Centrifuge Modeling in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

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Centrifuge Modeling in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering


Soumya Pr Sahoo, Regd No. 514CE1011, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha,

Simulation of earthquake geotechnical problems

Considerable experience has been gained in
simulating earthquake effects in the centrifuge.
Simulation earthquake conditions in the
consideration of a number of factors. These
include modeling of base motion, selection of
model container with non-reflecting boundaries
and use appropriate fluid in the soil. These
aspects are discussed in the present study.


Body force due to gravity plays an important role

in geotechnical engineering problems. When
studies are undertaken to understand the
behaviour of real structures through scaled
models, it is found impossible to simulate the
body forces in the normal 1g field. Consequently,
many phenomena of interest to the geotechnical
engineer cannot be reproduced in laboratory
models. It has been realized that this deficiency
can be overcome with the use of centrifuge
technique in which models are subjected to
predetermined, high acceleration levels to
produce similarity conditions satisfactorily in
most situations. Some of the important problems
relating to earth dams, tunnels, offshore
problems of nuclear waste disposal, seismic
studies of earth structures and foundations can
be tackled using centrifuge modeling.
In this study the scaling laws are first outlined
and the important aspects concerning the
simulation of seismic conditions in the centrifuge
modeling are then presented.
Scaling Laws
In the centrifuge linear dimensions are modeled
by a factor 1/N and the gravitational body force
is increased by a factor N. This enables stress due
to the body force to be the same at homologous
points of model and prototype. The other scaling
relationships may be worked out based on these
For example
Lm = Lp/N and m = p
Force = stress x area
= Fm = 1 x (1/N2)Fp = (1/N2)Fp

Energy = force x distance

= Em = (1/N2)(1/N)Ep = (1/N3)Ep
Dynamic time = (distance /acceleration)1/2
= Tm = (1/N/N)1/2Tm = (1/N)Tp
Based on theory of consolidation, diffusion time
relationship is given by
Tm = (1/N2)Tp
It is recognized that there is a conflict in the
dynamic time relationship and diffusion time
relationship in centrifuge modeling. In
phenomena such as liquefaction where inertial
effects and diffusion effects both play important
role, this issue needs to be properly taken into

Centrifuge Modeling
Modeling of base motion in centrifuge
Consider the prototype base motion given by
xp = a sin(tp)
This base motion is simulated in the centrifuge
model according to the equation. Equation:
xm = a/N . sin(Ntm) = a/N sin(Ntp/N)
It is seen that time in the centrifuge is
compressed by a factor N. The particle
acceleration in the model will be N times that of
the prototype at homologous points.
Modeling the diffusion phenomenon in the
The inertial effects in the model take place faster
by a factor N in the centrifuge model. On the
other-hand the dissipation of pore water
pressure in the soil is governed by the
phenomenon of diffusion. Diffusion takes place
much faster in the model by a factor of N2. For
proper matching of time scaling, between
inertial and diffusion phenomena, it is necessary
to delay the diffusion process by a factor equal
to N. This may be achieved in two ways.
to place nonreflecting barriers near the end
plates. Dux seal, silicone rubber, urethane
foam are materials which have been used
for this purpose.
to use specially designed containers which
incorporate provisions to prevent reflections
from the container walls. Laminar containers
which are frequently used are fabricated

using a number of plates stacked one above

the other with a device such as ball bearing
between the plates to reduce the frictional
other approaches such as using equivalent
shear beams or providing hinged plates at the
ends. Current practice shows a preference
towards the use of laminar boxes.
Modeling the soil extent
In nature, soil extends to great distance;
Centrifuge containers being limited in size there
will multiple reflections of stress waves affecting
the soil behaviour during simulated earthquakes.
In order to arrest these reflections a number of
methods have been adopted.
to place nonreflecting barriers near the end
to use specially designed containers which
incorporate provisions to prevent reflections
from the container walls.


Studies on centrifuge models can provide

valuable insight into the behavior soil strata and
geotechnical structures during earthquakes.
centrifuge can help in understanding problems
such as liquefaction, lateral spreading subsidence
and soil amplification. Centrifuge studies may be
undertaken to validate mitigation measures,
validate numerical modeling and study the
efficacy of new geotechnical structural systems.
These studies can help in arriving at suitable
remedial measures to protect geotechnical
structures such as dams and embankments,
foundations of structures against ravages of

(Centrifuge Modeling Instrument)

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