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Text Dialogue Neurologis

In the morning at the canteen of Legowo

Hospital, there is two nurse from different ward
appear talking about something.
Yuyun : Good morning, Miss.
Dewi : Good morning too, Miss.
Yuyun : Let me introduce myself, my name is
Yuyun. Whats your name?
Dewi : Hi.. my name is Dewi.
Yuyun : Where is your office ?
Dewi : Im office in boegenvile ward. Where
is you office?

Yuyun : Im office in mawar ward. How many

your patient in your ward, Miss?
Dewi : 25 patients. How many your patient in
your ward ?
Yuyun : 15 patients. What is patient in your
Dewi : Female stroke patient. What is patient
in your ward?
Yuyun : Male stroke patient.
Dewi : What about the state of patients in
your ward?

Yuyun : Stroke patients in my ward there are

new symptoms until severe stroke. What about
the state of patients in your ward?
Dewi : Yes, just the same. Patients in my
ward most of the affected types of ischemic
stroke that occurs when blood vessels that
supply to the brain is blocked.
Yuyun : Why ischemic stroke can be occur?
Dewi : Because there is build up of fat lining
the blood vessels called plaque. Ischemic stroke






Thrombotic strokes caused by blockage of

thrombus develop in arteries of the brain which

is already very narrow embolic stroke caused by
blockage of trombus in other parts of the body.
Yuyun : If in my ward many hemoragic stoke
caused by a ruptured blood vessels around the
brain. There are two kinds namely intracerebral
hemorrhage and subarachnoid.
Dewi : What is the patient a most parents?
Yuyun : No.. Young children can also be
Dewi : So.. Although we are in the difference
ward but same disease nonetheless diference

wards in each case, for example most of stroke

in your ward is ischemic stroke but in my ward
is hemoragic stroke. So, nursing care is
difference too.
Yuyun : Well.. now I have information about
other variates of stroke from you. So, when in
my ward have the case with ischemic stroke I
have know from you before. Thats mean I can
handle that case early.
Dewi : Yes all right. I mean too. I think
enough to talk with you and Im so happy to get
more information about stroke. This is very

important to me to give nursing care for my

Yuyun : OK.. See you next time, Miss Dewi.
Dewi : See you..

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