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Christia Sandee R.

16, 2013
BSBA Marketing Management II


a.) Hoarding: a temporary board fence put about a building being
erected or repaired called also hoard
b.) Overpricing: n. instance of pricing too high, act of charging
outrageous prices
c.) Outsourcing (local and global): A practice used by different
companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to
outside suppliers rather than completing it internally.
d.) Fluctuating prices of oil: having unpredictable ups and downs of oil
e.) Corporate Greed: Corporate greed can be defined as actions by
business organizations aimed at maximizing their profits at all costs.
These are actions mostly done by large corporations where they
disregard all issues, moral or legal, and only concentrate with
making profits.
f.) Price Manipulation: The act of artificially inflating or deflating the
price of a security.
g.) Unfair Competition: Unjust and often illegal attempt to gain unfair
competitive advantage through false, fraudulent, or unethical
commercial conduct.
h.) Union Busting: any of a group of persons hired by a company to
disperse picketers, end a strike or job action, etc., especially by
violence or intimidation.
i.) Product Adulteration: it is being mixed with extraneous material; the
product of adulterating

j.) Product Misrepresentation: a civil wrong. This means that a

misrepresentation can create civil liability if it results in a pecuniary

B. I


Martha Stewart was accused of Insider Trading. She actually did

nothing wrong because the charge was not true. But the Prosecuting
attorney who wanted to make a name for him intimidated her so badly
she tried to get her secretary to tell a lie to cover the non-crime up.
She was convicted of lying under oath.
a.) She should have just told the truth.
b.) Never give in to pressure.
c.) This situation could have ruined her reputation.

Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff is an American former

stockbroker, investment advisor, financier, and white collar criminal.
He is the former non-executive Chairman of the NASDAQ stock market,
and the admitted operator of a Ponzi scheme that is considered to be
the largest financial fraud in U.S. history. Madoff's sons told authorities
that their father had confessed to them that the asset management
unit of his firm was a massive Ponzi scheme, and quoted him as
describing it as "one big lie. Madoff pleaded guilty to 11 federal
felonies and was sent to prison for 150 years.
a.) He was a fraud for lying to everybody.
b.) He deserved the 150 years after pulling of that scheme.
c.) His whole life was a lie.

Manuel K. Amalilio, a 32-year-old founder of Aman Futures Group Phils.
Inc., who is reportedly of Filipino-Malaysian descent, has left the
country for Sabah, Malaysia. He is the brains behind the pyramid scam
that duped some 15,000 people in Mindanao and the Visayas of P12

The Outsourcing of the Philippine Airlines has both an advantage and

disadvantage. Its an advantage for the company because they will be

able to continue to innovate and improve their company and to grow
even more. The disadvantage of this though is the mere fact that the
employees are now jobless. Those who have relied on this job in order
to live now have to find new jobs which is not that easy. My heart goes
to the employees because despite the fact that the company is
growing, it has made a big impact on the employees as well.

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