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Mobile Phone
Ploy, Taiji, Nut, Kul

The Brick Phone

The real name is Motorola DynaTac 8000X, it
was first released by Martin Cooper in 1983.
It was called The Brick Phone, because
228.6*127*44.4nm and weighed over 1.1 kg.
It could call maximum for 30 minutes, could
have 30 contacts in a phone, but have to
charge for over 10 hours.
The price back then was$3995(139,825baht)

The Clamshell Phone

The Clamshell Phone or another name
called The MicroTAC 9800X
The MicroTAC full name is The Micro Total
Area Coverage.
The MicroTac is a first motorola phone that
is released on April 25 , 1989.
This Phone have it own identity , which was
the smallest phone ever and was a a lot
cheaper than Motorola DynaTac 8000X. It
was $995(34,825) cheaper.

Satellite Phone

Satellite Phone sometimes called a satphone.

The first satellite phone was created in 1990 by
a company called Inmarsat. They created this
phone for marine vessels.
Its size used to be large, but now it have the
size of a regular cell phone.
They can be use anywhere around the world
because they used orbiting satellites.
There are three networks that are still in

The Candybar
The candybar phone was first released in 1993.
Its shape and size was like a chocolate bar,
and they got the name from it.
It was very popular in 2000-2003. During that
period, almost half of the phones being
announced was candybar phone.
Nokia and Sony Ericsson were the most
successful company to made the phone.

PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant.
It was first introduced in 1993, by John
Scully, the CEO of Apple.
It came in the pocket size, and the CEO also
promised that the price would be less than
It is more advance phone that could plug-in
memory card, recognize handwritings, and
could use email in the phone.

Motorola Razr or Razr were developed in July 2003.
They were released in the market in late 2004.
Its a thin good looking flip phone and was very
fashionable at that time.
The first version of this series was V3.

BlackBerry is a smartphones made by BlackBerry
Limited, or Research In Motion Limited (RIM).
BlackBerry 850 was the first BlackBerry device
introduced in 1999.
It support email and HTML browser.
Later, BlackBerry 5810 was introduced. It was the
first model with phone capabilities, but a headset
was required.

Hiptop (T-Mobile Sidekick)

Hiptop is a Slide/Flip/Spin Phone.
Its created by a company called Danger
In September 2001, Danger released the first
official version of the Hiptop.
The following year, in October 2002, T-Mobile
released the Hiptop under a rebranded namethe

The Smart Phone (Iphone)

IPhone is a serie of smartphone made by Apple
The first iPhone was released in 2007. At that
time, touch screen mobile phone became popular
since then.
The iPhone operated by IOS or Iphone OS. Which
is a mobile operating system made by Apple Inc.
Smartphone became widespread in the 21st


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