Unit 1 Summary Notes As Biology

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Biological molecules

Explain what is meant by a polymer.

(Molecule) made up of many identical/similar molecules/monomers/
Describe the structure of an amino acid molecule and explain how amino acids
link together.
1 Amino acid based on carbon with four groups attached;
2 Amino/ NH2 and carboxyl / COOH;
3 R-group/ side chain + hydrogen;
4 R-group differs from one amino acid to another;
5 Amino acids joined by condensation;
6 Bond formed between NH2 and COOH;
7 Involves removal of molecule of water;
8 H from NH2 and OH from COOH;

Explain how proteins are suited

for their roles as receptor
Many different sorts of proteins;
Different primary structures/sequences of amino acids;
Tertiary structure;
Shape; allowing formation of receptor/binding site/site into which
substance/substrate fits;
Explain how the structure of fibrous proteins is related to their functions.
Long chains of aa;
Folding of chain into a coil / folds / helix / pleated sheet;
Association of several polypeptide chains together;
Formation of fibres / sheets explained;
H bonds / Disulphide bonding (In context);
Fibres provide strength (and flexibility);
Sheets provide flexibility;
Example e.g. keratin in hair, collagen in bone; (MUST be in context)
Insoluble because external R-groups are non-polar;
Describe how you would use a biochemical test to show that a solution
contained protein.
Biuret / alkali + copper sulphate;


With reference to named parts

the diagram, explain the
difference between the terms:
Triglyceride and phospholipid;
Phospholipid has (one) phosphate /
Phosphoric acid;
replacing fatty acid;


Saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated all valencies of C filled / saturated with
hydrogen / all (CC)
single bonds / no double bonds;
fatty acid 1 is saturated/fatty acids 2 and 3 are

Describe a chemical test you could carry out

to show that a piece of coconut contains lipids.(3)
(Crush in) ethanol / alcohol;
Add (to) water (Order of adding is critical for this point);
Emulsion / white colour

Describe how you could use Benedicts reagent to test a urine sample for the
presence of glucose.
Add (Benedicts) reagent (to urine sample) and heat / heat the mixture;
red/ brown/ orange/ green/ yellow;
Describe a further biochemical test to find out if a substance is a non-reducing
Heat with acid, then neutralise / hydrolyse using enzyme;
(heat) with Benedicts (solution);

Prokaryotic cells Vs Eukaryotic cells

The structure of a cholera bacterium is different from the structure of an
epithelial cell from the small intestine. Describe how the structure of a cholera
bacterium is different.
1 Cholera bacterium is prokaryote;
2 Does not have a nucleus/nuclear envelope/ has DNA free in cytoplasm/has loop of DNA;
3 and 4 Any two from
No membrane-bound organelles/no mitochondria / no golgi/ no endoplasmic
5 Small ribosomes only;
6 and 7 Any two from
Capsule/flagellum/plasmid / cell wall/etc;
Give 2 ways in which pathogens can cause disease when they enter the
body of their host.
Damage/destruction of cells/tissues
Production of toxins;
Describe the difference between an endotoxin and
an exotoxin.
Endotoxins produced from the breakdown of bacteria (cell
(allow burst / lyse do not allow decompose)
exotoxins secreted / released (from living cells) (not
endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides;
exotoxins are protein;
How V.cholerae causes Diarrhoea
1. The cholera bacterium adheres to the epithelium and
secretes the cholera toxin CT. CT enters the epithelial
cells and activates a chloride ion channel in the cell
2. This causes chloride ions to diffuse out of the cells into the lumen.
3. This lowers the water potential in the lumen of the gut.
4. So water is lost from cells to the lumen by osmosis,
producing diarrhoea and dehydration.
Oral rehydration solutions (ORS) are used to treat
diarrhoeal disease. What does an ORS consist of
and how does it work?(5)
1. Contains glucose/starch/ carbohydrate / sugar;
2. Sodium/salt;
3. Co-transport / symport;
4. Sodium and glucose taken up (from lumen);
5. Lowers water potential in cells/ increases water
potential gradient;
6. Water taken up by osmosis
Parts of the prokaryotic cell
Cell (surface) membrane: regulates entry/exit/selectively permeable;
Mesosome: respiration/cell division;
Cell wall: (mechanical) protection/prevents (osmotic)
Slime layer/capsule: protection (against e.g.
Flagellum, movement of cell;
DNA molecule/bacterial chromosome, genetic

Nucleus. This is the largest organelle. It is

surrounded by a nuclear envelope, which is
a double membrane with nuclear pores
large holes containing proteins that control
the exit of substances from the nucleus. The
interior is called the nucleoplasm, which is
full of chromatin the DNA/protein complex
(see unit 2). During cell division the
chromatin becomes condensed into discrete
observable chromosomes. The nucleolus is a
dark region of chromatin, involved in making
Mitochondrion: This is a sausage-shaped
organelle (8Vm long), and is where aerobic
respiration takes place in all eukaryotic cells
(anaerobic respiration takes place in the
cytoplasm). Mitochondria release energy (in
the formATP) from carbohydrates, lipids and
other energy rich molecules. Cells that use a
lot of energy (like muscle cells) have many

