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Castromero, Camille Louise

Dampil, Darlene Jill Amiel

1. What is the relationship between motivation and the retention
of young Filipino employees?
The study involves the concept of different generations
being driven differently. The study will focus on 15-25
years old employees commitment to an organization.
With the recent study of what motivates the Filipino
youth in the work place, this study hopes to reveal
effective ways to satisfy and retain young Filipino
workers in the company.
Aghazadeh, S. (1999) Human resource management: Issues and
challenges in the new millennium. Management Research News, 22
no. 12, 19-32.
Ateneo Cord (2004) Trendwatcher series: Retaining employee talent.
Ateneo de Manila Press.
Franc, E. & Hechanova, R. (2008) Leading Philippine organizations in a
changing world: Research and best practices. Ateneo de Manila
Harvard Business School Press (2006) Retaining your best people.
Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

2. What is the relationship of contingent workers work hours

and shift to their commitment?
The study dwells into the work schedules and shifts of
contingent workers (of Jollibee) and its relationship to
their commitment to the company. Whether it is
advantageous to have this kind of set-up in the work
place or would it be more beneficial to just hire full time

Franc, E. & Hechanova, R. (2008) Leading Philippine organizations in a

changing world: research and best practices. Ateneo de Manila
Kaila, H.L. (2012) Human resources development and organizational
psychology. Atibs Publisher, India.
Lyness, K. (2012) Its all about control: worker control over schedule and
hours in cross national context. American Sociological Review, 77
no 6, 1023-1049
Prequito, L. (2003) Human resources management practices of Jollibee
foodstores in metro manila: an assessment. University of Santo
Tomas Graduate School, Manila.
Presser, Hairet. Work shifts and disability. Monthly Labor Review v. 125 no
9 Sept 2002 pp. 11-24
Wiens-Tuers, B. & Hill, E. (2002) Do they bother? Employer training of
temporary workers, Review of Social Economy 60, no 9, 543-566.
3. Who are more likely to experience burn out: Call Center
agents or their supervisory staffs?
With a recent study showing that call centers
supervisory personnel are experiencing more stress than
the executive personnel, this study compares the stress
levels experienced by call center agents and call center
supervisory staffs. This will look into their job
Angeles, A. (2009) Career development practices influence on
organization commitment of selected call center employees in
metro manila: Basis for retention program. University of Santo
Tomas Graduate School, Manila.
Ateneo Cord (2007) Trendwatcher series: Keeping and caring for your call
center agents. Ateneo de Manila University Press.
Pines, A. The burnout measure, short version. International Journal of
Stress Management 12 no. 1, 78-88.
Taruc, M. (2010) An analysis of lifestyle change of call center agents in
eastwood city. UST Graduate School, Manila.
Zarate, C. (2007) Organizational behavior and management in Philippine
organizations. REX bookstore, Manila, Philippines.

4. What is the correlation between conflict management style

and employee stress levels?
Given that conflicts in the workplace is inevitable, there
are many conflict management styles that can be used.
The study aims to identify the employees conflict
management style and determine whether it has an
effect on their stress levels.

Afzakur, R. H. (2001). Managing conflict in organizations(3rd.ed). Greenwood

Kaila, H. (2012). Human resource development and organizational
psychology. AITBS Publishers.
Marick, M.F. & Albright, R.I. (2002). The complete guide to conflict
resolution in the
workplace. AMACOM Div American Management Assn.
5. Does personality affect styles of managing conflict?
The purpose of this study is to determine the present
personality of the employees and to know whether this
affects their styles of managing conflict.

Ahmed, I. N. (2010). Personality Does Affect Conflict Handling Style:

Study of Future Managers. International Journal of Trade,
Economics and Finance. Vol.1 No.3
Kaila, H. (2012). Human resource development and organizational
pschology. AITBS Publishers.
Antonioni, D. (1998). Relationship Between The Big Five Personality
Factors and Conflict Management Styles, International Journal of Conflict
Management, Vol.9, No.4 pp. 336-355.

6. What is the relationship between reward satisfaction and

employee turnover intentions?
Most of the recent studies sought to find relationships
betwwen job satisfaction, job stress, turnover intentions
and many more that are related. In this study, it aims to
determine the direct relationship between reward
satisfaction and the turnover intentions of employees.

Boxall, P., Macky, K., & Rasmussen, E. (2003). Labour turnover and
retention in New Zealand: the causes and consequences of leaving
and staying with employers. Asia Pacific Journal of Human
Resources, 41(2), 196-214
De Gieter, S. & Hofmans, J.(2015). How reward satisfaction affects
employee turnover intentions and performance: and individual
differences approach. Human Resource Management Journal, 25,
(2), 200-216.
De Gieter, S., De Cooman, R., Hofsman, J., Pepermans, R., & Jegers, M.
(2012). Pay-level satisfaction and psychological reward satisfaction
as mediators of the organizational justice-turnover intention
relationship. International Studies of Management & Organization,
42(1), 50-67.

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