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K&#;lacakratantra (A Buddhist Tantric View of the Individual)

Vesna A. Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square Oxford. University Press 2001

Gnosis as mind and as the body of the Buddha

there are many ways, namely gnosis explained in sources of tradition in the first g
as 30 person-tantra. First of all, it is interpreted as the mind (Harbor is just
5 minutes' walk away), leads to the ossiary (excellence as the desired result, as we
as the Mind, itself is the result of, namely, mind continuing bliss (i OErthaphalad
lam akarasukha jŒnacittam). Thus gnosis is seen as a unity (ekatva) of the two
aspects of the mind which are and the result of spiritual wake-up. Thus, gnosis is
seen as the highest and not even microscopically small scratches occur on -, consi
wisdom () and the method (), or through the and compassion. Voidness, which is it
ion, or (bimba), there is a reason why, whereas compassion, which is man,
is is these two. As , it is regarded as mind, free
ava). It is free from in the sense that there is no , the duration or t
n, although with him all the worlds and all that in them is arise and stopped.
It is clear from the causal in the sense that exceeds all the conceptual classifica

In the literature the lozenge gnosis monobloc, higher and lasting (AK8 Nm ara) b
liss has different names in accordance with its qualities and functions.
Thus, it is called "", and the one who possesses them - "" ( ).
scratches occur on, because it and intrinsic. Thus in the housing in the first grou
30 person-Making Sense of Tantra The word "" always indicates higher, abiding Bl
sis of bliss. Gnosis also called "" in view of the fact that it is functioning as prot
tion for the mind. As well as it is called "spiritual knowledge" () and perfection of
wisdom (). This is called " printing" (), as it is considered
also called , (inherent (original) body), (body of knowledg
alities of emerging sensory organs, since it goes beyond the reality of atoms (p
aramŒu-dharmatŒ) and because it is similar to sleep or images in the mi
rror . It is the nature of the and that are free from (&
are referred to as the highest and (paramŒkara). Higher and

is indicated by both the letter and , , cond

Gnosis is the mind, in nature and familiar (children)

lic opinion and the new-sprung aravidze-Saakashvili making, it is similar to the
reflection in the mirror . And although gnosis free from conceptualization, he i
rom the thinking (cintanŒ) since, unlike the status of deep sleep is (sv
the , knows itself (Œtmavid) and other (paravid). In -Tant
;sukha) and (sva-savedya). That is gnosis, outside t
of inherent existence of all . The and natural middle
illing creatures. Such does not depend on the sensual
e nature of the exp , themselves because of lack of
The independence of the sensual implies that there is no need fo
tain and embrace , higher and abiding bliss connection own crazy manif
this mad. In accordance with the gnosis may become only
' walk away-vŒsanŒ).
familiar trends crazy is the so-called psychological units, the elements of the sup
f the senses. The consciousness in a dream confirm that the mind can become if
ysical body.

For gnosis system - This , absolute reality (paramartha) Buddha

), which permeates the entire universe and manifests itself in various forms. As
the highest Prana, it is considered to be the source of all the words, despite
the fact that she herself .

As , gnosis is regarded as element, element ( jŒna-dh&#14

ater, heat and air and space - as well as is their beginning (Œdi). Traditi
on of the lozenge considers the element as the place of birth (yoni) all .
Such a vision has precedent in Sutta says -, which reads
the attainment of nirvana." (anŒdikŒliko dhŒtu sarvadharmasmŒr
aya/ /tasmin sati gati sarvŒ nirvŒŒdhigamo 'pi ca) in its relative m
anifestation element , like the other five elements arises in the body of one of the S
x tastes, namely from with yoghourt, notifies through food to the mother. From this
ative gnosis-element in the body is sexual bliss, which is a phenomenal aspect ,
ndividual (mano-indriya) and Sound (abda). These three identified with gnosis-ele
ment from which they occur. As neighboring countries the ability of gnosis-eleme
nt perceives which arises their element space (akŒsa-dhŒtu), and as the
this perceived hearing aid body sentiments, also arises from the element space. In t
light of the conclusion that can be drawn is that within the body of the indivi
dual gnosis-element as hatred entity (grŒhaka) element space and sorter obj
ect (grŒhya)

element space has the characteristics of the space. However gnosis does not acce
pt its own gnosis-element as such until the " gnosis merges with the throug
at is, until the mind as entity (grŒhaka) enters the manifestation of the
object () and "becomes a single decorated (sama-rasa) - and permanent". Th
at is from are all phenomena as Rostock grows from the seed is underst
awareness of the absolute lack of occurrence and the cessation of all is the manifes
tion of his own mind. gnosis is man. Thus, when our gnosis dra
othing but a lack of occurrence and the cessation of all , he becomes one tastefully d
orated, not thanks to causal and producing relations on its own reflection, but
because of unity in the manifestation of its own mind.