Mitochondria are surrounded by a double

membrane: the outer membrane is simple
and quite permeable, while the inner
membrane is highly folded into cristae,
which give it a large surface area. The space
by are
the the
and is called
contains small
most numerous of the cell organelles, and
of DNA. The
are the sites
of protein
are either found free in the cytoplasm, where
they make proteins for the cell's own use, or
they are found attached to the rough
endoplasmic reticulum, where they make
proteins for export from the cell. All
eukaryotic ribosomes are of the larger, "80S",
type. These are small membrane-bound
vesicles formed from the RER containing a cocktail of
hydrolytic enzymes. They are used to break down
unwanted chemicals, toxins, organelles or even whole
cells, so that the materials may be recycled. They can
also fuse with a feeding vacuole to digest its contents.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER). This is a series of

interconnected membrane channels involved in
synthesising and transporting materials. Rough
Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) is studded with
numerous ribosomes, which give it its rough
appearance. The ribosomes synthesise proteins,
which are processed in the RER (e.g. by
enzymatically modifying the polypeptide chain,
or adding carbohydrates), before being
exported from the cell via the Golgi Body.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) does not
have ribosomes and is used to process
Body (or Golgi
lipids, needed
by the
flattened stacks of membrane vesicles, formed
from the endoplasmic reticulum. Its job is to
transport proteins from the RER to the cell
membrane for export. Parts of the RER containing
proteins fuse with one side of the Golgi body
membranes, and are modified (carbohydrate is
added to form glycoproteins), while at the other
side small vesicles bud off and move towards the
cell membrane, where they fuse, releasing their
by exocytosis.
Membranes arrangement and disc shape
provides large surface for light absorption;
layering of membrane allows a lot of pigment;
Permeable membrane allows diffusion of
gases /carbon dioxide;
membranes provide surface for attachment of
electron / hydrogen acceptors;
Contains chlorophyll for light absorption;
Contains different pigments to absorb
different wavelengths;
Stacking / arrangement of grana/thylakoids
maximises light catchment;
Stroma contains enzymes for photosynthesis;
Outer membrane keeps enzymes in

What is resolution and why is it better in Electron |Microscopes than in light
Ability to distinguish points (close together), Electrons have a shorter wavelength;
Scientists use optical microscopes and transmission electron microscopes
(TEMs) to investigate cell structure. Explain the advantages and the limitations
of using a TEM to investigate cell structure.
1 Small object can be seen;
2 TEM has high resolution;
3 Wavelength of electrons shorter;
4 Cannot look at living cells;
5 Must be in a vacuum;
6 Must cut section / thin specimen;
7 Preparation may create artefact
8 Does not produce colour image;
Measuring the size of an object under a microscope
Measure with an eyepiece graticule
Calibrate with the stage mcirometer (an object of a known size)
Repeat and calculate an average
Cell fractionation
Starting with some lettuce leaves, describe how you would obtain a sample of
undamaged chloroplasts. Use your knowledge of cell fractionation and
ultracentrifugation to answer this question.
1. Chop up (accept any reference to crude breaking up);
2. Cold; (reduces enzyme activity)
3. Buffered solution; (prevents pH affecting enzymes)
4. Isotonic / same water potential; (prevents osmosis and possible lysis or shrinkage of
5. Filter and centrifuge filtrate;
6. Centrifuge supernatant;
7. At higher speed;
8. Chloroplasts in (second) pellet;


for C

Membranes and movement

Suggest why the model of the membrane is described as a
fluid mosaic.
Molecules within the membrane able to move;
mixture of phospholipid and protein / arrangement of protein;
Describe the structure of a phospholipid molecule and explain
how phospholipids are arranged in a plasma membrane.
1 Phosholipid consists of glycerol;
2 (To which are joined) two fatty acids;
3 And phosphate;
4 By condensation/elimination of water molecules;
5 Arranged as bilayer in membrane;
6 Head/phosphate hydrophilic/polar and tail/fatty acid
7 Heads outside and tails attracted to each other/inside;
Describe the structure of a cell membrane. (5)
Double layer of phospholipid molecules;
Detail of arrangement of phospholipids;
Intrinsic proteins/protein molecules passing right through;
Some with channels/pores;
Extrinsic proteins/proteins only in one layer/on surface;
Molecules can move in membrane/dynamic/membrane
Glycocalyx/carbohydrates attached to lipids/proteins;

Describe the part played by cell surface membranes in regulating the movement of
substances into and out of cells. (6)
Non-polar/lipid soluble molecules move through phospholipid layer/bilayer;
Small molecules/water/gases move through phospholipid layer/bilayer;
Ions/water soluble substances move through channels in proteins;
Some proteins are gated;
Reference to diffusion;
Carriers identified as proteins;
Carriers associated with facilitated diffusion;
Carriers associated with active transport/transport with ATP/pumps;

Different cells have different proteins;

Correct reference to cytosis;

