition, countless books have
appeared on Zen. Few, if any, have approached the strengths of On
Zen Practice as a reference or teaching tool, and the book retains a
lively, immediate quality that will appeal to todays readers.


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Richard Bryan McDaniel

Miyamoto Musashi

Zen Masters of

A book of five

The First Step East: Zen

stories collected and retold

The classic guide to strategy

Zen Masters of China presents more than 300 traditional Zen stories
and koans, far more than any other collection. Retelling them in their
proper place in Zens historical journey through Buddhist Chinese
culture, it also tells a larger story: how, in taking the first step east
from India to China, Buddhism began to be Zen. The stories of Zen
are unlike any other writing, religious or otherwise. Used for centuries
by Zen teachers as aids to bring about or deepen the experience of
awakening, they have a freshness that goes beyond religious practice
and a mystery and authenticity that appeal to a wide range of readers.
Zen Masters of China is first and foremost a collection of mind-bending
Zen stories and their wisdom. More than that, without academic
pretensions or baggage, it recounts the genealogy of Zen Buddhism in
China and, through koan and story, illuminates how Zen became what
it is today.


A Book Of Five Rings (The Classic Guide to Strategy) Translated from

the Japanese by Victor Harris


Miyamoto Musashi

Diane Eshin Rizzetto

The book of five


Waking up to what
you do

A new translation by Thomas


A zen practice for meeting

every situation with
intelligence and compassion

The Book of Five Rings is one of the most insightful texts on the
subtle arts of confrontation and victory to emerge from Asian culture.
Written not only for martial artists but for anyone who wants to apply
the timeless principles of this text to their life, the book analyzes the
process of struggle and mastery over conflict that underlies every
level of human interaction. The Book of Five Rings was composed
in 1643 by the famed duelist and undefeated samurai Miyamoto
Musashi. Thomas Clearys translation is immediately accessible, with
an introduction that presents the spiritual background of the warrior
tradition. Along with Musashis text, Cleary translates here another
important Japanese classic on leadership and strategy, The Book
of Family Traditions on the Art of War by Yagyu Munenori, which
highlights the ethical and spiritual insights of Taoism and Zen as they
apply to the way of the warrior.

Life is rising up to meet us at every moment. The question is: Are

we there to meet it or not? Diane Rizzetto presents a simple but
supremely effective practice for meeting every moment of our lives
with mindfulness, using the Zen precepts as tools to develop a keen
awareness of the motivations behind every aspect of our behavior,
to wake up to what we do from moment to moment. As we train in
mindfulness of our actions, every situation of our lives becomes our
teacher, offering priceless insight into what it really means to be happy.
Its a simple practice with transformative potential, enabling us to
break through our habitual reactions and to see clearly how our own
happiness and well-being are intimately, inevitably connected to the
happiness and well-being of everyone around us.


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Mitsugi Saotome

Katsuki Sekida

The principles of

Zen training
methods and philosophy

Mitsugi Saotomea principal student of Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder

of Aikidoexplains the philosophy and practice of the popular martial
art, which emphasizes harmony and peaceful resolution of conflict.
Over one thousand photographs illustrate the basic principles and
techniques, including the use if the wooden sword, the wooden staff,
and empty hand techniques. The reader is given guidance in the
proper physical, mental, and spiritual attitudes with which to approach
this practice and in ways to apply the wisdom of Aikido to everyday life.
Also included are lectures by the founder himself.


Zen Training is a comprehensive handbook for zazen, seated

meditation practice, and an authoritative presentation of the Zen
path. The book marked a turning point in Zen literature in its critical
reevaluation of the enlightenment experience, which the author
believes has often been emphasized at the expense of other important
aspects of Zen training. In addition, Zen Training goes beyond the first
flashes of enlightenment to explore how one lives as well as trains in
Zen. The author also draws many significant parallels between Zen
and Western philosophy and psychology, comparing traditional Zen
concepts with the theories of being and cognition of such thinkers as
Heidegger and Husserl.


