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A pp l i c at i o n N ot e

Speech Intelligibility
Measurement with XL2 Analyzer
The XL2 Analyzer measures the speech intelligibility according to the latest revision of standard IEC 60268-16:2011 (edition 4) and older editions. It includes ambient noise correction
and automated averaging of measurements. The XL2 displays
the measurement results as STI or as CIS results, accompanied by the individual levels and modulation indices of the
seven octave bands.

STI and STIPA are the most established methods for measuring
speech intelligibility. STIPA is an optimized version of STI dedicated for portable measurement instruments. This application note
explains the principles behind these methods.



XL2 Analyzer

STIPA Reporting Tool

STIPA Signal Source

STIPA Measurement Hints


Who can and should conduct STIPA measurements?



Subjective analysis methods


Technical Methods


STI - Speech Transmission Index


RASTI - Room Acoustics Speech Transmission Index


STIPA - Speech Transmission Index for Public Address


Feb 14, Page 1 / 19

A pp l i c at i o n N ot e

Public address systems in building complexes have to inform
members of the public about escape directions in case of emergency. Such public buildings include airports, railway stations,
shopping centers and concert halls. However, if such announcements are misunderstood due to poor system quality, tragic consequences may result. Therefore, it is essential to design, install
and properly verify the speech intelligibility of such sound reinforcement systems. In addition, common public announcement
systems may have legal or contractual requirements regarding
the level of speech intelligibility, such as in medical, industrial or
commercial environments.

The standard ISO 7240-16 / - 19 requires the verification of electro-acoustic sound systems for emergency purposes. Realistic
circumstances shall ascertain a measurable minimum level of
speech intelligibility in case of an emergency. Therefore, speech
intelligibility from a regulatory view is not a subjective measurement, but can be verified with several, more or less complex
methods that have been standardized in IEC 60268-16.

International standards:
ISO 7240
IEC 60268-16

Fire detection and alarm systems,

section 16 & 19
Objective rating of speech intelligibility by
speech transmission index

National regulatory bodies recommend or require maintaining a

minimum speech intelligibility.
National standards:
BS 5839-8

VDE 0828-1

National Fire Alarm Code (2010 edition)

Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings.
Code of practice for the design, installation and
servicing of voice alarm systems
Electroacoustic Emergency Systems with application regulation described in standard DIN VDE

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Standard IEC60268-16
The standard IEC60268-16 describes the various speech intelligibility measurement methods in detail. The latest update in 2011
included the following changes compared to the earlier 2003 edition:
Adding the qualification scale A+ to U
The STI value is shown as a letter of the qualification scale below,
which informs about the typical STI requirements for dedicated


STI Range
> 0.76
0.72 - 0.76

0.68 - 0.72


0.64 - 0.68
0.60 - 0.64
0.56 - 0.60
0.52 - 0.56

0.48 - 0.52

0.44 - 0.48


0.40 - 0.44
0.36 - 0.40
< 0.36

Examples of typical uses

recording studios
theatres, speech auditoria,
parliaments, courts
theatres, speech auditoria,
parliaments, courts
teleconference, theatres
class rooms, concert halls
concert halls, modern churches
PA in shopping malls,
public offices, cathedrals
PA in shopping malls,
public offices
PA in difficult acoustic
PA in very difficult spaces
not suitable for PA systems
not suitable for PA systems

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Continuous level dependent auditory masking

The masking function developed through the various editions of
the standard IEC60268-16 as follows:
ed2.0 old edition released in 1998 with fixed masking function
ed3.0 old edition released in 2003 with stepped level dependent auditory masking function
ed4.0 actual edition released in 2011 with continuous level dependent auditory masking function

Comparison of the IEC 60268-16 Editions

STI (best case)

edition 2.0, 1998


edition 3.0, 2003

edition 4.0, 2011



Level LAeq




Best intelligibility is achieved at message levels in the range of

70-80 dBSPL. At higher sound pressure levels the self-protection
of the ear comes into action, which is reflected in a reduced intelligibility index, such as an STI of 1 at 70 dBSPL may be down to
0.7 STI at higher sound pressure level.

German Standard VDE 0833-4 Requirements

STI > 0.63

One single measurement is sufficient.

STI < 0.63

Perform three subsequent measurements for this

measurement position.
If the maximum result deviation of these three
measurements is > 0.03 then further three measurements shall be performed.
If the maximum result deviation of these measurements is > 0.05 then the cause of this instability shall be evaluated and removed.
The arithmetic average of the performed three or
six measurements has to be reported.

An STI > 0.63 ensures, that the speech intelligibility is higher than
0.5 with a confidence level of 95%.

