Intro Fall 2016 Syllabus

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Fall 2016 | jferguson4@wcpss.

net | @JH_Ferguson | Remind101 Text: @e9fed3

Course Information

1. Respect your teacher,
your peers, & yourself.
2. Be prepared & on time
for class each day.
3. Be responsible for
4. Do your best.
5. Try, try, & try again.

Final Grade:
1st Quarter Grade40%
2nd Quarter Grade40%
Final Exam20%
*Grades based on the 10pt scale.


3-Ring Binder
Loose-leaf paper
Pen & No. 2 Pencils
TI-83/84+ Calculator

Extra Help
SMART Lunch:
Tues. (A) & Thurs. (B)
After School by Appt. only

to 81010

Introductory to High School Math (Intro) reviews and solidifies concepts

from grades 6-8 math while advancing students prerequisite knowledge to
ensure their success in the Math 1-3 High School sequence. Major topics include:
solving multi-step equations, relations and functions, modeling linear functions,
and simple exponential expressions.

Course Objectives: Students will build skills in critical thinking, problem

solving, leadership, and collaboration. Students will work collaboratively and
independently to model mathematics in applicable situations.


One or more quizzes during each unit

One cumulative test for each unit
One cumulative midterm and final exam

All assessment dates will be announced in class and sent out via Remind texts.

Class Work: Classwork will be periodically collected and graded for

participation. All classwork/notes should be organized in a spiral notebook.

Homework: The best way to get better is with practice! Students will complete
15 minutes of practice each night. Homework will be checked using a stamp sheet.
Students will have to keep up with and turn in on test days.

Absentee/Make-Up Policy: Any student who is absent must check on

missed work upon their return to school, complete and submit homework you
missed, and see me to schedule a time to make up any missed assessments. This is
your responsibility; I will not come to you. A ZERO will be given for any
incomplete assignment(s).

Academic Integrity: Cheating (the giving or receiving of any unauthorized

assistance on academic work per WCPSS Board policy) will not be tolerated. Use
of any cell phone or electronic device during a quiz or test will be considered
cheating. Cheating is subject to penalties outlined in the LRHS policy and will be
referred to administration. Cheating on a test or quiz will result in the
requirement of an alternate assignment and will allow a student to earn no more
than a 59 on the assessment.

Student Information Sheet:

Failure to comply
listed expectations
and/or procedures
with course expectations
will result
in: will result in:
First Offense: Verbal Warning | Second Offense: Lunch Detention & Call Home | Third Offense: Administrative Referral

Important Dates:
Q1 Interim Reports* September 28
Q1 Report Cards November 4

Q2 Interim Reports* December 7

Q2 Report Cards February 3

*Student interim reports should be signed by a parent/guardian and turned in the following Monday.

PowerSchools Grade Book: All grades will be recorded on the PowerSchools electronic gradebook. It is
the students responsibility to keep updated on their progress in the class. To gain access to PowerSchools
contact Student Services. Once assignments are graded and recorded they will be returned to students.

Remind101: I will use Remind101 to send out messages periodically to remind students and parents about
upcoming assessments, due dates, and posted grades. Students and parents can also use this number to
privately message me. To receive messages via text, text @e9fed3 to 81010. You can opt-out of messages at
any time by replying, 'unsubscribe @e9fed3'. Or to receive messages via email, send an email to To unsubscribe, reply with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line.

Blended Learning: An environment where students learn in part through online delivery of content and
instruction. We use YouTube, Google Apps, Blendspace, & Twitter. If a student lacks certain technology or
Internet access, or a parent has online presence concerns, please notify Mr. Ferguson immediately so
accommodations may be made.

Digital Learning: An instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a students
learning experience. As a part of a Wake Ed Partnership grant, our class has been furnished with group iPads
to engage in mathematical explorations and activities. BYOD-Students will be encouraged, but not required, to
bring their own device, adhering to WCPSSs acceptable electronic use policy. Devices that become a distraction
will result in classroom consequences. Mr. Ferguson, LRHS, or WCPSS will not be held responsible for
damages and/or theft.

LRHS Handbook: Students are also expected to adhere to the policies and procedures in the school
handbook, located at

Desired Donations (In order of most needed)

Clorox Wipes, AAA Batteries, Colored Paper, Box of Tissues, Paper Towels, Pencils, Hand Sanitizer

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