Explain how three features of a plasma membrane adapt it for its functions.
1. Phospholipid bilayer (as a barrier);
2. Forms a barrier to water soluble / charged substances / allows non-polar substances to pass
Maintains a different environment on each side / compartmentalisation;
3. Bilayer is fluid;
4. Can bend to take up different shapes for phagocytosis / form vesicles / self-repair;
5. Channel proteins (through the bilayer)/intrinsic protein;
6. Let water soluble/charged substances through / facilitated diffusion;
7. Carrier proteins (through the bilayer);
8. Allow facilitated diffusion / active transport;
9 surface proteins / extrinsic proteins, glycoproteins / glycolipids;
10 cell recognition / act as antigens / receptors;
12 regulate fluidity / increases stability;
Describe how the distribution of cell membranes in a prokaryotic cell such as a bacterium
differs from that in a cell from a plant leaf. (4)
Absence of nuclear envelope/membrane;
Membrane bounded organelles;
Such as mitochondria/chloroplast/vacuole/lysosome;
and membrane systems/endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi;
Mesosomes in prokaryotes;

Many reactions take place in living cells at temperatures far lower than those required for
the same reactions in a laboratory. Explain how enzymes enable this to happen.
lowers activation energy;
relevant mechanism e. g. brings molecules close together / reaction in smaller
steps / change in charge distribution / proton donation or acceptance / induced
fit ensuring substrates brought in correct sequence;
including relevant reference to active site;
Explain how a substrate is broken down by the enzyme.
Substrate enters active site;
Complimentary shapes / Lock and Key;
(Binding) to form enzyme-substrate complex;
Lowering of activation energy;
Conformational / shape change;
Breaking of bonds in substrate;
Products no longer fit active site and so are released;

the condensation reaction can be catalysed by an enzyme.
enzyme has an active site;
with a complementary shape to the substrate molecules;
enzyme-substrate complex formed;
lowering the (activation) energy for the reaction;
glycosidic bond formed/bringing together hydroxyl groups/water
molecule removed;
products leave the active site;
enzyme unchanged;


Explain how a change in pH affects enzymes activity

(decrease in pH) increases H ions/protons;
5 attach/attracted to amino acids;
6 hydrogen/ionic bonds disrupted/broken;
7 denatures enzyme / changes tertiary structure;
8 changes shape/charge of active site;
9 active site/enzyme unable to combine/fit with starch/enzyme-substrate
complex no longer able to form decreases rate of breakdown of starch/rate of
reaction/carbohydrase activity
Describe and explain how an increase in temperature affects the rate of an enzyme
controlled reaction.
Rate of reaction increases;
Increasing temperature increases rate of movement of molecules/
kinetic energy;
Collide more often/substrate enters active site more often/more
enzyme-substrate complexes formed;
Up to optimum;
Rate of reaction decreases;
High temperatures cause denaturation/loss of tertiary structure/3D

By breaking specified bonds (not peptide bond);

Active site altered/substrate cannot bind/fit/
Explain how inhibitors affect the rate of
enzyme-controlled reactions.
1 Statement about two types, competitive and
Note. Award points 2 5 only in context of
competitive and
non-competitive inhibition
2 Similarity of shape of inhibitor and substrate;
3 Inhibitor can enter/bind with active site (of
4 Affect/bind to enzyme other than at active site;
5 Distorts shape of active site;
6 Prevent entry of/binding of substrate to active site;
7 Therefore fewer/no enzyme-substrate complexes formed;

Use your knowledge of protein structure to explain why enzymes are specific and
may be affected by non-competitive inhibitors.
1 each enzyme/protein has specific primary structure / amino acid sequence;
2 folds in a particular way/ has particular tertiary structure;
3 active site with unique structure;
4 shape of active site complementary to/ will only fit that of substrate;
maximum of three marks for inhibition, points 5 8
5 inhibitor fits at site on the enzyme other than active site;
6 determined by shape;
7 distorts active site;
8 so substrate will no longer fit / form enzyme-substrate complex;

Describe the role of the enzymes of the digestive
system in the complete breakdown of starch.
(Starch) to maltose:
Maltase;(built into the membrane of the small intestine)
Maltose to glucose;
(Of) glycosidic bond;
Explain how the small intestine is adapted to its function in the absorption of the
products of digestion.
Large surface area provided by villi /
long / folds increase surface area / time
for absorption;
thin epithelium;
short diffusion pathway;
capillary network absorbs amino acids /
lacteal for absorption of digested fats;
Maintains a steep concentration
mitochondria supply ATP / energy for
active transport;
carrier proteins (in membranes);
Describe the processes involved in the absorption of the products of starch digestion.
Glucose moves in with sodium (into epithelial cell);
Via (carrier/channel) protein/symport;
Sodium removed (from epithelial cell) by active transport/sodiumpotassium pump;
Into blood;
Maintaining low concentration of sodium (in
epithelial cell) /
maintaining sodium concentration gradient
(between lumen
and epithelial cell);
Glucose moves into blood/out of the epithelial
By (facilitated) diffusion;

