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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)

Dimensional Analysis and Development of Similitude Rules for

Dynamic Structural Models
Gaurav Rastogi1, Khalid Moin2, S. M. Abbas3

Research Scholar,


Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, India.
The scaling concept has been utilized in many
engineering applications and helps engineers and scientists
to replicate the behavior of the prototype. The scaling can
be either scaling up or scaling down depending upon the
application. The experimental results of the scaled model
can be utilized to predict the behavior of the prototype. The
similitude theory has been applied to different fields like
structural engineering, vibration and dynamic problems.
Simitses [1] applied similitude concept for laminated plates
subjected to transverse, buckling and free vibration.
Rezaeepazhand [2, 3] have carried out analytical
investigations of similitude theory applied to free vibrations
of laminated plates. The investigations focused on the use
of scaling laws for multilayered composite rectangular
plates. The similarity conditions between the prototype and
the scale model were derived from the equation of motion
and dimensional analysis theory. Satish Kumar et al. [4]
developed two test procedures for pseudo dynamic test of
scaled concrete structures. The difference in the test results
due to difference in testing procedure is also addressed.
Oshiro R.E. et al. [5, 6] derived the scaling law for
structures subjected to impact load with the use of an
alternative dimensionless parameter accounting for strain
rate effects. This paper describes the development of
scaling rules considering the similitude criteria of
dimensional analysis and Buckingham Theorem.

Abstract Reduced scale models are widely used for

experimental investigations of large civil engineering
structures due to limitations of the facilities available in
testing laboratories as well as less costing of the experimental
set up and fabrication of reduced scale models. Scale modeling
reduces the size of a structural model without losing
important characteristics in the behavior of the prototype.
Scale models should satisfy similitude requirements so that
they can be used to study the response of full scale (prototype)
structures scale structures. However, very few studies have
been carried out on the similitude rules for scaling down of
the prototype structures with the models. In this study, an
attempt has been made to develop the similitude relations
dynamic structural models based on dimensional analysis
which is a mathematical technique to deduce the theoretical
relation of variables describing a physical phenomenon.
Keywords Dimensional Analysis, Dynamic Structural
Models, Experimental Testing, Reduced Scale Model, Scaling,
Similitude, Similitude Rules.

The use of dimensions dates from early history when
human beings first attempted to define and measure
physical quantities. It was essential for these descriptions to
have two general characteristics: qualitative and
The qualitative characteristic enables physical
phenomena to be expressed in certain fundamental
measures of nature. The three general classes of physical
problems, namely, mechanical (static and dynamic),
thermodynamic and electrical are conveniently described
qualitatively terms of the following fundamental measures:


The theory of dimensions can be summarized in two
essential facts:
Firstly, any mathematical description (i.e. equation) that
describes some aspect of nature must be in a dimensionally
homogeneous form. That is, the governing equation must
be valid regardless of the choice of dimensional units in
which the physical variables are measured.
As an example, the equation for bending stress, =
Mc/I, is correct regardless at whether force and length are
measured in Newton and Meter, Pounds and Inches or
other consistent units.

Force (or mass)
Electric Charge
These fundamental measures are commonly referred to
as dimensions.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)
Secondly, as a consequence of the fact that all governing
equations must be dimensionally homogeneous, it can be
shown that any equation of the form
F (X1, X2, .., Xn) = 0

In general, for any field problem, three independent

scale factor, which represent three fundamental
dimensions, namely mass, length and time, need to be
selected for designing the scaled model. This selection of
the scale factors and the three dimensions can be derived
from the principal of dimensional analysis [7].