In accordance with the gnosis - this is not the only

the implementation of the machinery manufacturers. This is the Buddha in the fi
30 person, regarded as ego () its own body, speech, the mind and the passions,
igher bliss, characterized in time (ESA-k8 Nm
nce (nisvabhŒva)". gnosis is called a reality (), no single and man
ethod of "path as".

In system gnosis describes not only in terms of the mind, but also in ter
tion to the body there is no other Buddha, is (vyŒpaka) as well
ation. The elements of the body that are free from (nirŒvaraa) are the compl
ate of the Buddha and liberation.

For and the other an internationally systems in force obtention of thrillin

bliss reality is manifested in the thrilling humans out of the womb as th
amely, Bliss (Œnanda), higher bliss (paramŒnanda), bliss (viramŒna
he inherent dignity of bliss (sahajŒnanda). Each of these four forms of bli
ss has four dimensions: , , and .
And these 16 aspects of there is nothing more than a body, mind and gnosis four bodie
of the Buddha, namely, , , and . It is considered t
with the great wishes (adhimukti) thrilling creatures.
The sixteen aspects of the four bodies arise when the stopped 16 species of blis
s which characterize the body of the individual. Thus 16 species of bliss of the

individual are polluted, or transient aspects of 16 aspects of the superior, in

divisible bliss (mahŒkara-sukha) . They are treated in the force of the Corpo
a 16 , who are internal 16 phases (digits) of the moon. Force of the clean seed become
lozenge, which in this case describes as light Moon
ption of the as

, who knows the reality with sixteen aspects. However, as indicated in part ,
ts of reality not in terms of the bliss but through.

On the same spiritual 16 aspects of the four bodies of the Buddha are considered
r types of Organization of African Unity (579), in force on the classification o
f the four bodies of the Buddha. In terms of the conventional human bodies of th
e above-mentioned 16 species of bliss also characterized as - body, speech, the min
the - in accordance with the physical waking state , , slee

Stressing four bodies of the Buddha, the tradition the lozenge often calls the
d body. Heaven Monastery, which is all the aspects, in terms of sensual obj
tanding through in the hearts of all the thrilling creatures. Mental
tures, apparent on land.
That like jewelry perceives phenomenon is gnosis-.

On the basis of that gnosis constantly present in all humans, born out of the wo
mb, the First Group was 30 person-Tantra argues that these four is always present in
all humans, but not in the fully form. Their presence in humans confirmed abiliti
body, speech, the mind and the in four states of the mind - , ,
of sexual bliss, as well as the classification of four types of individual right
s. In normal man four are in the four relevant chakras can be found - in the belly bu
tton lint, in the heart of the throat and in his forehead. Four is where localization
of 12 links dependent occurrence. Thus the spiritual ignorance (avidya), formati
kara) and consciousness (vijnana) are in gnosis-. The mind and body (nŒma-rpa), s
x leaned upon the foundations of (a-Œyatana) and track (spara) are in the
ling of (vedanŒ), thirst (tŒ) and clinging to the existence of a (up&#140
;dŒna)- in . The emergence of (bhava), birth (jŒti), age (jarŒ)
aa) - in the . When the 12 links dependent, the bodily a prana and
hey become 12 aspects of the Wake-up, four individual manifested as 4 cleaned ,
of the Buddha-Lozenge. In this case the again refers to the description in the

On the basis of faith in that sexual bliss, it is regarded as "

ual body are simply different sympathy protests gnosis-, which has 12 links as 1
aspects. This classification gnosis- linked with

