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Creation of Work order for an ATO model in another

organization other than that mentioned in ATO sales

order line level.
Problem statement: I want to sell the goods (ATO item) to my customer from OU and
organization i.e. OU1 and INV1. So I am entering a ATO item sales order in operating unit
OU1 and line level organization mentioned in Sales order form is INV1, So as per normal
process when I progress the ATO order, an work order will gets created in INV1
organization. But I want when I progress the Sales order work order gets created in another
OU say OU2 and in organization INV2, this is from where I want to manufacture the
The need behind this is: Earlier in OU1 + INV1 client was purchasing the Finished good
(ATO Item) material from a different country and storing in INV1 and selling to their
customers from INV1, But the lead time in procuring the material from other country to
INV1 was more and it was incurring huge cost. So client now wants to manufacture that at
his own premises by buying the raw components of the finished good. But INV1
organization does not have sufficient resource to manufacture that finished good hence
client wants it to manufacture in INV2 under OU2. But since selling of the product has been
happening from INV1, so client does not want to hamper their customers asking them to
order the product from another of its site. Hence the whole requirement has cropped up.

Steps involved:
1. Create two sourcing rules for ATO item in INV1 and INV2. In INV2 set the sourcing rule as
100% Make and in INV1 set the sourcing rule as 100% transfer from INV2 to INV1.
2. Assign this two sourcing rule in the default assignment set which is assigned to profile
MRP:Default Sourcing Assignment Set.
3. Create a Sales order (SO1) for the ATO model with shipping warehouse as INV1.
4. Select the configuration and book the order.
5. Progress the order, Auto Create final assembly program will run and this will insert the
data into the Req interface table for the internal req. And internal requisition will be created
once you run Requisition Import program (For INV1) with Ship to organization as INV1. And
populate as INV2 and DESTINATION_ORGANIZATION_ID will populate as INV1.
6. Since INV2 will supply the item to INV1 hence a Sales order needs to be created with
Shipping organization as INV2 and this will be created in INV2 against the IR of INV1. Run
the Create Internal order program from OU2 and INV2. This will insert the data into order
management interface table for internal order.
7. Run Order import program. This will create the Internal Order with shipping warehouse in
header and line form as INV2.
8. Book the internal order and progress it. This will create the WIP job in INV2. Complete the
job and Ship the Sales order from INV2.
9. Since this is an internal order, IR/ISO flow, so we need to receive the shipment of INV2 in
INV1 against the IR created in INV1.
10. Ship the initial Sales order (SO1).


Here in Pune MMF only one OU is there so I am doing this flow under one OU but with two
inv orgs, which will be interconnected with Shipping network and internal order required for
any flow between two orgs.
INV1 P07 Selling will happen from this org
INV2 P12 Manufacture will happen in this org

Item set up in P00, P07 org and P12 org.



-------------------------Extra set ups in P07


-------------------------Extra set ups in P12


Sourcing Rule set up.


Assign the sourcing Rules in the Assignment set



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