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XL2 Analyzer
The XL2 Analyzer with firmware V2.50 extends the STIPA measurement with the following features:
Averaging of STIPA Measurements
Ambient Noise Correction
Continuous Level Dependent Auditory Masking
Qualification Scale A+ to U

Ambient Noise Correction

Measuring the speech intelligibility index under realistic environmental conditions is often not feasible; e.g., playing the test signal in a railway station at emergency levels during peak hours will
irritate passengers. Additionally, at rush-hour the characteristics
of ambient noise might be highly impulsive, while a pre-requisite
for accurate STIPA measurements is a negligible impulsivity in the
ambient noise. Under such circumstances the STIPA measurement should be shifted to a more suitable time of the day; e.g.
night time.
Measurement Sequence
First measure the realistic ambient noise, e.g. during day time
Secondly measure the speech intelligibility STIPA, e.g. at night

This sequence simplifies the STIPA measurement

as follows: The XL2 immediately displays the STIPA result with ambient noise correction. The result
provides a guideline if further measurements at the
same location are required. For more details see the
chapter STIPA Measurement Hints in this application note.

In case no ambient noise correction has been carried out on-site

with the XL2 Analyzer, then you may post process your measurement data on the PC. The NTi Audio STIPA Reporting Tool combines the STIPA measurement taken at quiet conditions and the
actual ambient noise caused by the public, e.g. during day-time.
This emulates the expected STIPA value at real-life conditions.

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Ambient Noise Correction of new PA-Systems

New announcement systems are commissioned e.g. at public areas prior the grand opening. Thus the actual ambient noise caused
by the public is not available yet during the STIPA measurement.
Here you may simulate the real-life condition with ambient noise
data enabled by one of the following modes:
Utilize a reference noise file, which might be applicable for the
actual project. E.g. measure the ambient noise at another similar project and store this as reference noise file.
Edit the actual noise data on the XL2 manually according your
Measure the actual ambient noise and verify the STIPA readings
after the opening of the public area.

Averaging of STIPA Measurements

The standard IEC 60268-16 recommends averaging two or three
subsequent results taken at the same measurement location.
The German Standard VDE 0833-4 requires performing minimum
three subsequent measurements for one measurement position
in case of STI < 0.63.
Consequently the XL2 Analyzer offers automated averaging STIPA
results based on these standard requirements.

Can I buy STIPA for my XL2 Analyzer?

Yes, STIPA is an optional function for the XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer. Any XL2 user may obtain a STIPA license. With the
license key you may request the activation key for your XL2 Audio
and Acoustic Analyzer. Enter your license key at

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STIPA Reporting Tool

The STIPA Reporting Tool creates measurement reports according to the IEC 60268-16 and VDE 0833 standards. Import the
data directly from your XL2 including the ambient noise measurements. The corresponding speech intelligibility STI or CIS values
are shown.

Project WaitingRoom
Comments MeasuredinemptyroomwithTalkBox
Standard IEC6026816ed4.02011





STIPAFile AltbFlur_STIPA_000(Altb_Flur,1)


0.52 G













NoiseFile XL2_V2x_RTA_APPEND_SLM_008(MyLocation,1)

STIPAFile AltbFlur_STIPA_000(Altb_Flur,2)
NoiseFile XL2_V2x_RTA_APPEND_SLM_008(MyLocation,2)

STIPAFile AltbFlur_STIPA_000(Altb_Flur,3)
NoiseFile XL2_V2x_RTA_APPEND_SLM_008(MyLocation,3)

STIPAFile AltbFlur_STIPA_000(Altb_Flur,4)
NoiseFile XL2_V2x_RTA_APPEND_SLM_008(MyLocation,1)

STIPAFile AltbFlur_STIPA_000(Altb_Flur,5)
NoiseFile XL2_V2x_RTA_APPEND_SLM_008(MyLocation,2)

STIPAFile AltbFlur_STIPA_000(Altb_Flur,6)

STIPA Report


Project: Waiting Room

The STIPA Reporting Tool is free to download on the XL2 support

website for all registered users (enable all
macros when opening the document).
System Requirements:

PC running Windows XP or Windows 7

Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 (32 bit or 64 bit versions)

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STIPA Signal Source

Utilize the applicable STIPA signal source dedicated for your installation configuration:

NTi Audio TalkBox

The NTi Audio TalkBox is required for audio systems with voice
It simulates a person talking at a precise acoustic level, enabling
the measurement of the complete signal chain including the microphone. It offers calibrated acoustic sound source emulating the
speech levels of a person speaking in a normal and an emergency
situation. The use of the NTi Audio TalkBox is advisable if:

