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My Name

The City, USA 123-456-7890

Community College, The City, USA 2010-2014
Associate of Science, General Education, May 2014
Deans Honor Roll 2010-2014
State University School(non-research based), A Different City, USA 2014-2016
Bachelor of Science, Management Information Systems, Summer 2016
Information Systems Student Association 2015-2016



Working of TCP/IP, OSI layers, subnetting, packet analysis, routing, switching,

Projects: Plan out Network implementation for small business (two subnets, DMZ,
with multiple
routers and switches researched and then created in Visio). Use Wireshark to analyze
packets and
their protocols such as HTTP, FTP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, SMTP, FTP.

Information Systems Analysis and Design


Proficient in Microsoft Office tools(Excel, Word, Access, Powerpoint, Visio, and Project)
Troubleshooting common computer/network errors (printers, firewalls, network error,

Capstone Project: Created a sales system function for a delivery app service.
Prepared an
Gantt Chart, ERD, Decomposition Diagram, DFD, outputs, inputs, implementation and

SQL/Oracle 11g/Access/ Databases

Relational data modeling, entity relationship diagram, Structured Query Language

data extraction, DDL, and DML using Oracle Database 11g
Projects: Using SQL to create scripts for an order entry screen, various reports and
selecting, updating, adding, and deleting records in a table.

Application and cross-platform Mobile App development work (using Kivy
Projects: Creating simple calculator app with add, subtract, multiply and divide.
Created counter
app increasing a number on screen when clicking on + button and subtracting when
button. Reset all variables button which reset all counters on screen to 0.


Understanding of policies, procedures, CIA triad risks, threats, vulnerabilities,

penetration testing,
common types of attacks (SQL injection, cross-site scripting, phishing, DDoS, known
etc), disaster recovery and business continuity plans, IPS and IDS, firewalls,
encryption, access
controls, segmentation, logging, monitoring, incident response and digital forensics.
Projects: Use Wireshark analyze packets for vulnerabilities. Used Nmap to scan
network to map
their hosts and services used on the network.

button. Reset all variables button which reset all counters on screen to 0.

Professional Business Communications

Received a Certification of Excellence for scoring an 80% or higher on the Grammar
and Essential Mechanics exam.

CSX Cybersecurity Fundamentals ISACA - Certification Number: 2016-996243 - CSXF

Professional Organizations
ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association)

General Work Experience

xxxxx PT Aide July 2010 - January 2013
Provide assistance to patients through exercises prescribed by the therapist.
xxxx Sales Associate August 2013 - December 2014
Provide customer service to customers. Use end user database to find
missing UPC number.
xxxx Student Server August 2015 Present
Serve and wait on hungry students. Bus and wipe down dirty tables.

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