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1. It is the act of committing the crime.

A. Mens Rea
B. Actus Reus
C. Abberatio Ictus
D. Pro Reo
2. It is the mental knowledge of committing the crime.
A. Mens Rea
B. Actus Reus
C. Abberatio Ictus
D. Pro Reo
3. In Latin, It literally mean "Stand by things decided".
A. Abberatio Ictus
B. Pro Reo
C. Stare Decisis
D. Actus Reus
4. It involves community supervision in lieu of prison.
A. Parole
B. Probation
C. Community Service
D. Incarceration
5. It entails the supervised release of offenders after they have
served a portion of their sentence.
A. Parole
B. Probation
C. Community service
D. Incarceration
6. Behaviors that are law violations only for youth of juvenile
A. Misdemeanor
B. Minor offenses
C. Delinquency offenses
D. Status Offenses
7. It is an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult could
be prosecuted in criminal court.
A. Misdemeanor
B. Minor Offenses
C. Delinquency Offenses
D. Status Offenses
8. The 3 Components of the American Criminal Justice system.
A. Police, Prosecution, Community
B. Police, Courts, Community
C. Police, Prosecution, courts
D. Police, Courts, Corrections
9. One of the following is a status offense.
A. Prostitution
B. Truancy
C. Theft
D. Robbery
10. Which of the following is not a status offense.
A. Prostitution
B. Truancy

C. Curfew Violations
D. Underage Drinking
11. The Scientific study of the causes, consequences, prevention,
and control, and treatment of crime and delinquency.
A. Penology
B. Correction
C. Criminology
D. Sociology
12. The Systematic, organized effort by society to punish offenders,
protect the public and change the offenders behavior.
A. Penology
B. Correction
C. Criminology
D. Sociology
13. Prescribed consequences intended to reinforce peoples
conformity to norms.
A. Sanctions
B. Social Norm
C. Deviance
D. Norm
14. A Rule that makes clear what behavior is appropriate and
expected in a particular situation.
A. Sanctions
B. Social Norm
C. Deviance
D. norm
15. The Violation of a norm.
A. Sanctions
B. Social Norm
C. Deviance
D. Norm
16. A Rule that specifies how people are expected to behave.
A. Sanctions
B. Social Norm
C. Deviance
D. Norm
17. An Act that is criinal because it is prohibited by law.
A. Statutory Crime
B. Mala Prohibita
C. Mala In Se
D. Offense
18. A Statutory crime that reflects public opinion at a moment
in time.
A. Sanctions
B. Mala Prohibita
C. Mala In Se
D. Offense
19. A Behavior categorized as morally wrong or evil in itself.
A. sanctions
B. Mala Prohibita
C. Mala In Se
D. Offense
20. Bases its decisions on precedence.
A. Common Law
B. Statutory Law

C. Procedural Law
D. Political Law
21. It means incapable of criminal intention or malice.
A. Doli Incapax
B. Corpus Delicti
C. Corpus Juris
D. Corpus Juris Civilis
22. It means body of civil law.
A. Doli Incapax
B. Corpus Delicti
C. Corpus Juris
D. Corpus Juris Civilis
23. It means body of law.
A. Doli Incapax
B. Corpus Delicti
C. Corpus Juris
D. Corpus Juris Civilis
24. It means body of the crime.
A. Doli Incapax
B. Corpus Delicti
C. Corpus Juris
D. Corpus Juris Civilis
25. A British Social Reformer, He is regarded as the founder of
modern utilitarianism.
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Cesare Beccaria
C. Samuel Romilly
D. John Howard
26. He is an Italian Criminologists and author of the book
Crimes and Punishment.
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Cesare Beccaria
C. Samuel Romilly
D. John Howard
27. He argued that the effectiveness of criminal justice
depended more on the certainty of punishment than on its
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Cesare Beccaria
C. Samuel Romilly
D. John Howard
28. He is the first English prison reformer.
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Cesare Beccaria
C. Samuel Romilly
D. John Howard
29. He was a British legal reformer whose chief efforts were
devoted to lessening the severity of English criminal law.
A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Cesare Beccaria
C. Samuel Romilly
D. John Howard
30. He developed the anomie theory in 1938.
A. Henry Fielding
B. Robert Merton

C. Edwin Sutherland
D. John Fielding
31. It regulates the conduct of individuals, defines crimes, and
provides punishment for criminal acts.
A. Procedural Law
B. Political Law
C. Civil Law
D. Criminal Law
32. In England, The Right to bring a thief caught in one's land to
the lord's court is known as
A. Infangthief
B. Outfangthief
C. Thief-takers
D. Bow street runners
33. In England, The Right to bring a thief caught beyond one's
land to the lord's court is known as
A. Infangthief
B. Outfangthief
C. Thief-takers
D. Bow street runners
34. A Branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals
and /or organizations, in which compensation may be
awarded to the victime.
A. Procedural Law
B. Political Law
C. Civil Law
D. Criminal Law
35. In England, They are a specialist and present cases in
A. Attorney
B. Solicitor
C. Barrister
D. Bench
36. In England, They are the office lawyers. The legal advisor
to the public.
A. Attorney
B. Solicitor
C. Barrister
D. Bench
37. It is the UK's domestic counter-intelligence and security
A. MI5
B. MI6
C. Mossad
38. In England, Men who would solve petty crime for a fee are
A. Infangthief
B. Outfangthief
C. Thieft-takers
D. Constables
39. The Marine Police Force that was formed on 1798 in England
to tackle theft and looting from ships anchored in the pool
of London and the lower reaches of the river.
A. Thames River Police
B. Eden River Police

C. Trent River Police

D. Avon River Police
40. The First Marine Police in England was founded by
A. John Fielding
B. Henry Fielding
C. Patrick Colquhoun
D. Robert Merton

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