Describe and explain the roles of

diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active
transport in the absorption of digested
food by the ileum.
Lactose is the sugar found in mammalian milk, and,
movement along / down concentration gradient;
digested by the disaccharidase enzyme lactase (in the
membrane of the ileum epithelial cells) to glucose and
monoglycerides / micelles/fatty acids move into epithelial cells;
monoglycerides move from epithelium into blood;
Some people are lactose intolerant, and feel ill if
chylomicrons move into lacteals / lymph;
they eat foods containing milk. The symptoms include
Facilitated diffusion
flatulence and explosive diarrhoea. They dont have
Movement along / down concentration gradient;
the lactase enzyme, so cant digest lactose. Since
reference to carrier / channel proteins;
lactose cant be absorbed it remains in the gut,
monosaccharides or named / amino acids move into epithelial
on to the large intestine, where there wouldnt
Active transport
normally be any sugars. This is where the problems
movement against concentration gradient;
are caused:
The presence of lactose lowers the water potential
energy / ATP required;
of the colon lumen, so water cannot be absorbed from
reference to carrier proteins;
the faeces
by osmosis, and in fact water often diffuses
monosaccharides or named / amino acids moved into epithelial
out of the colon mucosa cells in to the lumen down
the water potential gradient. All this excess water in
the gut lumen causes diarrhoea
The colon is home to large numbers of bacteria (the
commensal flora), who can respire the sudden bounty

reference to co-diffusion e.g. glucose and NaCl;

monosaccharides or named / amino acids move into blood;

The mucosa, which secretes digestive juices and absorbs digested food. It is
often folded to increase its surface area. There is a layer of columnar epithelial
cells lining the mucosa. These epithelial cells contain microvilli, membrane
proteins for facilitated diffusion and active transport, mitochondria, and
membrane-bound enzymes. Epithelial cells are constantly worn away by
friction with food moving through the gut, so are constantly being replaced.
The submucosa, which contains blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves to
control the muscles. It may also contain secretory glands.

1. Mouth (Buccal cavity). The teeth and tongue physically break up the
food into small pieces with a larger surface area, and form it into a ball or
bolus. The salivary glands secrete saliva, which contains water to
dissolve soluble substances, mucus for lubrication, lysozymes to kill
bacteria and salivary amylase to digest starch. The food bolus is
swallowed by an involuntary reflex action through the pharynx (the back
of the mouth). During swallowing the trachea is blocked off by the
epiglottis to stop food entering the lungs.
2. Oesophagus (gullet). This is a simple tube through the thorax, which
connects the mouth to the rest of the gut. No digestion takes place here.
There is a epithelium, no villi, a few glands secreting mucus, and a thick
layer of circular and longitudinal muscle to propel the food by peristalsis.
Peristalsis is a wave of circular muscle contraction, which passes down
the gut and is completely involuntary. The oesophagus is a soft tube that
can be closed, unlike the trachea, which is a hard tube, held open by
rings of cartilage.

The muscle layer, which is made of smooth muscle, under involuntary

control. It can be subdivided into circular muscle (which squeezes the gut
when it contracts) and longitudinal muscle (which shortens the gut when it
contracts). These two muscles therefore have opposite effects and so are
antagonistic. The combination of these two muscles allows food to be pushed
an expandable bag where the food is stored for up to a few
the gut
hours. There are three layers of muscle to churn the food into a liquid called
The serosa,
is a thin, tough
of the
tissue that
This chime
is gradually
in to
small intestine
by aholds
it tothat
the acts
a gut
of thickand
as a valve. The mucosa of the
stomach wall has no villi, but does have numerous gastric pits (104 cm-2)
leading to gastric glands in the mucosa layer. These glands secrete gastric juice,
which contains: hydrochloric acid (pH 1) to kill bacteria (the acid does not help
digestion, in fact it hinders it by denaturing most enzymes); mucus to lubricate
the food and to line the epithelium to protect it from the acid; and some
protease enzymes. No other digestion takes place in the stomach.

4. Small Intestine. The first 30cm of the small intestine is called the duodenum.
Although this is short, almost all the digestion takes place here, due to two
secretions: pancreatic juice and bile. Pancreatic juice is secreted by the pancreas
into the duodenum through the pancreatic duct. Pancreatic juice contains
numerous amylase, protease and lipase enzymes. Bile is secreted by the liver,
stored in the gall bladder, and released into the duodenum through the bile
duct. Bile doesnt contain any enzymes, but it does contain bile salts to aid lipid
digestion, and the alkali sodium hydrogen carbonate to neutralise the stomach
acid. This alkali gives chyme in the duodenum a pH of around 7.5, so the
pancreatic enzymes can work at their optimum pH. The mucosa of the
duodenum has few villi, since there is no absorption, but the submucosa
contains glands secreting mucus and sodium hydrogen carbonate. The rest of
the small intestine is called the Ileum. This is the site of final digestion and
absorption. To maximise the rate of absorption the ileum has the three features
dictated by Ficks law: large surface area, short diffusion distance and a steep
cponcentrtain gradient sustained by movement of fluids on both sides of
exchange surface (see sheet above for detail).