Abbo Zenkei Shibayama

Gozo Shioda

A flower does not


Dynamic Aikido

Zen essays

The study of Zen today is helping an ever-increasing number of

Westerners bewildered by the tensions, travail, and convulsions
ravaging the world, to find a truer understanding of humanity and
a higher level of spiritual and ethical development. The abbot of
the Nanzenji Monastery in Kyoto, Japan, the Reverend Zenkei
Shibayama, who has lectured in the United States and is cognizant
of Western ways, has prepared these introductory essays particularly
for the English-speaking peoples of the West. He describes the basic
characteristics of Zen, the training it calls for, and the Zen personality.
he then presents three typical Zen writings along with copious
explanatory notes.

Ancient theory, modern practice: Dynamic Aikido brings together the

whole spectrum of theoretical and applied aikido. Through it, one can
become perfectly attuned to ones opponent, can sense his intentions
and turn his movements to ones own advantage. Comprehensive
and fully illustrated, Dynamic Aikido presents the basic postures and
stances, fundamental techniques and applications: how to cope with a
frontal attack, how to avoid an attack from the rear, how to sense and
thwart the pickpocket. An essential companion for every beginner, a
vital reference for students of all levels



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Elihu Genmyo Smith

John Stevens

Everything is the


Ordinary mind zen

The way of harmony

These days, when Zen has become a kind of shorthand for anything
thats enigmatic or aesthetically spare, its refreshing be reminded that
Zen is at heart a practice for waking up from the dream we inhabit_in
order to free ourselves from the suffering the dream imposes on us.
Elihu Genmyo Smiths eminently practical Zen teaching never loses
sight of that central concern: Whether it takes the form of zazen
(meditation), koan work, or just eating your breakfast, the aim of Zen
practice is always nothing other than intimacy with ourselves and
everything around us.


This definitive, profusely illustrated manual covers the essential

elements of the philosophy and practice of Aikido, the Japanese
martial art that has been embraced by modern psychology and many
Western bodywork therapies. Useful to the beginner and experienced
practitioner alike, the book details the traditional methods and
techniques of Shirata Rinjiro, of whom John Stevens is a principal
student. Noted for the precise execution of a wide range of techniques
and an emphasis on Aikido as a spiritual path, Shirata Senseis
teachings exemplify the way of the warrior: superior technical prowess
combined with profound spiritual insight.


Isabel Stirling

Shunryu Suzuki

Zen Pioneer: The

Life & Works of
Ruther Fuller

Zen mind,
beginners mind

Ruth Fuller Sasaki, who died in 1967, was a pivotal figure in the
emergence and development of Zen Buddhism in the United States.
She is the only Westerner, and the only woman, to be made a priest
of a Daitoku-ji temple and was mentor to Burton Watson, Philip
Yampolsky, and Gary Snyder, and mother-in-law of Alan Watts. This
is the first biography of her remarkable life. Few devoted their lives
to Zen Buddhism as Ruth Fuller did. As a senior student of Sokei-an
Sasaki in New York, Ruth helped him develop the infrastructure of
what would eventually become The First Zen Institute in New York
City. She married Sasaki in 1944, and it was her mission to maintain
The First Zen Institute and later, to establish The First Zen Institute of
America in Japan. Her legacy remains today in the Zen facilities she
helped build in New York and abroad and in the many texts she saw
through translation, published from the 1950s to the 1970s. For the
first time in book form, three of her writings are included here: Zen:
A Religion, Zen: A Method for Religious Awakening, and Rinzai Zen
Study for Foreigners in Japan.

Informal talks on Zen

meditation and practice

In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, but in the experts
there are few. So begins this most beloved of all American Zen
books. Seldom has such a small handful of words provided a teaching
as rich as has this famous opening line. In a single stroke, the simple
sentence cuts through the pervasive tendency students have of getting
so close to Zen as to completely miss what its all about. An instant
teaching on the first page. And thats just the beginning.



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Morihei Ueshiba

Brad Warner


Hardcore zen

Teachings of the founder of


Punk rock monster movies &

the truth about reality

Morihei Ueshiba is rightly known as one of the worlds greatest martial

artists for his creation of aikido, the synthesis of his superb technique
and his profound spiritual insight into the nature of the universe. Aikido
is much more than just another fighting style, it is a holistic approach
to life that Morihei described as a divine path inspired by the gods that
leads to truth, goodness, and beauty. Sadly, Morihei left few writings
to explain his martial arts philosophy, preferring to teach his disciples
by direct example.


