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Description of CV6 Central Lock Controllers Leaning Function

Descripcion del proceso de programacion cierre centralizado Benni

CV6 Central Lock Controller has self leaning function. In case of missing code during use
(namely it is unable to open vehicle door normally through remote controller and others of
central control system are normal), re-leaning can be carried out for up to two remote
controllers. The leaning procedures are as follows:
1 1 15
1. Close four doors in place; after re-energize central control principal machine (reenergize 1 minute after de-energization), open and close left front door three times in 15
s (open---close---open---close---open---close).
1-.Cierre las 4 puertas . Luego de un minuto abra 3 veces la puerta del piloto en 15
segundos. ( abra cierreabracierre--abracierreabra-cierre).
2 3 30

2. After above operation, the direction indication lamp will flash three times and this means
entering of leaning. In the coming 30s, press any key of first remote controller and
direction indication lamp will flash once; then press any key of another remote controller
and direction indication lamp will flash once; then exit leaning status and direction
indication lamp will flash once.
2 Despus de esta operacin las luces del hazard (ubicadas en el tablero velocmetro
parpadearan 3 veces, esto indica que el proceso de aprendizaje a comenzado.
En los prximos 30 s, presione cualquier botn del cierre de la llave, los hazard
parpadean nuevamente.

Observe flash of instrument indicator

3 30
3. Conditions for exiting leaning status: open any door and there is no leaning of remote
controller within 30s.

3 En los prximos 30 s abra cualquier puerta y el proceso de aprendizaje terminara

Pushbutton of central lock control switch

Ignition switch with central lock remote

Pushbutton of central lock self learning


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