Lungs and Lung disease

5. Large Intestine. The large intestin

and rectum. Food can

spend 36 hours in the large intestine

Describe how muscles in the thorax (chest) cause air to enterfaeces.
the lungs
The mucosa contains villi bu
during breathing.
glands secreting mucus. Faeces is m
Diaphragm/intercostal muscles contract;
cholesterol, bile, mucus, mucosa cel
Increases volume of thorax/chest/lungs;
and water, and is released by the an
Negative/lower pressure in lungs;
involuntary muscle that we can lear
In normal breathing, describe the part played by the intercostal muscles
ribs move upwards/out;
increasing volume/decreasing pressure in chest/thorax/lungs
Describe the difference in the composition of gases in inhaled and exhaled
air. Explain how these differences are caused.
1 inhaled air contains more oxygen than exhaled air;
2 inhaled air contains less carbon dioxide than exhaled air;
3 inhaled air contains less water (vapour);
4 relative amount/percentage of nitrogen also changes;
5 respiration results in lower blood oxygen / higher blood carbon dioxide;
6 oxygen enters blood / carbon dioxide leaves blood in alveoli;
7 by diffusion;
8 water vapour diffuses from moist surface;
Describe how the structure of the lungs and the red blood cells enable
efficient diffusion and transport of oxygen.
1 Large surface area produced by many alveoli;
2 Single layer of epithelial cells / very thin epithelium / squamous / pavement;
3 Capillary walls one cell thick;
4 Giving short diffusion pathway;
5 RBC thin / flattened / disc-shaped so large surface area;
6 No nucleus / mitochondria;
7 Haemoglobin for transport of oxygen;
8 Red cell close to capillary wall;
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease of the lungs. Describe the transmission
and course of infection of pulmonary tuberculosis.
1 (Bacteria transmitted in) droplets / aerosol;
2 (Bacteria) engulfed / ingested by phagocytes / macrophages;
3 (Bacteria) encased in named structure e.g. wall /
tubercle / granuloma / nodule;
4 (Bacteria) are dormant / not active / not replicating;
5 If immunosuppressed, bacteria activate / replicate / released;
6 Bacteria destroy alveoli / capillary / epithelial cells;
7 (Leads to) fibrosis / scar tissue / cavities /calcification;
8 (Damage) leads to less diffusion /less surface area / increases diffusion distance;
9 (Activation / damage allows bacteria) to enter blood / spreads (to other organs);
Emphysema is another disease of the lungs. People with emphysema may feel
weak and tired. Explain why.
1 Alveoli break down / collapse / rupture / walls thicken;
2 Less surface area / increases diffusion distance / less diffusion;
3 Loss of elastin / elastic tissue / elastase involved;
4 (Alveoli / lungs) cannot recoil / spring back / have reduced elasticity / more difficult to
expel air;
5 Reduced diffusion gradient / air not replenished / less air leaves lungs;
6 Less oxygen enters blood / tissues;
7 Less respiration / less energy released / less ATP produced;

Pulmonary fibrosis: when scars form on the epithelia that are damaged, increasing the
diffusion pathway, loss of elasticity in lung tissue, which reduces the concentration
gradient, narrowing of vessels, reducing air flow and concentration gradient. Results in
shortness of breath, dry cough, tiredness (insufficient oxygen for respiration)
Asthma is caused by physical factors called allergens in the environment. These
allergens include pollen, dust mites faeces and fur.
These allergens trigger an inflammatory response by the immune system.
White blood cells called mast cells release histamines, which cause the smooth circular
muscles of the bronchioles to contract, narrowing the airways (bronchoconstriction).
The epithelial cells also secrete more mucus, which further blocks the airways.
The constricted bronchioles stimulate wheezing and coughing as the lungs try to loosen
the mucus. The constrictions reduce the tidal volume, so alveolar air is only replaced
slowly. The oxygen concentration gradient across the alveolar epithelium is reduced, so
the rate of diffusion in the alveoli is reduced by Ficks law. Less oxygen diffuses into the
blood, so less oxygen is available for cellular respiration throughout the body.
Heart and heart Disease

1) Right atria receiving deoxygenated blood from

the vena cava
2) Right ventricle. Separated from the atria (1)
by the tricuspid valve. This wall is thinner than
the left ventricle as it pumps blood only to the
lungs (pulmonary circulation)
3) Pulmonary artery, separated from the
ventricle by the semi lunar valve carries blood
to lungs.
4) Pulmonary vein, returning oxygenated
blood to the heart. Now under much lower
pressure as it has passed through capillaries in
the lungs, so it needs re-pumped.
5) Left atrium.
6) Left ventricle. Separated from the atria (5) by
the mitral/bicuspid valve. This has a thicker
wall as it pumps blood a greater distance.
7) Aorta. Separated from ventricle by a semi
lunar valve.
Atrioventricular valves (tricuspid and bicuspid/mitral) are prevented from being turned inside out
by TENDINOUS cords running from their underside to the PAPILLARY MUSCLES on the ventricle
walls. This helps to increase the tension in the cords making them, resistant to back pressure.
The atrioventricular valves ensure that as the ventricles contract the blood flows into the aorta
and pulmonary artery only.

A o rta

P re ssu re /

L e ft
v e n tric le

C u rv e X


0 .1

0 .2

0 .3

0 .4

0 .5
0 .6
T im e / s

0 .7

0 .8

0 .9

1 .0

Curve x is the right ventricle, this is clear as the pattern is the same as that of the left
ventricle, but the pressure is lower as a result of the smaller muscle content of the wall.
When the left ventricle pressure crosses the pressure line representing the aorta the
blood flows through the semi-lunar valves. When ventricular pressure drops below the
aorta pressure then the valves shut. This causes the second sound you can hear on a
heart beat (dub).