Can be expressed in the form







The basis of dimensional analysis is Buckinghams
theorem [7]. This theorem states that by reason of the
principle of dimensional homogeneity, every complete
physical equation of the form of Eq. (3), which includes n
physical quantities (Q - quantities) measured according to a
certain absolute units system, can be reduced to a
functional relationship between a complete set of i
independent dimensionless products ( - products) of the
form of Eq. (4), the number of -products, i, is equal to
the number of physical quantities involved, n, minus the
number of arbitrary fundamental units needed as a basis for
the absolute system, k, by which the Q -quantities are

Where the (pi) terms are dimensionless products of the

n physical variables (X1, X2, Xn), and m = nr, where r is the
number of fundamental dimensions that are involved in the
physical variables.
This second fact, that any equation of the form F (X1,
X2, Xn) = 0 is expressible as
G ( 1 2, . m) = 0, has two very important
The form of a physical occurrence may be partially
deduced by proper consideration of the dimensions of the n
physical quantities X, involved. The deductions are made
by dimensional analysis, Physical systems that differ only
in the magnitudes of the units used to measure the n
quantities Xi, such as the quantities for a prototype
structure and its reduced scale model, will have identical
functional G. Similitude requirements for modeling result
from forcing the pi terms ( 1 2, . m) to be equal in
model and prototype, which is a necessary condition for the
full functional relationships to be equal.

measured (Eq. 5)
f (Q1,Q2,...,Qn) = 0


F(1, 2,, i) = 0




Since, the i, -products of the n considered physical

quantities are dimensionless, they must be the same in the
prototype and in the model structures. Then, a set of ratios
can be defined to describe the relationship between the
measurements in the prototype and model domains, defined
in Eq. (6). In Eq. (6), Qr,j = ratio of the physical quantity j;
Qm,j = physical quantity j measured in the model structure;
and Qp,j = physical quantity j measured in the prototype
structure; j = 1 to n.


The main objective of conducting experiments on
structures at reduced scales is to reduce the cost of
experimentation. Cost is reduced due to the reduction in the
loading equipment and a reduction in the cost of test
structure fabrication and successful testing of the models
within the limitations of the test facility available in the test
laboratory. The researchers must be careful and clear on
how far the model behaves similar to the prototype. The
modeling accuracy depends upon material properties,
fabrication accuracy, loading techniques, measurement
methods and interpretation of results.
The following section explains the use of Buckingham
Theorem in developing the geometrical relation, loading
relation and material property relation between the model
and the prototype. The relation between the model and
prototype is termed as similitude relation. Any structural
model must be designed, loaded and interpreted according
to a set of similitude requirements that relate he model to
the prototype.

The associated dimensionless products r,s (s = 1 to i)
must then be equal to 1, since the Q ratios are already
dimensionless. Therefore, Buckinghams theorem can be
written in the form of Eq. (7) to (9), where i is equal to n k. The r fundamental ratios constitute then a series of
products equal to unity that relates the measurements in the
model and prototype domains.
f (Qr,1,Qr,2,...,Qr,n) = 0
F(r,1, r,2,, r,i) = 0
{r} = {r,1, r,2,, r,i} = {1}



International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)
In this case, if the gravitational forces are not neglected,
and with the exception of centrifuge tests, gr = 1, and thus
ar = 1. The Fifth ratio (Cauchys number) relates the basic
fundamental properties assumed in the problem by means
of g. Since in most of the cases gr =1, then Eq.(14) must
be respected.


The basic scaling relations are given in Table 1. The
problem of dynamic loading in a building can be described
with the greatest degree of simplification as the functional
of Eq. (10)


Where = stress; r = position vector; t = time; =

density; E = modulus of elasticity; a = acceleration; g =
acceleration of gravity; l = length; 0 = initial stress; r0 =
initial position vector. The physical phenomenon is being
measured using 10 physical quantities. In this case, it can
be shown that the number of fundamental units needed as a
basis for these quantities is 3, thus i = 7. Since the selection
of the basic units is arbitrary, then some certain units of E,
and l can be used. Assuming that Eq. (10) is complete, it
can be reduced to the functional of 7 dimensionless
products shown in Eq. (10). It is worth to note that g can be
written in terms of these three units and is required as a
necessary condition for completeness of Eq. (11).

This relationship represents the major restriction for the

true experimental reproduction, since ether Er and/or r
must be different
than 1 to satisfy the non-trivial
case where lr < 1. If prototype materials are to be used, then
Er = 1, and thus r must be different to 1, which is in
contradiction with the prototype materials assumption.
Therefore, when using prototype materials, a true
reproduction is impossible. In this regard, [7] states dead
load effects in a model made of same prototype material.
Dead load stresses and distortions are developed by the
weight of the members in the structures. If they are to have
the same relative effect in the model and prototype, the
operating condition that the relative factor of safety in
tension and shear in the model are to be equal to the ratio of
the corresponding factor of safety in the prototype and Eq.
(15) must be satisfied.

