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Campaign Notes Those That Came Before

Players and Characters
Pete: Dirge. Alive. Drow. Mage (A "Hazard-Class" mage) (see SGtS, p.39).
Dee: Temi. Deceased (Natural Causes, Greatly Aged). Human. Cleric.
Scott: Collin. Deceased (Fell off a cliff during a fight with Shanka/Flatheads). Human. Cleric.
Pet Familiar: Rutger (Raven)
Ray: Akira. Deceased (Natural Causes, Greatly Aged). Human. Ronin (Fighter).
Peter: Peter Ichianna. Deceased (Natural Causes). Human. Moss (jedi-ish).
Mark: Caer. Deceased (Natural Causes, Blade in the Belly). Human. Ranger. Part of 3rd
John (Ox): Cain. Was the wargod Kysra in disguise.
The Wider World Noble NPCs The Rulers
Queen Alara: Deceased. Lady of the Valley of Four Winds. Human. Fighter.
Princess Cassiopeia: Deceased. Blind. Human. No Class.
Princesses ?: Unknown. Human. No Class. Traded by Caer to Meron (god) for information
about Cassies whereabouts.
King: Deceased. Dead in Castle Pete and Ray Found. Human. Fighter.
King: Deceased. Was being framed for the caravan attack. Human. Fighter.
Emperor: Vecna. Party tried to assassinate with poison glass cloud. Human. Mage. Undead.
King: Deceased. Party attempted to knife. Staff of Magi detonated. Human. Mage.
Thieves World Sanctuary NPCs
Roxane. Deceased. Deaths Queen. Human. Witch. Started off as just a villain in cahoots with
the Demons. may link to the Raven Queen, but that would make her a bit more... "good" than I
want her. (SGtS, pgs 123-124)
Tempus Thales. Human. Immortal. Stepsons Leader. Holds a grudge against all mages. Serves
Vashanka (Rankan God of War, an aspect of Kysra the Wargod) gave him speed, strength and
rapid healing in exchange for service. (SGtS, pgs 128-129)
Cime: Human. Immortal. Tempus sister. (SGtS, pg 93)
Ischade. Human. Mage/Witch. Cursed, lovers die. (SGtS, pgs 103-104)
Jubal. Deceased. Human. Ex-slave. Ex-Gladiator. Crimelord. (SGtS, pgs 103-104)
Kama. Deceased. Human. Leader of 3rd Commando. Tempus' barely acknowledged daughter.
(SGtS, pgs 108-109).
Prince Kadakithis: Deceased. The brother to the emperor. Lived in Sanctuary. (SGtS, pg 22)
Thieves World - Sanctuary - Organizations
Stepsons: Calvary. (SGtS, pgs 32-33)
3rd Commando: Founded by Tempus. Specializes in killing witches and their minions. (SGtS, pg
Hawk Masks: Jubal's enforcers. Protects his activities, deliveries and payments. (SGtS, pgs 3637)
Hell Hounds: Prince Kadikathis Special Forces. (SGtS, pgs 31-32)
The Universe - Gods and Devils
With the gods whittled down to a handful, the remains start fighting amongst themselves,
making power grabs.
The Raven Queen
The Raven Queen would later solidify her power base during the War of Winter, when she
demanded the portfolio of winter in exchange for slaying the rebel goddess Khala.
The Raven Queen thus joined the ranks of those gods who control the seasons, the others
being Corellon (spring), Pelor (summer) and Sehanine (autumn).
At some point, the Raven Queen assisted Corellon in his war against Lolth; as a reward,
she demanded power over fate, which had previously been in Lolth's portfolio.

Campaign Notes Those That Came Before

The Raven Queen counts few personal enemies (or friends) among the gods. She is the
only god on "friendly" terms with Torog, but even she keeps the King That Crawls at arm's
length. Her most hated foe is Orcus, the Demon Prince of the Undead, who constantly
schemes to slay her and take her portfolio.

Orcus wants to take The Raven Queens Domain of Death from her (he already has the
Domain of Undeath/Undead)


Lolth wants Torog (The King That Crawls) Domain as God of the Underdark to solidify her
control of the Drow