When atrial pressure is

greater than ventricular
pressure the atrioventricular
valves are open
When ventricular pressure
exceeds atrial pressure (1)
then the atrioventricular
valves close
(tricuspid/bicuspid). The first
heart sound Lub
When ventricular pressure
exceeds arterial pressure (2)
the semi lunar valves open
When ventricular pressure is
less than arterial pressure (3)
the semi lunar valves shut,
this is the second sound of
the heart beat (dup)
The QRS wave is associated with the spreading of electrical activity over the ventricles.
This is evident as it occurs before the pressure in the ventricles begins to increase.
Pressure increase in the ventricles is due to ventricular systole. P is the wave of
depolarisation for atrial systole. PQ flat line is the time
Delay for depolarisation to spread SAN AVN Ventricles. T wave ventricular

Describe the parts played by the sinoatrial node

(SAN) and the atrioventricular node (AVN) in
controlling the heartbeat.
1SAN initiates / sends heart beat;
2Myogenic / beats spontaneously / does not require nerve
3Rate of beating influenced by nerves:
4Wave of electrical activity / impulses / excitation passes
over atrium;
5Triggers contraction of atrium;
6Electrical activity can only pass to ventricles / along
bundle of His by way of AVN
7Fibrous tissue prevents passage elsewhere;
8 Delay at AVN;
9 Allows blood to empty into ventricles / atria to empty;

Cardiac Output
Cardiac Output is the amount of blood flowing through the heart each minute. It
is calculated as the product of the heart rate and the stroke volume:
Cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume
The heart rate can be calculated from the pressure graph by measuring the
time taken for one cardiac cycle and using the formula:
Heart rate (beats per minute) =60 cycle time (s)
The stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped in each beat.
Both the heart rate and the stroke volume can be varied by the body. When the
body exercises the cardiac output can increase dramatically so that
Oxygen and glucose can get to the muscles faster
Carbon dioxide and lactate can be carried away from the muscles faster
Heat can be carried away from the muscles faster
What is atheroma? (2)
Plaque/ fatty material/ cholesterol/ foam cells/
lipoprotein build up;
In artery/ blood vessel wall;
Describe how atheroma can lead to an
aneurysm. (2)
Weakens artery wall;
So that it swells/ bursts;
Describe how atheroma may form and lead
to a myocardial infarction.(6)
1 fatty substance / foam cells / cholesterol in
artery wall / under endothelium;
2 formation of plaques / atherosclerosis /
atheroma narrows lumen of
3 atheroma creates turbulence / damage to
lining of artery;
4 (turbulence) increases risk of blood clot /
5 blood clot / thrombus breaks off;
6 (blood clot) lodges in coronary artery;
7 reduced blood supply to heart muscle;
8 reduced oxygen supply;
9 leads to death of heart muscle;

Cigarette smoking and a diet high in saturated fat increase the risk of
myocardial infarction. Explain how.(6)
Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin/causes less
oxygen to be transported;
Decreases concentration of antioxidants in blood;
Increases the damage done to artery walls;
Blood clot may occur;*
Blood pressure increased*
Blocks flow of blood to heart/in carotid arteries;*
Saturated fat associated with cholesterol;
Cholesterol deposited in arteries;
Atheroma formation;
Blood clot may occur*;
Blood pressure increased*
Blocks flow of blood to heart/in carotid arteries*;
*Allow reference to these points only once.
Cholesterol / blood clot causes constriction of coronary arteries;
Less oxygen transported to heart muscle tissue;
Explain how smoking and a high blood cholesterol concentration increase the
risk of developing coronary heart disease. (6)
CHD = heart muscle receives inadequate amount of blood or oxygen / (coronary) blood
supply reduced;
Raises concentration of fibrinogen (in blood) / increased risk of clotting;
Increases viscosity of blood;
(Nicotine) causes platelets to stick together / causes vasoconstriction;
Carbon monoxide associated with plaque formation;
Reduces ability of arteries to dilate / reduces elasticity;
Fatty streaks / deposits adhere to wall of arteries;
Atheroma / atherosclerosis / plaque;
Narrows lumen of artery;
Damages endothelium;
Can lead to formation of thrombus / blood clot;
Clots need to be in context
Explain the effect of smoking on blood pressure; (2)
Because arteries cannot dilate / dilate less;
Heart must work harder to force blood through;
Increases blood pressure;
Explain how smoking might lead to the formation of a blood clot. (3)
Higher blood pressure causes damage to blood vessel lining / endothelium/ collagen;
Platelets stick together / form a plug / adhere to collagen fibres;
Release of thromboplastin / thrombokinase;
Fibrinogen converted to insoluble fibrin;
Platelet plug trapped by fibrin mesh;

Disease is a general term meaning a disorder of the body.