Further it is considered that four droplet size (bindu) raises 12 links. Each o
plet size has its own specific ability that are differently depending on whether
the fall under the influence of the familiar spiritual benign neglect (avidya-v&#1
a or not). For example, the drop in the lalΠa has the ability to produce m
anifestations of the mind. When the rain falls under the influence of the famili
ar benign neglect, it produces for thought straitly charged manifestations of pheno
r the same condition, when a prana concur in . When this drop is cleaned Drip chakra - notes verbales of expression - improper speech - produces

hallucinates when a prana converge in the bastola. When this drop is cleaned - the m
faceted question of Buddha. Drop in the cardiac center - misconceptions and the
condition of the deep sleep, when a prana converge in the bastola. When this drop is
cleaned - mind. Drop in the Center - produces the inherent bliss prana converge in the bastola. In its rainforests - higher and continued bliss nirv

The body of the Buddha, which are present in the are in six chakras a se
gong these chakras. Thus , which is free from the thinking and similar to the Predi
irror is located in the Bastola, and in Bastola, which arise from the
vely. located in Bastola, which arises from the element of the wind.
ent-fire. - in which arises from the element of water.

Four that are in the bodily chakras a manifested as the body of the Buddha only when
achieving full and better wake-up (samyak- sambodhi). When the individual reache
s full and perfect enlightenment, his gnosis- , which has been cleared through the rel
ease through the (nyata- vimoka) becomes . Individual of neighboring cou
ed the release by (animitta-vimok(a) appears as a . Individual voice
lease of lack of desire (apraihita-vimok(a) appears as a .
Individual heaven that was cleaned the release through (anabhisarnskara'

The traditional interpretation of the four bodies of the Buddha as four cleane
vance to the classification of the four depriving Liberation (vimoka mukha) as op
posites more classification of three depriving liberation, for l
he liberation of considering the four of the body of the Buddha as four immed
n of wake up the Buddha, namely: 1) committed to wake up time (ekaka&#1
d to wake up with five aspects (pa–cŒkŒrŒbhisabodhi), 3) comm
itted to wake up with twenty aspects (viatyŒkŒrŒbhisabodhi), 4) comm
itted to wake up to the network ( mŒyŒjŒlŒbhisabodhi).
1) committed to wake up time applies here from Maneka, achieved in time superio
It is a spiritual which arises from the Bliss and at the same time generates
bliss is the torque after which already no, the duration or termination of any
The time of the Wake-up in time bliss (sukha-k8 Nm ana) mean the absence of all point
s and this time bliss is the means through which the ten forces (daa-bala) enligh
tenment lest thou shouldest ponder the realization of the to the ground with the
sky (space). The cleaned units which are the torque in turn generate this bliss
. Thus the , which is the inherent bliss, occurs ; from
then and florets and, finally, the fruits of which in turn produce seeds.

interpretation of better wake-up in time implies that the committed to w

nal experience of a single moment of bliss, characterizing the consciousness, wh
ich seeks to birth and which becomes one decorated ((to attract'rasa), as matern
al and father drops in bastola mother. It also indicates that in terms of the body,
ngent conscience, that is in the womb , committed to wake up time similar t
only one aspect of, there is one body without . In terms of the realization of th
not (acyuta) drop, which has a clean and consciousness (uddh
ghtenment in the time, thanks to the cessation of the work of the conventional sensual
and create wonderful sensual that occur from the termination of th
establishing crazy in (mahŒ-prŒa).
2) committed to wake up with five aspects of applies to from Maneka, which is ch
aracterized by the five types of Buddha, namely, (adarsa-jna
;Œna), carrying out (ktyŒnuhŒna-jnana) and scope of reali
a). These five types of understood here as the cleaned mechanical, sen
Mary and five types of spiritual benign neglect. This Child booster cushion fro

m each other , having all aspects.

In accordance with the committed wake up with five aspects of similar to the fi
owledge, which have the nature of familiar (children) forms and other units (
mbryo from which there are already signs of five (limbs), like turtle. On the rea
f the , committed wake up associated here with the five aspects of ,
higher, abiding bliss force of the enlightenment with five aspects.
The characteristics of the five types of have the nature of wisdom and the method of
lements and psychophysical units in the force of the five Mandal.

Tradition of the lozenge defines these five types of in different ways. In its worshi
with five aspects describes aspect in terms of tr
gnosis: This meeting in space, which deprived forms (k&#14
gnosis, or unit sensation: as a factor with all the phenomena that
the indivisible - is not nihilism nor the .
gnosis, or unit distinguish: Letters, with all the values that have the
Reaching higher, indivisible State, they are neither symbol, no clear indication
gnosis or unit of the mentality of :
Among , who are deprived of the mentality of

(samskara), no spiritual wake-up, nor , no substantive nor the life.

