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Examples of AT Observable Behaviors

Curious about information; inquisitive; doesn't accept information at first glance; questions and pushes for more
information; likes to "stump" people with hard questions; enjoys questions with "shock value"
Learns at faster rate than his/her peer group; absorbs more with less practice; able to accelerate his/her learning;
displays eagerness to do work; may show reluctance to do some assignments because he/she already "knows" content
or skill
Thirsts for knowledge; displays a great deal of curiosity about many things; is constantly asking questions about
anything and everything
Develops high standards and expectations of self; self-starter who needs little supervision; has self control; may be a
Is creative in finding relationships between/among diverse ideas and events; highly creative and may have difficulty
relating to peers
Doesn't mind consequences of being different; is not afraid to try something new; is adventurous and speculative in
his/her thinking; is a risk-taker
Sticks to task; gets job done; doesnt give up easily even when things are difficult
Loves ambiguity; able and willing to find and solve problems; does not need specific directions; may set own goals that
surpass teacher's expectations
Deeply interested in many things; is good at many things; loves to learn new things
Excellent facility with language; can elaborate on thoughts and ideas; uses appropriate methods and styles of
communication to match purpose; may have trouble listening while others talk
Criticizes constructively in socially acceptable manner; unwilling to accept authoritarian pronouncements without critical
examinations; uninhibited in expressions of opinion
Generates creative or unusual ideas or solutions to problems and questions; offers unusual, clever responses

Recognizes mathematical patterns and generalizations beyond grade level curriculum

Uses correct mathematical language
Independently applies ideas from one mathematical problem to another
Intuitively knows the answer to mathematical problems without seeming to go through all the steps
Enjoys analyzing and solving more difficult problems
Persists in his/her search for solutions to complex or messy problems
Has a vast knowledge base of mathematical content
Has a keen awareness as to the rightness and wrongness of a solution
Works, communicates, and justifies mathematical concepts in creative and intuitive ways, both orally and in
Applies estimation and mental computation strategies
Enjoys talking about ideas or feelings generated by what is read or what is read to him or her
Is verbally proficient
Enjoys difficult reading material
Reads critically (i.e. reads with careful judgment and consideration)
Uses similes, metaphors, or analogies to express insights.
Makes various text-to-world connections from readings
Highly developed social conscience; concern for social issues and problems; awareness of global issues
Perceives patterns and themes in literature; sees the "big picture"
Meets grade level writing expectations
Displays intellectual playfulness; plays with language by using figurative language or puns for humorous
effect; uses language in unusual or novel ways

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