NTi Audio TalkBox

Regulations require a complete end-to-end system check including the microphone. This is the most realistic system check
in any event.
No input is available for an electrical test signal.
The level of the test signal is not clearly defined.
The characteristics of the speakers acoustical environment are
not negligible and flat.
The characteristics, sensitivity and frequency response of the
speakers microphone is not known but needs to be considered.
If for any other reason it is desirable to test the entire signal
chain under real conditions.
The standard STIPA signal is based on a band-limited random
noise of a male speech spectrum. The TalkBox is also capable of
delivering white and pink noise and other special signals, and so is
a very useful overall tool for system tuning and testing.
How to use the NTi Audio TalkBox?
Place the NTi Audio TalkBox in front of the microphone at the
typical position of the talking persons head.
Select Track 1 for the STIPA test signal.
Select Output Mode to Speaker; you should hear the STIPA
test signal.

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Minirator MR-PRO
The Minirator MR-PRO is used for electrical signal injection into
public address systems that commonly use alarm messages from
a hard drive (systems without a microphone).

Minirator MR-PRO

Test CD
The NTi Audio CD STIPA V1.1, included in the package, can be
used with a professional CD player. For details see the chapter
STIPA Measurement Hints

Use only the original NTi Audio test signal for speech
intelligibility measurements with the XL2.
Other signals may not seamlessly loop, thus causing
wrong measurement results!

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STIPA Measurement Hints

Ambient Noise

The ambient noise has to be sufficiently static during the measurement. A signal-noise ratio of 15 dB or higher is recommended
to achieve best speech intelligibility. Impulsive ambient noise during the measurement, such as speech, causes severe measurement errors. The STIPA result is usually too high.
Fluctuating noise is detected by measuring the direct STI in the
absence of the test signal. Carry out these measurements at
least at a representative set of locations. If the STI is too high
(e.g. STI > 0,2), the measurement results are likely to be erroneous. Then the STIPA measurement should be carried out without
this noise being present. Utilize the ambient noise correction for
such instances.
At locations with varying conditions (e.g. public areas with few
people and other areas with crowds) the worst-case STIPA results should be measured. Consult the local regulations (e.g. the
NFPA code in the U.S.) for directives concerning measurement
locations and number of required STIPA measurements under
which circumstances.

STIPA Measurement
The intelligibility index is measured in the range from 0 to 1,
whereby 1 is perfect. The minimum intelligibility requirement
including measurement uncertainty is typically 0.5.
The variation of STIPA test results should be not more than
0.03 STI at one test position. In case you find the deviations
higher than 0.03 STI then verify and eliminate the causes for
these discrepancies and repeat the measurement (e.g. measure STIPA during night time).

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Low STIPA readings can be caused by

-- Excessive sound reverberation, echoes or reflections
-- Poor speaker directivity or speaker coverage
-- Speaker level setting incorrect; e.g. low signal-to-noise ratio.

What to do if Impulsive Noise is permanently present?

In a 24/7 production environment or near a highway, impulsive
noise may be permanently present and STIPA measurements
should not be carried out. In such instances the onsite conditions
have to be simulated in a laboratory for STIPA testing:
The real noise spectrum should be measured e.g. with the XL2
Audio and Acoustic Analyzer SLM function, averaging over a
sufficient period of time.
A diffuse sound field of non-impulsive noise with same frequency shape and octave band levels as measured has to be
generated in the laboratory.
The real speaker - listener environment has to be acoustically
reproduced as close as possible in the laboratory.
Then the actual STIPA measurement can be carried out. No
post processing is required.
This approach is also mandatory for systems that include automated gain control (AGC), if such systems cannot be tested in the
original environment without annoying members of the public.

Measurement Configuration
Simulate the emergency situation as close as possible:
Position the microphone at 1.0 - 1.2 meters above ground in
sitting areas or 1.5 - 1.8 meters in standing areas (typical positions are not directly in front of the speakers).
The person taking the measurements should be out of the
acoustic field, so as not to affect the measurement results. For
this purpose the measurement microphone can be mounted
on a microphone stand and connected with the ASD-Cable to
the XL2.
The VDE 0833 standard defines measurements to be carried in
a grid from 6x6 and for very big areas like exhibition halls up to
12x12 meter. The measurement points have to represent the
speech intelligibility of the area under test!