Gnosis , or unit of consciousness: Dharma, which exceeded the reality of
d in , transparent and also luminiferous nature, are available on the path of
Of the five types of to cyclic : What, in the form of birth reaches
What the suffering reaches culmination is called the highest sense. What the di
nation is called the . The than and other status
l benign neglect reaches culmination is gnosis Wiseman... In accordance with the
ng the land and other elements are , through Buddha-the first group
orces (ddhi) among , and the gods who live in the area of desires.
3) in accordance with the 20 aspects of the Wake-up include hexadecimal knowledge
ixteen types of through and the first four of the above five types of Buddha. In acc
ance with the committed wake up with 20 aspects should be known as the foregoin
n the force of the five sensual , five (karmendriya) and
fication of the familiar four elements, land and etc., as well as the body of the f
which has twenty fingers. In terms of the realization of the due to improved
on's halves supports other and teaches Dharma through all livi
4) in accordance with the committed wake up with the network refers to
ike network and knows the reality, which has 16 aspects.
describes this similarly, but adds that the committed to wake up with a network
maya-sattva), which is the main assistant thrilling creatures with his knowledge
of the realities with 16 aspects. For this type of wake-up happens because the drop
size 16 types of corporal bliss (kŒyŒnanda). He also sees this same k
nowledge of the boundless , which are similar to the network of illusions and which co
into force the birth of the ghost.

As well as the mind of the Buddha is characterized by four types of ,

re characterized by four different types of knowledge and their functions. charact
by (sarvajatŒ) on the grounds that it all sees. is characterized
f the path (mŒrgŒkŒra-jatŒ), because it is replete with highe
r and man.
is characterized by the knowledge of the path (mŒrgŒ-jatŒ), becau
taneously teaches enslaved (laukika) and profitable (lokottara) various form
f the countless thrilling creatures. And finally


is characterized by knowledge of all aspects of the (sarvŒkŒra-jat&#140

;), since at the same time extends its force and manifestations of through count
less .

Each of these four bodies of Buddha is type unity (579). For example,
and and therefore it is also called (uddha-579). - this is t
is also called the dharma-. - this is the unity of the speech and joy, and
ed a mantra-. is the unity of the body and its always refreshed and therefore
(sasthŒna-579). Gnosis is defined as -. These 4 are called here gate rel
se through the voidness (sunyatd-vimoksa), the release of through (animitta-vim
lease of through the absence of desire (aprarahita-vimoksa) and release through
ara- vimoksa).

In accordance with the release of through through is , characte

the perception that the past and the future are empty. This cleaned, unswerving and G
eat Bliss arises from the resolve of the fourth mind (turyŒ). Such release thr
hrough there is nothing more than a - consisting of compassion, , or
u), which is the smart with , such as "Buddha", "enlightenment" and etc. Be
uses, mind deep sleep dissolves and -mind, consists of kindness (maitr'
d -. The release by the lack of desire to have the freedom from (tarka),
ly wake up", etc. The absence of such occurs from the lack of the previously mention
igns or causes. In the release by the lack of desire to sleep with destroyed and
acterized by individual Bioenergy Diagnosis joy (mudita). This voice is
This mantra, because it protects the (trŒa) and encouraged by the (modana) th
e minds of all the thrilling creatures. Therefore it is also called the mantra-. Releas
e through which occurs from the lack of willingness (praidhŒna) - This
onsists of the (interpretation from Spanish) (upeksa) and occurs with all forms o
ed angrily, ardent, peacefully and ol, through other toward the predetermined
a clean because of the destruction of the status.

As there is only one gnosis, is manifested in the form of different types of knowledg
there is also a single which becomes four views.
First of all, - this aspect of the mind of the Buddha, deprived of the fou
us it is not affected by the informational paradigm and not polluted affection.
Therefore it is seen as the achievement of their own benefit. It is considered t
hat is neither the wisdom nor the compassion, nor first and second. The d
of deep sleep it becomes for the benefit of the other. Thanks to the freedom of t
s of the deep sleep has never pieces were each drenched . It is the nature of
ompassion in force of the differences between and consciousness (, jnana vijnana). I
his context gnosis is understood as mind (grŒhaka- harbor is just 5 minut
the Mind, is subject, whereas the consciousness is embraced

