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Marilyn Smith Vocal Music Education

W.H. Oliver Middle Prep

T (615) 332-3011

I have read
Please detach and return with your child.
I have read and understand the 2016-17 OMS Vocal Music Grading Policy,
Discipline Policy and Syllabus.
Childs Name________________________________________________

RE: Vocal Music Grading Policy, Discipline Policy and Syllabus

Parent Signature____________________________________________
Date ________________________________
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,
Your child is currently enrolled in Chorus for his or her Related Arts class for the next nine weeks. Your childs grade will
be determined by his/her progress in the following areas:
Skills Tests
These tests assess singing, playing classroom instruments, reading, notating, improvising, and aural harmony.
Students are assessed on accuracy and effort according to a pre-determined grading rubric.
Listening Tests
These tests assess listening, analyzing and describing the genres and styles of music heard in the classroom. The
number correct is divided by the total number possible for a percentage grade.
Music Journal Entries
These are short assignments given at the beginning of each class period during the attendance process. Students are
graded on neatness, content and effort. Journals are reviewed 2-3 times during each 9 week grading period.
Vocabulary Quizzes
Students keep vocabulary in their journals. Lists will be provided before a quiz. The number correct is divided by the
total number possible for a percentage grade.
Performance Grade
There will be one after-school performance this quarter. The Fall for Music chorus concert will be on Thursday,
September 29, 2016 at 6 p.m. Students will receive a grade for this performance. Students who have excused
absences will complete an alternate take-home assignment to make up for the missing grade. Students with
unexcused absences will receive a failing grade for the performance.
During each quarter, there will be approximately 3-4 skills tests, 3 listening tests, 5 vocabulary quizzes, 1 performance
grade, and 2-3 music journal grades. All grades are then averaged into a single final grade for the quarter. As per the
district policy, the grading legend for grades 5-8 shall be:
A = 100 93
B = 92 85
C = 84 75
D = 74 70
E = 69 and below
Requests for re-takes on quizzes or tests must be signed by a parent or guardian. Re-take forms are available from Mrs.
Smith or downloadable at
Each day, your child will need a sharpened pencil, and a 3 -prong pocket folder or binder with approximately 25
sheets of notebook paper. Sheet protectors (10) are optional but recommended. This folder will remain in the
classroom and will contain music and serve as a writing journal.
Discipline Policy
The following are the chorus room rules:

Speak with good purpose.

Pay attention.

Wait your turn.

Follow directions the first time without argument.

Use care when handling tools and instruments.

Talk and leave your seat only with permission.

Keep your hands and your feet to yourself.

Keep gum, candy, food and drinks out of the classroom.

Your child will be expected to adhere to these rules. Rewards for good behavior choices include, positive calls home,
novelty items, OMS munchie cart, participation in school-wide incentive initiatives, and Related Arts incentive
initiatives. Consequences for poor behavior choices are as follows:
1. Verbal warning
2. Phone call home
3. Loss of privilege
4. Phone call home
5. Notify administration
On the reverse of this paper you will find a general course description. I hope you will take a few moments to review
this information. Please contact me should you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to making beautiful
music with your child.

Mrs. Marilyn Smith, MM Voice

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