This is not your typical Zen book. Brad Warner, a young punk who
grew up to be a Zen master, spares no one. This bold new approach
to the Why? of Zen Buddhism is as strongly grounded in the tradition
of Zen as it is utterly revolutionary. Warners voice is hilarious, and
he calls on the wisdom of everyone from punk and pop culture icons
to the Buddha himself to make sure his points come through loud
and clear. As it prods readers to question everything, Hardcore Zen
is both an approach and a departure, leaving behind the soft and
lyrical for the gritty and stark perspective of a new generation. The
volume concludes with a series of action photographs of the founder
demonstrating aikido techniques, taken at a private dojo in Tokyo in
1936. This section also includes selected photographs of Morihei in
action in 1951. The more than 400 historic photographs shown here
provide an unequalled opportunity to observe the lifelong devotion to
aikido and the continuity of performance that characterized Moriheis
approach to his art.

Brad Warner

Brad Warner

Sit down and shut


Zen wrapped in
karma dipped in

Punk rock commentaries on

Buddha, God, Truth, Sex,
Death, & Dogens Treasury of
the Right Dharma Eye
In Sit Down and Shut Up, Brad Warner tackles one of the great
works of Zen literature, the Shobogenzo by 13th-century Zen master
Dogen. Illuminating Dogens enigmatic teachings in plain language,
Warner intertwines sharp philosophical musings on sex, evil, anger,
meditation, enlightenment, death, God, sin, and happiness with an
exploration of the power and pain of the punk rock ethos. Riffing on his
triumphant return to Ohio for a reunion concert of Akron punk bands,
Brad uncovers the real heart of Zen, in teachings and stories with a
sharp smack of truth,.

A trip through death, sex,

divorce, and spiritual celebrity
in search of the true Dharma
How does a real-life Zen master, not the preternaturally calm,
cartoonish Zen masters depicted by mainstream culture, help others
through hard times when hes dealing with pain of his own? How does
he meditate when the world is crumbling around him? Is meditation
a valid response or just another form of escapism? These are the
questions Brad Warner ponders in Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in
Chocolate. During a year that Warner spent giving talks and leading
retreats across North America, his mother and grandmother died, he
lost his dream job, and his marriage fell apart. In writing about how he
applied the Buddhas teachings to his own real-life suffering, Warner
shatters expectations, revealing that Buddhism isnt some esoteric piein-the-sky ultimate solution but an exceptionally practical way to deal
with whatever life dishes out.



sorted by:

authors last name


Alan Watts

Philip B Yampolsky

The Way of Zen

the platform
sutra of the sixth

The text of the tun-huang

manuscript, translated, with
In his definitive introduction to Zen Buddhism, Alan Watts explains the
principles and practices of this ancient religion to Western readers.
With a rare combination of freshness and lucidity, he delves into the
origins and history of Zen to explain what it means for the world today
with incredible clarity. Watts saw Zen as, one of the most precious gifts
of Asia to the world, and in The Way of Zen he gives this gift to readers

The Platform Sutra records the teachings of Hui-neng, the Sixth

Patriarch, who is revered as one of the two great figures in the
founding of Chan (Zen) Buddhism. This translation is the definitive
English version of the eighth-century Chan classic. Dr. Yampolsky also
furnishes a lengthy and detailed historical introduction that provides
the context essential to an understanding of Hui-nengs work.


Polly Young-Eisendrath,
Rafe Martin

Awakening to Zen

The teachings of Roshi Philip


When Roshi Philip Kapleau returned to the United States in 1966, after
thirteen years of training in Japan with two of the countrys greatest
masters of Zen, he did not come home empty-handed -- he brought
us a living word of Zen, Kenneth Kraft has said. The first Westerner
fully and naturally at home with Zen, Roshi Kapleau has made it
his lifes work to translate Zen Buddhism into an American idiom,
to take Zens essence and plant it in American soil. Four decades
later, the seeds of Zen that Roshi Kapleau planted have blossomed.
Zen flourishes and Roshi Kapleau continues to help people find
enlightenment and fulfillment within, not outside, their daily lives. True
awakening, Roshi Kapleau has said, is not a high that keeps one
in the clouds of an abstract oneness, but a realization that brings one
solidly down to earth into the world of toil and struggle.


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