Diseases can be caused by many different factors:
Infectious Diseases are caused by pathogenic organisms
(usually microbes) living in or on the body and so causing harm
(e.g. cold, TB, AIDS).
Dietary Deficiency Diseases are caused by a lack of
specific nutrients in the diet, e.g. kwashiorkor (protein), scurvy
(vitamin C), and rickets (vitamin D).
Environmental Diseases are caused by non-living factors
in the environment. They include skin cancer (caused by
radiation), lung cancer (caused by smoking), asthma (caused
by dust), pulmonary fibrosis (caused by dust or pollution), and
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (caused by prions).
Social Diseases are caused by human activities and
lifestyle. They include alcoholism, emphysema, coronary heart
disease, anorexia, drug addiction and even accidents.
Ageing Diseases are caused by degeneration of body
tissues and include arthritis, arteriosclerosis and cataracts.
Genetic Diseases are caused by genes inherited from
parents. These are really characteristics that are unusual in the
population and are life-threatening (e.g. muscular dystrophy,
cystic fibrosis, haemophilia).
In fact all diseases are affected by genetics, but these single
gene disorders are governed entirely by the action of a single
allele and are not influenced by any other factor.
A persons lifestyle affects their chances of suffering
from diseases (except the single gene disorders).
Lifestyle factors can include diet, exercise, work
environment, sexual habits, smoking, drinking and
drug-taking. Some of these factors have obvious
association with disease (like smoking), while others
are less obvious (like occupation), but all the factors
have an associated risk.
Different disease have specific risk factors, i.e.
factors that specifically increase the risk of getting
that disease. A few examples are:
Risk Factors
Lung cancer:
smoking and cleanliness of the
Skin cancer:
exposure to sunlight and colour
of skin.
diet, age, genetics and
genetics diet and exercise.
sexual habits, drug habits and
Some of these risk factors are beyond our control,
e.g. genes and age. But the others are lifestyle

For a pathogen to cause a disease these steps must take place:

1. The pathogen must be transmitted to the human host (through drinking water,
eating food, breathing aerosol droplets, animal bites, or direct contact)
2. The pathogen must gain entry inside the human body. The human body is
protected by a tough layer of endodermis (skin), but pathogens can enter via cuts in
the skin (e.g. malaria); or the thinner epithelium exchange interfaces, such as the
digestive system (e.g. cholera) or lungs (e.g. tuberculosis).
3. The pathogen must evade the defences of the host. Humans have a range of
defences, such as stomach acid, lysozyme enzymes and the immune system, and
these defences are usually very effective at preventing disease. But it only takes a
few pathogen cells resisting the defences to multiply and cause a disease.
4. The pathogen must harm the host. Pathogens harm their hosts in two ways.
First, by reproducing inside host cells, using up cellular resources and preventing
the cell from carrying out its normal reactions. The microbes then usually burst out
of the host cell, rupturing the cell membrane and killing the cell in the process.
Second, by producing toxins chemicals that interfere with the body's reactions.
These chemicals may inhibit enzymes, bind to receptors, bind to DNA causing
mutations, interfere with synapses and so on.

1) This graph
shows there is
no pattern
income and
incidence of
lung cancer

2) This graph
shows a
smoking and
cancer. But it
does not prove
causation as
other factors
can influence
results, age,
diet, and

3) To show causality
experiments are
needed. Here
arsenic (component
of cigarette smoke)
inhibits DNA ligase
which repairs
damaged DNA. Thus
in cells this could
lead to cancer, now
we have a
mechanism to
explain graph 2, and
we have evidence
for a causal
4) There is a
between smoking
correlation between
and cancer.
alcohol and cancer.
Lab studies have not
found a causal link
between the two, so
alcohol is not a risk
factor. The correlation
is indirect, where
heavy drinkers, tend
to be heavy smokers

Phagocytes and lysosomes are involved in destroying microorganisms. Describe how.
Phagocytes engulf pathogens/microorganisms;
Enclosed in a vacuole / vesicle/ phagosome;
Fuses with lysomsome to for a phagolysosome
Lysosomes have enzymes;
That digest/hydrolyse molecules/proteins/lipids/microorganism;
What is an antigen?
Molecule/part of molecule/protein/glycoprotein;
Stimulates immune response;
What is an antibody?(2)
specific to antigen;
idea of fit/complementary shape;
Antibodies are protein molecules. Explain why protein molecules are particularly well
suited to carry out the role of antibodies.
Large variety of different molecules;
range of shapes;
Tertiary shape;
locks onto / complements specific antigen;
Vaccines protect people against disease. Explain how.(5)
1. Vaccines contain antigens / antigens are injected;
2. Dead pathogens / weakened pathogens;
3. Memory cells made;
4. On second exposure memory cells produce antibodies / become active / recognise pathogens;
5. Rapidly produce antibodies / produces more antibodies;
6. Antibodies destroy pathogens;
7. Herd effect / fewer people to pass on disease;
What is vaccination?
Injection of antigens/toxoids;
(Antigen from) attenuated microorganism/non-virulent microorganisms/dead
Microorganisms/isolated from microorganism;
Stimulates the formation of memory cells;
Give two other methods used to prepare vaccines.
Killed microorganism;
modified toxin;
attenuated/heat treated/UV treated microorganism;
genetically engineered antigens;
isolated antigen;
Vaccines protect against disease by stimulating the production of memory cells.
Describe how memory cells protect the body from disease.
On further exposure to same microorganism;
Antigen recognised;
Faster response;
Greater production of antibodies;
What is a monoclonal antibody? (2)
Reference to hybrid cell from tumour / cancer and
antibodies all the same / from one type of plasma cell;
specific to / complementary to / fits only one antigen;

Immunisation programmes may use either attenuated or dead microorganisms.

