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Fixed Term Employment Contract

Between the undersigned:

The Employer

XXXXXXXXXXXXXX having his home country Cameroon
The Employee
Article 1 : Position
RBS and TRM Supervisor The Employee accepts to work for the Employer as agreed
and determined by the Employer for the Ericsson Project in Cameroon
Article 2: Duration
The duration of this present contract starts on 15/07/2016 and ends on 15/07/2018 ( 2
years) and is subject to renewal upon mutual agreement.
Article 3 : Obligations of the Employee
The Employee shall :
1- Put at the service of Employer all his knowledge and expertise.
2- Ensure , under the supervision of the Employer , the execution of all kinds of activities
entrusted or that will be subsequently entrusted to him .
3- Comply with the instructions and directives of his superiors.
4- Comply with provisions of the internal by-laws of the company and its annexes.
5- Endeavor and deploy all efforts to serve in his best way the interests of the Employer.
6- Not to carry out, whether directly or indirectly, any kind of professional activity for his
own account or the account of others.
7- Not to disclose any information relevant to the activities or interests of the Employer.
The Employee absolutely refrain from disclosing, for any reason whatsoever, his salary
and/or any of his financial benefits, allowances to any of his colleagues or any third person
who may or may not be, directly or indirectly, in connection with the Employer.
The Employee shall comply with these obligations.
The obligations stipulated above are listed as examples and not exclusive as the Employee
must fulfill all obligations and activities required by his job.

Employment Contrac
TSP Offshore SAL

Article 4: Salary and Benefits

The monthly Package of the employee is 500,000 XAF (Five Hundred Thousand Central
African CFA Only) for the Frist Three months for the contract and is 600,000 XAF (Six
Hundred Thousand Central African CFA Only) for the rest of the contract inclusive of
local daily allowance in Yaound and working overtime hour compensation and
accommodation and Medical and Social insurance.
The Employer will provide the following:
1. Will provide Training Intensive for RBS Supervision?
2. Will provide Training Intensive for TRM Supervision?
3. Will provide Training Intensive for RBS Testing and Integration?
4. Will provide Training Intensive for TRM Testing and Integration?

Article 5: Non competition

In case the present contract was terminated by the Employee for whatsoever reason , and
considering the nature of his job ; the employee, and for a period of Three months as per
the date of termination of the contract, shall not :
Work for any other company whether Lebanese or foreign that is engaged in the same
activity that might compete with the commodities of the Employer whether inside or
outside the Lebanese territory.

Have or provide, in any way whatsoever, kind of interest in such company.

If Employee decide to leave to work for other company a penalty will be applied of
6,000,000 XAF.

To establish a company, engaged in the same activity, or to participate, manage or

operate such a company.

In case of any breach to the obligation stipulated above, the Employee will be indebted
The payment of such penalty does not prevent the Employers from taking legal action
against the Employee for reparation of all material and moral damages and subject to a
fine for every day of delay from ceasing the competing activity.

In the event of any violation of said obligations, the company shall be entitled to file in
addition to other remedies a claim in front of the judge of urgent matters to force the
employee to immediately cease the said violation.
Without prejudice to provisions stipulated above, the privities between the two parties
is governed by the provisions of the Lebanese Code of Labor and the enforced Internal
By-laws of the Employer.

Article 6 : Notice Period upon Termination

In case the employee decided to terminate the contract before the agreed duration, the
employee must submit a written Three months notice period to the employer. If the
employee abstained from doing so, the employer will not pay the last month salary and will
consider this as compensation to the harm that the breach of this article will cause to the

Employment Contrac
TSP Offshore SAL

This contract cancels and replaces any previous contract signed between the two parties,
Made in 2 originals , one for each party
Place :
Date :

The Employee :
Employee Address :

The Employer

Employment Contrac
TSP Offshore SAL

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