Using Eq.(9) and (11), the similitude requirements for
the problem are those given by Eq.(12).

It is evident from Eq. (17) that the same material can be
used in model and prototype only if the length ratio is
unity. If the length scale is to be less than one, the material
in the model must be proportionally heavier or less stiff or
both. Therefore, when using prototype material, the true
reproduction of the prototype by the model is impossible. If
dead load stresses and displacements are to be ignored, this
requirement may obviously be relaxed. To solve this
problem, an artificial increase in the density of the material
by method of artificial mass simulation, while keeping the
modulus of elasticity constant, has been suggested.

The first ratio relates the stresses to the mechanical
property of the material E. If prototype materials are to be
used, then Er = 1, and then r = 1 (equal stresses). The
second ratio implies that if a factor of the length equal to lr
is to be used, then all the position in space will be
reproduced with a ratio of lr in the model structure. The
third ratio introduces the time relationship in the model and
prototype domains. Noting that (E/)r, can still be a ratio,
the time ratio, tr , is defined by Eq. (13).


Lets assume that the mass of a building can be lumped
at each floor level, as is normally done. Then, the inertial
mass in the model structure (Mm) can be artificially
increased by M to match the mass required by Eq. (16), in
terms of the ratio related to the prototype building (Mr) [7].

The Forth ratio (Fraudes number), relates the
acceleration due to gravity and the absolute acceleration.



International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)
If true prototype materials are to be used (Er = 1 and r
= 1), then the additional mass (Mr) required to achieve Mr
in the model - prototype relationship is given by Eq. (17), if
and only if the same dimensions of the prototype structure
are being used as a basis for the experimental model.




Small Scale

1:4 Reduced



Poissons Ratio,


Acceleration, G





Pressure, q



Acceleration, a




Force, P



Time, t
















Modulus, E

Recognizing the fact that gravity loads cannot be

neglected to reproduce axial compression failure, the
gravitational mass must be also considered in the model. It
seems reasonable to simulate that additional mass as
distributed mass in horizontal planes at each floor level, as
is normally assumed in design. The ratio of mass per unit
of area, mr, is given by Eq. (18) and is equal to unity.

This additional mass (inertial and gravitational) can be
simulated using steel or lead plates distributed on top of the
slabs at each story level. However, additional concrete
blocks on the storey slab of the model will be placed. For
example, for lr = 0.25, Mr = 0.047, so for every ton of
mass located at a storey level of the prototype structure,
0.047 tons must be artificially added to the model. When
different in-plane dimensions are being used in the
experimental model, this is not using all the tributary slab
on one side of the interior frame, for example, an artificial
mass named mo must be added to the model. As a
consequence, the mass per unit of area in the model will be
bigger than in the prototype, and in order to satisfy Eq.
(20), Eq. (19) must be respected.

Dimension, l


Velocity, V
Mass Density, p


Energy, EN

Where mm = distributed mass in the model, mo =

artificially simulated distributed mass, mp = distributed
mass in the prototype.

Scale Factor




Similitude Relations and scale factors of different

parameters for dynamic structural models are derived and
shown in Table I. Scale factor Sl for 1:4 scale reduced
models is 1/4 and the material of 1:4 scale reduced models
and their prototype is assumed to be same i.e. S E = 1. After
implementation of values of Sl and SE, the correspondent
scale factors for 1:4 scale reduced models are also shown in
Table I.

Scale reduced models are the better way to test civil

engineering structures that are extremely large in size and
weight. Applying similitude theory to establish similarity
among structural systems can save considerable time,
provided that the proper scaling rules are found and
validated. In this study the development of similitude
relations of dynamic structural models are carried out.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015)

The establishment of similarity conditions, based on

Buckingham Theorem, is discussed and their use in the
scaled model is also presented. The design and construction
of models requires extreme care. Small variations can be
critical for the interpretation of results. Non-linear
structures can be validated using analytical models
validated by scale models.




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