Suggest why there might be problems for the patient when using these vaccines.
Process of killing organisms might not be 100% efficient;
live organisms might give rise to full-blown disease;
attenuated organisms are non-virulent;
but might mutate to virulent forms;
immunity can decline - booster injections required;
named side effects, eg allergies;
less effective due to changed antigens;
Suggest two reasons why parents may decide against vaccination for their children.
consider vaccines to be unsafe / have side effects / damage immune system;
consider natural immunity to be more effective; allow in (a) if not here
religious / ethical objections qualified e.g. objections to use of fetal /
animal tissue;
consider low risk of disease when high percentage of population already
vaccinated/Ref. to Head Effect
Explain how the defence mechanisms of the body reduce the chance of entry by a
Epidermis of skin is dead / keratinised so pathogens cannot penetrate;
mucus in respiratory system is trapping sticky pathogens;
cilia move fluid / mucus removing pathogens;
tears / saliva / mucus contain lysozyme breaking down bacterial cell wall;
stomach contains hydrochloric acid which destroys bacteria;
blood clot prevents entry;
fluid nature of tears wash away bacteria;
vaginal acid destroys bacteria;
commensal bacteria on skin compete with pathogen;
sebum (fatty acid) inhibits bacterial growth;
Explain how the body responds both generally and specifically to pathogens that enter
the blood.
action of phagocytes;
Interferon production;
body temperature increased;
ref to B or T lymphocytes;
activated by non-self-antigen;
either clone / divide by mitosis;
T helper cells role;
B plasma cells produced;
which produces antibodies;
any specific effect (e.g. immobilise /agglutinate / lysis /coat for recognition /
neutralise toxins);
T killer / cytotoxic cell;
perform produced;
memory cell produced;
Explain the role of B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes in the defence of the body
against a virus infection.
B lymphocytes produce antibodies/involved in humoral response;
T lymphocytes involved in cell mediated immunity;
Macrophages present antigens;
(specific) B lymphocytes recognise/bind to antigen;
increase in numbers by mitosis;
produce plasma cells (which make antibodies);
antibodies bind to and clump/ agglutinate virus;
memory cells produced by 1 exposure/cloned on 2
T lymphocytes(helpers) produce lymphokines/chemicals;
which aid B lymphocyte cloning;
encourages phagocytes to engulf clumped virus;
killer T cells kill virus infected cells;

Monoclonal Antibodies
The unique tertiary structure of each antibody protein allows it to bind
specifically and tightly to one particular antigen. Scientists quickly realised
that the remarkable specific binding property of antibody proteins in vivo
would make them very useful tools in medicine and research in vitro. [In vivo
means in life, i.e. in a living organism; and in vitro means in glass, i.e. in
a test tube.] Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies of one particular shape
made by a clone of a single B-lymphocyte.
Making Monoclonal Antibodies
Antibody proteins are far too complicated to be synthesised chemically in
vitro: they have to be made by living cells. In 1975 Kohler and Milstein
developed a method to make monoclonal antibody proteins using mice.
1. Inject a mouse with the antigen protein that you want antibodies for. The
mouse will show a primary immune response and make a clone army of Blymphocytes with antibodies specific for that antigen.
2. After a few days, extract B-lymphocyte cells from the rabbits blood. The
blood contains a mixture of thousands of different B-cells, each making their
own specific antibodies, so we need to isolate the B-cell we want. Dilute the
blood cells into hundreds of wells in an immunoassay plate, so that there is
just one cell per well. The cells multiply in their wells and secrete antibodies
a different antibody in each well.
3. Test each well for production of the antibody required and row the B-cells
from that well in a culture flask, where they multiply by mitosis, making
millions of identical cloned cells, each secreting identical antibodies
monoclonal antibodies.

Using Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies have many uses, but they are all based on the
same principle. If monoclonal antibodies are mixed with a sample
containing a mixture of proteins, the antibodies will bind specifically
and tightly to only one protein in the sample.

The monoclonal antibodies can have another molecule chemically

attached to the constant region, which can make the antibody
coloured, or fluorescent, or attach it to a surface. This allows the
target protein to be visualised.
Some uses of monoclonal antibodies include:
Antibodies can be used as a magic bullet to target drugs to one
specific cell type in the body. Monoclonal antibodies are made to an
antigen only found on the target cell, and the drug is bound to the
constant region of the antibody. The antibody/drug complex is then
be injected into the patient and the antibody will ensure that the
agent is carried only to the target cells and nowhere else.
Antibodies can be made to target a toxic agent (e.g. a radioactive
substance) to cancer cells and nowhere else in the body.
Antibodies to the protein hormone hCG, produced in pregnancy, are
bound to a test strip and used to detect the presence of hCG in urine
in a pregnancy test strip.
Antibodies are used to detect the presence of specific proteins in
very low concentrations in the ELISA assay.
Fluorescent antibodies are used to stain particular cell organelles in
microscope slides.
Antibodies can be used directly in passive immunity to help the
body's normal immune response to a serious infection
What is a monoclonal
A hybrid cell from tumour
(cancerous, myeloma) and Blymphocyte called a hybridoma
it produces the same antibodies
as it is derived from one type of
plasma cell;
this means the antibodies are
specific (complementary) to fits
only one antigen

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