August 25 2016 Agenda Iassignment Over Plot and Conflict

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August 25, 2016 Agenda

Learning Target: REVIEW

I can identify the types of conflict in a story.
I can identify the five parts of a short story.
1. Brain Buzzer: Review: What are the two
kinds of conflict? Give an example of each.

2) Grab a white board for REVIEW

3) Whiteboard practice
4) Take i-assignment



1) What is an internal conflict?

2) What are the three

external conflict?

What kind of conflict is it?



3) Mary punches her friend Susan

because she thinks Susan called
her a bad name.

4) Joey cannot decide whether to ask

Jessica or Tara to the dance.

5) Melvin is jumped by a gang of

angry Best Buy employees.

6) Henry is swept away when

mudslide strikes his house.

7) Kellen is stumped. Should he pick

answer A or answer C on his
multiple choice test.

8) Phillip is bitten by a shark while

swimming (like a moron) at night.

9) Larry write a mean note about

Helen finds out and
confronts Larry.

Conflict = problem in a story

2 Types of Conflict:
Internal: is a conflict that happened
INside of a character.)

Internal conflict involves a decision:

Should I do this or should I do that?
*Also called Character vs. Self
External: is a conflict that happens
OUTside of a character.

There are 3 types of external conflict.

Types of External conflict:

1) Character vs. Character: there is a

conflict between two people.

2) Character vs. Nature: there is a

conflict between a person and an
animal or event of nature

3) Character vs. Society: there is a

conflict between one person and a
large group or community

Use The Cemetery Path story from

yesterday to determine the following:

1) Name one external conflict in the

story. Explain why it is an external

Name one internal conflict in the

story. Explain why it is an internal

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