Torog, The King that Crawls

Vecna is the king they tried to kill with the toxic cloud. He wants to become a god, to be
last Lich standing.
"The Chained God" or the Elder Elemental Eye (aka Tharizdun ):
Tharizdun is described as creating the Abyss and the demons that live there by corrupting
a portion of the elemental chaos using a shard of pure evil.
For this, all the other gods (good, unaligned and evil alike) banded together to seal him
away in an extraplanar prison.
Tharizdun is not mentioned by name (in the books) due to the fact that his existence is
not widely known to mortals.
Those who do know of Tharizdun refer to him euphemistically as the Chained God.
Most of Tharizdun's followers are elementals or have ties to elementals, and refer to him
as the Elder Elemental Eye.
Torog - The King that Crawls (underdark god)
Agat: Demon Ray was chasing. Killed Ray's lord (Lord Ozaki).
Imprisoned in a sword on the darkside of the moon.
Agent of The Chained God.
The Universe The Others
Githyanki The Planes Above (pgs 94-97)
Slaad The Planes Below (pgs 62-63)
Orks of Kor or maybe The Horde: The domain of what was left of the non-human army. Orks,
Ogres, Cyclops, Hobgoblins, Goblins. Led by Gren Razortooth (Ruglud's relation, or maybe use
the name Bloodhand).
The original groups that were the start of this horde were:
Rugluds Armored Orcs (see faction information below)
Billidum and the Ogre Marauders of Spiderhaunt
Harag Skullsmasher and his Gnoll Raiders
Warforged: Warforged arent living constructs; theyre powered by necrotic energy, specifically
the distilled essence of trapped souls, which is why the Raven Queen cannot abide their
Dragonborne: Born from eggs that were buried in the volcano fortress of Roxanne. Eggs were
uncovered when they teleported the Temple out of the volcano (it landed on the Bucket of Blood
II alehouse).
The First Law Trilogy

Campaign Notes Those That Came Before

The First Law: It is forbidden to touch the Other Side direct. Forbidden to communicate with the
world below, forbidden to summon demons, forbidden to open gates to hell.
Second Law: "It is forbidden to eat the flesh of men".
The Hundred Words: Eaters have broken Euz' Second Law: "It is forbidden to eat the flesh of
"The gifts are different for each of us. Strength, and speed, and endurance beyond the limits of
the human. Some of us can take forms, or trick the eye, or even use the Art, the way that Juvens
taught his apprentices. The gifts are different for each of us, but the curse is the same.
Shadowspawns Guide to Sanctuary
The First Law Wiki

Campaign Notes Those That Came Before

Rugluds Armored Orcs
The Crooked Eye Orcs had travelled many miles westward to the Old World, suffering the sniping
of mountain Goblins, incessant rain, and the endless whining of Bambrag, their incontinent
Once, they skirted a ruined Dwarfhold. Fear of spirits kept them from sheltering inside, but, a
single Orc Hero named Ruglud had dared to enter. He returned unharmed, but had not spoken
since, and stated blankly into space.
The Orcs huddled in the rain before a rough stone wall across a narrow pass, while Chief Gudruk
Bonechewer yelled at a figure on the battlements.
'Stoopid!', he screamed, 'Do we look like Chaos boys?'
'Zog off!' echoed the reply.
Gudruk returned to the tribe, dodging the hall of stones and garbage that accompanied this witty
'Lissen,' he said. 'Them kak-'ead Gobboes reckon the Chaos boys took ev'ryfink over. They ain't
comin' out an' they ain't lettin' nuffink through. They got bows an' rocks an' spears an' stuff - if
we was to try and get 'em, they'd crump us to bits.' He thought for a while.
'We needs volunteers', he announced at length. His warriors developed a sudden and compelling
interest in the ground at their feet.
'Or armour', whined Bambrag, 'Couldn't touch us if we 'ad cans like real Chaos boys.'
'We ain't got cans, 'ave we, Trickle-legs?' snarled Gudruk.
'Cans... jus' lyin' where they dropped... all black an' spiky.'
It was Ruglud who spoke. Gudruk gave him a good shake to speed the recovery of his senses,
and he continued dreamily.
'Down this Stunty-hole... lotsa rooms ... lost... big room... big enough to stand up in ... big pile of
bones an' gear... spiky Stunties an' reg'lar ones... wiped each uvver out...'
'Yerrrss!' cried Gudruk, 'We'll 'ave some o' that! Come on, boys - it's Goblin-gizzard for supper!'.
A swift expedition returned to the Dwarfhold. The ill-fitting plates were roughly hammered into
shape and held together with whatever came to hand. By nightfall, a small unit of armoured
warriors was ready.
As the gear's discoverer and the bravest, meanest and certainly the most stupid Orc, Ruglud was
made leader, At Gudruk's suggestion, Bambrag became the regimental musician on the
Xylobone, a traditional Orcish instrument, and Maggot - Gudruk's youngest and most irritating
whelp - joined the ranks as standard-bearer.
The tribe feasted upon Goblin-flesh long into the night - all except for Ruglud, who couldn't get
his helmet off, and was reduced to sucking broth through a straw.
Gudruk is equipped with heavy armour and a two-handed sword.
Ruglud is equipped with heavy armour, a shield and is armed with two swords.

Campaign Notes Those That Came Before

Bambrag is Musician
Maggot is Standard bearer

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