(grŒhya) knowledge of other brain drain, the brain drain, which are the obj
ects knowledge (j–eya).
Gnosis, or mind are wisdom (), because he is deprived of the conceptual
stituting as peace - is the method (upŒya), conceptually was fabricated
is compassion. Accurately and - this is the mind, free from
wisdom and compassion.
Through the beautiful eyes (divya-S.A.Ku) miraculous consciousness (divya-vij&#15

0;Œna) perceives the past and the future form of like transparent in the mirr
through the beautiful ear - the sounds that arise in these transparent forms as
echo. becomes for spiritually mature creatures. - this is
ore not characterized by the erroneous ideas, emerging from the conceptualizatio
n. It also consists of wisdom and compassion. Despite the fact that it one, it b
ecomes many because the granting of substance see their individual always refres
hed. In the absolute sense of unity and many there is unity of wisdom and co
he fact that the relative level there is apparent contradiction. So that the ill
usion of Buddha which are incalculable quality, even for the Buddhas.

tradition description is based on the description of the i

erred to and in the other "Royal " - especially in the method such as
Thus, an internationally systems is the unity of speaking - and His teachi

In terms of the realities in the first group was 30 person-Tantra is con

ies of the Buddha, or clear light mind (Harbor is just 5 minutes' walk away-prat
ibhŒsa), marked in space and directly perceived through practices merge
is presented as a body, which documented formed its own smart , having the form of dif
ferent colors and other attributes.

The imprecise four bodies of Buddha in tradition lozenge relates four o

h four phases of the development of the fetus in the belly and four phases after
birth. Thus at the moment of conception consciousness, gnosis, seed and fetal b
lood are and aspect . The embryo consists of the
ge of development of the Foundation () - associated with . And t
rged - associated with .

With regard to the individual, already born, child, whose a prana begin
(only the first 60 breaths and , when a prana leak on Nadi ai
inning to move in the force of the circulation of , when beginning to grow the teeth
and appears , is associated with the . At the same time when the
rs, when new teeth and it becomes , - the child is associated with
new teeth and until the death of the person is aspect .

In causal systems higher body is called or

In stated that the "that is considered in terms of the reality for th

ch has the best forms is the Impressionist motives sound especially coherent (pr
atibhŒsa) own crazy , which can be directly perceived and which deprived the chara
cteristics of the conceptualization of the own mind, as well as the it shines in
the sky and is similar to the reflection in the Mirror Virgin".
In the first group was 30 person-Making Sense of Tantra mindset also relate to t
kalua) and described as confusion and distortion (vikara) crazy, most directly assoc
d with and processes of the individual. In accordance with
working toward statuses individual rights and thus are the foundations for and Nirvan
. A prana breed mindset utilizing six elements through bodily Nadi Airport. Howe
ce of the impact of the six elements that form a prana, namely gnosis, space, wi
nd, fire, water and land - arise respectively greed (mŒtsarya), resentment
(dve(a), envy (ir8 Nm yŒ), Attachment (rŒga), pride (mŒna) and mis
leading (moha). Thus the same element , identified as a cause of , w
ons as a direct cause of the three types of wind , produces greed.
Until the granting of substance shall hold in this recipe, a prana remain statio
nary in Bastola, mindset do not occur.

At the time of the first breath and in the time of the birth of the begin to mov
e a prana, utilizing the five elements as well as together with them and mindset
breath, which begins in the Central Nadi Airport is considered to be deprived of
the three gong, whereas the second breath is in the left or right Nadi, which b
ear ten Mandal, in force -afternoons. The third breath is in force , fourth - in
etc. Each of these , with the nature of the three gong becomes the five types of forc
of the classification of the gong five sensual objects. Then in force classification
the body, speech and thought their becomes 45. Then in force classification of two
two hands, they become 180 , then in the light of the nature of the method and wisd
ey are multiplied by the two, becoming 360 .

