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2016-2017 School Year

Literature is no ones private ground, literature is common ground; let us trespass freely and fearlessly and find our own way for ourselves.
- Virginia Woolf!

Class Rule:

Be Kind
Wait, just one rule?! What does it mean?

Kind students:
*Wait for others to finish talking before
voicing their own opinions
*Follow instructions
*Offer help to others
*Show up on time and prepared for class

Course Description!
Welcome to Sophomore English! The purpose
of English class is to help you become an
effective communicator and critical thinker. This
includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
During your sophomore year, we will focus
especially on research writing and world
In Sophomore English, you will begin to learn
how to (and practice) arguing! Thats right
school-sanctioned arguments will be happening
in English class. (Parents you can thank me

What are the consequences if I

dont follow class rules?!

Kind students do NOT:

*Make fun of others
*Interrupt others

Class Expectations!
1. Be in seat when tardy bell rings.
2. Put proper heading on all papers.
3. Do not use electronic devices in class
without teacher permission.
4. Use restroom during passing breaks.
5. Maintain a clean and orderly work area.
6. Bring all of your supplies to class daily.
7. Complete all of your work and turn it in on
8. All school rules and policies shall be
observed within the classroom.

1. Warning: verbal/visual warning provided by teacher

2. Behavior Sheet & Move Seats: sheet due at end of class
3. Guardian Contact: phone call or email.
4. Referral to Administration: usually a last resort, but student
will be immediately referred to administration for severe
behavior problems.

Where do I go to find assignments?!

If you are gone or forget what an assignment is, please check the class website
first. If you do not find information there, it is your job to contact me to find out
what you missed. I will do my best to keep our class website updated, but priority
is given to in-class instruction..

What happens if I turn in an assignment late?!

Work is generally due at the beginning of class. Work not completed and turned
in by the assigned date is considered late. Students whose absences are excused
will receive two days per day missed to complete late work with no penalty.
Work due on the day the student was absent is due on the day he/she returns.
Maximum points possible will be reduced by 20% per day. INCOMPLETE LATE
WORK will not be graded and will result in a zero for the assignment.

Dr. Menefee


2016-2017 School Year

Do I have to read outside of class?!

Grading Scale!

Although I will make an effort to allow time to complete work in class, you will
need time to read outside of class as well, unless you have mastered the art of
speed-reading (and retaining information).


90% - 100%

80% - 89%

70% - 79%

What are the required readings this year?!

60% - 69%

0% - 60%

We will read pieces from many different genres and formats this year, including
fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama.. Sample texts are listed below, but are
subject to change. More readings will be added throughout the semester.

Grade Breakdown!
Grades will be points-based. The following
point values apply to common assignments.
Other types of assignments and
exceptions to these common point values
may be made as deemed necessary.
Creative Projects


Paper Heading!
All papers you turn in should include your
name at the top. Typed papers should
include the following heading at the top left
of your paper:
Your Name
Dr. Menefee
Date Due

Things Fall Apart

The House on Mango Street
Heart of Darkness
A Very Old Man w/ Enormous Wings
Romeo & Juliet
A Poem for my Librarian, Mrs. Long

What types of writing will I do this year?!

Narrative You will write at least one story during the semester.
Essay You will write multiple short essays, but the most important essay of the
year will be a 3-5 page argumentative research essay.
Poetry/Creative Projects On occasion, you will be asked to stretch your creative
wings. I recognize that this can be difficult, but I promise that you will have
guidance and positive feedback.
Short Writing Assignments I will often ask you to write short responses to inclass prompts or to complete short writing assignments as homework. Although
your time on these will be limited, I expect that you will not rush through them.
Note-Taking You will be expected to take notes on a nearly daily basis. You will
also be expected to keep these notes for reference as needed.
Articles of the Week Articles will be made available each Thursday. Article of
the Week assignments are due the following Thursday at the beginning of class.
Further instruction and examples will be given in class.

20% Time Projects!

Every Friday, you will have the opportunity to work on a project of your choice. It
does not have to be directly English-related, though you will have some
assignments for English class along the way. I will guide you through discovering a
topic that you passionate or curious about. You will be required to present your
project, though the method of presentation will be up to you.
Each project should take a minimum of 9 weeks.
We will brainstorm ideas and view samples as a class to ensure that everyone
gets off to a good start.

Dr. Menefee


2016-2017 School Year


Please sign below to signify that you have read the course sheet for Dr. Menefees class, will keep it in your
folder, and will be responsible for the informa>on throughout the year, and will check grades for all courses at
least once per week at school or at home.

Student printed name

Student signature


all the statements that apply to how you would like to communicate with Dr. Menefee about your

progress. This box refers to how you plan to contact me, but please understand that I will contact you

student experiences success or struggle as well!

I/We have internet access at home, so we will check grades at home to keep current on my/our

students progress. I/We will contact Dr. Menefee about any concerns we have.

I/We do not have internet access at home, but I/we would like to have regular contact with

Dr. Menefee. I/we will call for an update on a regular basis.

Other: _______________________________________________________________________________

Please sign below to indicate that you have read the course sheet for Dr. Menefees class and that you will help
your student be accountable for the informa>on. If you have ques>ons about the course or your
students work, please do not hesitate to contact me; email is the best way to reach me quickly.

Parent/Guardian printed name

Parent/Guardian signature

Parent/Guardian e-mail

Parent/Guardian day:me phone number
(please print)

Parents and guardians, please CIRCLE the best way for me to contact you:



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