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- llo. 715,3l5.

Patsntad Dec. 9, I902.




fbpplication ?led June 23, 1962).

010 Model.)

rm: shims 951m cu. PKOTD-LIYHO" wnsmm'rom n, n




SPECIFICATION tor-ming- part of Letters Patent No. 71 5,315, dated December 9, 1902.
Application ?led June 23, 1902. Serial No. 112,927. (No model.)

To all whom, it may concern.

Be it known that I, REINHOLD STEINECKE,

a citizen of the United States, residing in the
city, county, and State of New York, have in
vented certain newand useful Improvements
in Cigar-Cutters, of which the following is a



curved or semicircular, while the other co

operating knife-edge a is made angular, as

shown, the angle of the point being substan 55

speci?cation, accompanied by drawings.

tially a right angle, the best results are ob

tained. In the operation of the device the
end of the cigar is placed within the curved
knife 1) with the parts in the position shown

Further objects of my invention will here

inafter appear; and to these ends my inven
tion consists of a device for cutting cigars

from each other by manually opening and

closing the ?ngers. When the parts are as

Figure l is a plan view of the parts of the

device. Fig. 2 is an edge View of one of the

iting the movement of the parts in one direc

tion. Flanges f and g are also formed on the 75

My invention relates to cigar-cutters; and in Figs. at or 5, and then the knives are
its object is to improve upon such devices by brought together, shearing 0d the head of the
simplifying their construction, and accord cigar.
Means should be provided for limiting the
ing to myinvention I am enabled to produce
a cheap and simple cigar-cutter adapted to movement of the members A and B in both
be carried around in the pocket and readily directions, as otherwise the members could 65
be pulled apart, and means are also provided
manipulated for cutting cigars.
for moving the knife-edges a_ and b to and

having the construction and general mode of sembled, it will be seen that the legs d are
operation substantially as hereinafter fully provided with ?anges e, formed, preferably,
described and shown in this speci?cation and. by bending the ends of the legs, these flanges
striking against the inturned edges 0 and lim
accompanying drawings, in which

members of the cigar-cutter. Fig. 3 is an end

25 view of the other member. Fig. 4 is a plan
view of the members assembled to form the
complete device. Fig. 5 is a reverse plan
view of the device from that shown in Fig. Li,

members A and B, preferably by bending a

small portion of the metal, and it will be seen
that the movement of the members relatively

to each other is limited by the ?ange f strik

ing against the shoulders h on the member B.

and Figs. 6, 7, 8, and 9 show modi?cations. The ?anges fand g also form ?nger-pieces
According to myinvention the members A for pressing the knives toward each other,
and B are provided with knife-edges or cut and the portions 1; and j of the members A
ters a b and are slidably mounted relatively and B form bearing-pieces or ?ngerpieces for
to each other. The parts of the device may retracting the parts from each other.
The conformation of the members A and B
be made of any suitable material, as shown,

may be varied as desired; but it has been

35 in this instance the members A and B being found convenient to form the members sub
made of metal, and the knife-edges a and b

are formed integral with the main portions stantially as shown in the drawings, whereby
of the members, as this has been found to be each member is provided with an aperture in,
a simple and convenient construction, and through which the ?ngers may be thrust.
In Fig. 6 both the knife-edges are circular,
the drawings are substantially full-sized di
mensions, although the dimensions of the de one being concave. In Fig. 7 one is circular
vice may be varied as desired.
In order that the members A and B may
slide relatively to each other, means are pro

and the other forms a rentrant angle with

curved edges. In Fig. 8 one knife is curved 95

and the other instead of being directly oppo

site is formed somewhat to one side in order
stance as guides 0, formed by the inturned to facilitate cutting, and in Fig. 9 both knives
edges of the member B, while the legs (1 of are circular and concave.
My device has been found to work efficiently
the member A are adapted to slide within the
and well, and, as stated, it maybe embodied
inturned edges 0.
in widely-varying forms, I having shown and
50 The conformation of the knife-edges a and described but one preferable form.
b may be varied as desired; but I have found
Therefore, without limiting myself to the
that by making one of the knife-edges, as b,



construct-ion shown and described nor enu

vmerating equivalents, I claim, and desire to

tively to each other and provided with coop

erating knife-edges, each of said members be

obtain by Letters Patent, the following:

ing provided with stops for limiting the move
1. A device for cutting cigars comprising ment of the parts, and digital recesses in said
two flat sheet-metal members, one of which members for actuating them in either direc
has inturned edges forming guides in which tion, substantially as set forth.
the other member is slid-ably mounted, said

In testimony whereof I have signed this

members being provided with cooperating speci?cation in the presence of two subscrib
knife-edges, and each member having a digital ing Witnesses.
recess by means of. which it may be actuated
in either direction relatively to the other
member, substantially as set forth.

2. A device for cutting cigars comprising

sheet-metal members slidably mounted rela



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