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Only high-quality CD-Players should be used to reproduce the
STPA test signal as only limited time-shifts (+/- 20 ppm) ensure reliable STIPA test results. Pitch control and shock protection should
be disabled. We recommend that only professional CD-Players
be used. Verify the time shift of the CD-Player with a 1 kHz test
Insert the NTi Audio Test CD into the CD-Player and start track
1, which is the 1 kHz test signal.
Connect the XL2 directly to the audio output and measure the
signal frequency in RMS/THD+N mode. The displayed frequency should be in the range from 0.99998 kHz to 1.00002 kHz
STIPA test signals from other test system manufacturers may
sound similar but are not compatible. Only the NTi Audio STIPA
test signal CD V1.1 or higher should be used in combination with
the XL2 Analyzer.

Who can and should conduct STIPA measurements?

Even though the background of the STIPA method is complex, the
operation of STIPA using the XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer is
very simple. Operators with a basic acoustic knowledge can easily conduct these measurements. The instruments internal storage ability also simplifies the measurements in larger buildings,
where many measurements must be taken at many locations.
The detailed access to the measured MTF (Modulation Transfer
Function) matrix enables experts to post-process all measurement data.

Further Information:
For further information please visit
Detailed information on speech intelligibility measurements are
contained in the IEC60268-16 (2011. edition 4.0) standard, which
also describes the test procedures and the requirements in practice.

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Subjective analysis methods
Although frequency response, reverberation, distortion, signal-tonoise ratio or loudness are related to intelligibility, the conventional measurements of these parameters together only marginally
relate to intelligibility. When added issues, such as directionality
of drivers and the environment conditions are taken into consideration, the question is: How well a spoken message can be understood at different locations?
The fundamental approach to measuring intelligibility is to let a
trained human speaker read a number of existing or synthetic
words, whereas a representative number of listeners individually write down what they believe they understood. The statistical analysis of these notes results in a value representing the
percentage of words being understood correctly. Standardized
procedures according to this method are PB-words, CVC or SRT
(Speech Reception Threshold). However, conducting such tests is
rather time consuming and costly, and in some hazardous locations even impossible. Therefore, these methods are mainly used
to verify alternate measurement methods.

Technical Methods
As early as 1940, Bell Laboratories started to develop measurement technologies to determine the intelligibility of speech. Nowadays, highly-developed algorithms such as SII (Speech Intelligibility Index) and various forms of the STI (Speech Transmission
Index) objectively quantify speech intelligibility measurement.
These techniques consider many parameters which are important
for intelligibility such as:
Signal-to-noise ratio
Psychoacoustic masking effects
Sound pressure level
Ambient noise level
Reverberation time RT60
Frequency response

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The basic principle of STI measurement consists of emitting synthesized test signals instead of a human speakers voice. The
speech intelligibility measurement acquires this signal and evaluates it as it would be perceived by the listeners ear. Extensive
investigations have evolved the relationship between the alteration of speech characteristics and the resulting speech intelligibility. These findings are incorporated into the speech intelligibility
meter that is able to display the intelligibility result as a single
number between 0 (unintelligible) and 1 (excellent intelligibility).

Figure 1: Speech Intelligibility may be expressed by a single number value. Two scales
are most commonly used: STI (Speech Transmission Index) and
CIS (Common Intelligibility Scale)

Speech Model

Figure 2: Average octave band spectrum of

a male speaker

First of all, measuring the speech intelligibility requires a model

for speech signals. For instance, speech may be described as
how a frequency spectrum evolves over time. Superimposition
of spectra defines the long-term speech frequency spectrum. The
intensity of each frequency modulates over time.

Time Modulation

Figure 3: Envelope of a speech signal (250

Hz band).

Level of frequency components varies, i.e. is modulated by the

speaker. Figure 3 shows the envelope of a speech signal in the
250 Hz octave band. The shape of the envelope is given by averaging the time evolution of the speech content.

Frequency Spectrum
The spectral analysis of a male voice averaged over a longer time
results in a typical characteristic as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 4: Frequency spectrum of the envelope (250 Hz band).

Analyzing the spectra of time modulation intensity shows that a

speaker modulates the speech spectra with frequencies in the
range from 0.1 to 24 Hz. A set of modulation frequencies from
0.63Hz to 12.5Hz sufficiently represents these modulations.
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STIPA - Speech Transmission Index for Public Address

A rising awareness of security issues, new technological developments and the shortcomings of RASTI triggered the speaker
manufacturer Bose to develop a new method for speech intelligibility measurements of PA installations. The result of these efforts
is STIPA, which allows quick and accurate tests with portable instruments.
Like RASTI, STIPA applies a simplified procedure to calculate the
MTF. But STIPA determines one MTF by analyzing all seven frequency bands, whereby each band is modulated with two frequencies.