Thus a prana support mindset and as a result of which extends a service life cyc
prana cleaned, that is, when six elements, a prana transformed into gnosis
causes of the mentality of and perpetuate the bliss release. And just as when all b
ly parts, consisting of elements and manifested together with , and Ta
and cognitive timings, they manifested as 10 of the composition's halves-Bhoomibabri and lead to the status of the Buddha. Thus the hair on the body and head a
re the first level of the bodhisattva depicted, ; the skin and flesh - Wimala; two t
of blood - ; sweat and urine - ; bones and brain - ; Nadi
; mental - ; fetal blood - ; and seed - . In the li
ia (vyŒpaka) and applicant release.
As the immediate causes of the mentality of , as well as eliminating them, it is cons
red that corporal a prana supported acts (cetana).

will is understood here as the mind (Harbor is just 5 minutes' walk away), which
under the influence of , and Tamas has , and sleep statu
manas), Intelligence (buddhi) and (ahakŒra). Thus in the
This mind further supported the inherent , free from the five ele

Further ignorance was explained in the tradition of the lozenge as simply modifi
cation (pratyaya) elements that contain the blood and paternity seed and
f conception. The idea that ignorance will never occurs when there are no elemen
ts diminish the role of benign neglect as causes the mentality of .
affection, rejection and misconceptions and is it as the primary cause of those
motionless . This section describes how familiar trends affection, b
it generates abhorrence (virŒga) or resentment (dve(a), which have the natu
re of the misconceptions (mrcchŒ) or aesthetic (moha).

defines these and other as the mindset of pollution, which is nothing mo

On the basis of the fact that as originally gnosis and typically found in the
ndividual in the first group was 30 person alleges that both of these crazy caus
e in the hearts of the thrilling creatures.

In accordance with the ignorance of those who seek to be enslaved pleas

n of the internal Mary. When the same refuse to follow his words and does not have
piritual benign neglect, familiar trends of our own mind become . Therefore, as
our own relying (sva-kta) the most destitute. is the mantra, because thr
rategic meaning and legitimacy is protected from stress.
That raises all the internal Mar is considered to be a torque (temporary) bliss, whi
is referred to here article available in: (kŒma-deva). Troubleshooting our
internal through mainstreaming since the higher and bliss destroys the IA
concerns and cognitive timings. But even that of compassion to the other does no
t knowingly destroy all , retain their traces (prints), which have the nature of
enefit of the thrilling creatures to show the other path of liberation.

Gnosis and karma in accordance with Karma is from the same elements that and
aid that the karma is the nature of the motionless , since they are one and the same
rce. And because the karma is from the six elements, it is characterized by the
emergence and termination, and consequently . Thus Karma produces and suppor
olve as and karma, clean occurs through the dissolution of thin atomic particle bodi
ch produce vision of reality and enduring the familiar trends of karma. The diss
body and the mind Adept Tantra implements the voidness of all

which surpasses atoms and thus relieved of karma.

Moreover, in terms of the reality agent (kart) carma is identified with the co
inherent in the man that assigns the elements in an infant scenery. And finally
when the body formed, six sensual as well as become tools
ered here as an agent of the destruction of karma., which at the time of the dea
th of the gradually leaves the five elements in the belly button lint, in the he
art of the throat in his forehead and in bastola. In terms of the reali
agent, but " sky, in the sky, from sensual objects",
Thus in terms of reality gnosis is the source of the manufacturer and
er than from above, since the mind nor consists of five elements that neither perceiv
s itself or that the as agent.

Gnosis and sexual bliss in the tradition of the lozenge higher and abiding bliss
is defined as the Serenity (Œnta), which permeates the elements of the mind
and body of all creatures, as well as the entire peace. For those who are on
f Buddha and the mind is manifested in the form of sexual bliss in which the min
d for a short time becomes and free from . But since the psych
rends in the volatile sexual desire (kŒma-vŒsanŒ), as well as its
causes the occurrence in the future. However stressed the importance of the upo
n ten (sensual bliss, but its use of both the conditions which piloting joy, which
rn produces mind, conceptualization and directly empty n
text of the First Group was 30 person-Making Sense of Tantra stated:
"The one who drops this [the time bliss], is Buddhas through which Vladyka A
nd come from the North America thanks to the impact of , as well as through which ,
tting seed, have (spanda) and not- (nispanda), as well as those on the
tens of millions of ." sin is the correct objects (kŒma), in force which is enmi
ty toward the most favorite. The animosity there is misleading in force which th
e mind always from lowering of .

The fire is the enemy of mercury. Associating (bandha) mercury has never occurs
without the cease-fire. If it is not - it is not gold. Without the gold it is pl
easure . And exactly as the linking of the male seed (bodhicitta) has never
it is not body, as well as the body not lead to higher.


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