Figure 9: The IEC60268-16 describes a STIPA method where the 125Hz band and 250Hz
band are combined and the yellow marked modulation frequencies are not considered.

Supposing that no severe impulsive ambient noise is present and

that no massive non-linear distortions occur, STIPA provides results as accurate as STI. If however impulsive ambient noise is
present during the normal system operation hours, it is usually
possible to mitigate the effects by also acquiring a measurement
at a more favorable time e.g. under slightly different conditions in
the area, or during the night time - and to calculate an unbiased
overall measurement by using the results of both test cycles.

Figure 10: The NTi Audio-STIPA method (verified by TNO) considers all 7 octave bands
and all 14 modulation frequencies resulting in slightly more accurate results than the IEC
STIPA method.

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How does STIPA compare to STI

STI measured in public address systems can be very time consuming. A complete set of 98 measurements of modulation transfer functions (MTF) has to be obtained and summed. Due to the
complex nature and the time required, almost no really useful STI
measurement systems were available for years. With the appearance of MLS based systems, STI was more often obtained, as it
can be calculated out of the transfer function, as long as the entire
system is strictly linear and synchronous. Microphone and speaker are not allowed to move during the measurements, which prohibits employment of handheld instruments. Thus it doesnt make
sense to support MLS measurements in handheld instruments.
Alternatively by using the dedicated STIPA test signal, measurements can be accomplished with handheld instruments.
STIPA, a derivative of STI, has been developed specifically to cope
with the non-linear processing environment common to advanced
sound systems, and to reduce the measurement time required to
a practical level.

Calculation of % Alcons from STIPA Measurement

Alcons (%) = 10^((1-STI)/0.45)
The calculation of STIPA based on Alcon measurements is not
reasonable due to the difference in the measurement principles.

STIPA (Speech Transmission Index for Public Address systems)
supports fast and accurate tests with portable instruments. Portable STIPA analyzers, e.g. NTi Audios XL2 Audio and Acoustic
Analyzer, are able to evaluate speech intelligibility within 15 seconds per room position and are thus well suited for wide-area
measurements and high productivity.

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STIPA - Speech Transmission Index for Public Address

A rising awareness of security issues, new technological developments and the shortcomings of RASTI triggered the speaker
manufacturer Bose to develop a new method for speech intelligibility measurements of PA installations. The result of these efforts
is STIPA, which allows quick and accurate tests with portable instruments.
Like RASTI, STIPA applies a simplified procedure to calculate the
MTF. But STIPA determines one MTF by analyzing all seven frequency bands, whereby each band is modulated with two frequencies.

Figure 9: The IEC60268-16 describes a STIPA method where the 125Hz band and 250Hz
band are combined and the yellow marked modulation frequencies are not considered.

Supposing that no severe impulsive ambient noise is present and

that no massive non-linear distortions occur, STIPA provides results as accurate as STI. If however impulsive ambient noise is
present during the normal system operation hours, it is usually
possible to mitigate the effects by also acquiring a measurement
at a more favorable time e.g. under slightly different conditions in
the area, or during the night time - and to calculate an unbiased
overall measurement by using the results of both test cycles.

Figure 10: The NTi Audio-STIPA method (verified by TNO) considers all 7 octave bands
and all 14 modulation frequencies resulting in slightly more accurate results than the IEC
STIPA method.

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How does STIPA compare to STI

STI measured in public address systems can be very time consuming. A complete set of 98 measurements of modulation transfer functions (MTF) has to be obtained and summed. Due to the
complex nature and the time required, almost no really useful STI
measurement systems were available for years. With the appearance of MLS based systems, STI was more often obtained, as it
can be calculated out of the transfer function, as long as the entire
system is strictly linear and synchronous. Microphone and speaker are not allowed to move during the measurements, which prohibits employment of handheld instruments. Thus it doesnt make
sense to support MLS measurements in handheld instruments.
Alternatively by using the dedicated STIPA test signal, measurements can be accomplished with handheld instruments.
STIPA, a derivative of STI, has been developed specifically to cope
with the non-linear processing environment common to advanced
sound systems, and to reduce the measurement time required to
a practical level.

Calculation of % Alcons from STIPA Measurement

Alcons (%) = 10^((1-STI)/0.45)
The calculation of STIPA based on Alcon measurements is not
reasonable due to the difference in the measurement principles.

STIPA (Speech Transmission Index for Public Address systems)
supports fast and accurate tests with portable instruments. Portable STIPA analyzers, e.g. NTi Audios XL2 Audio and Acoustic
Analyzer, are able to evaluate speech intelligibility within 15 seconds per room position and are thus well suited for wide-area
measurements and high productivity.

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