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green salad with cucumber, green beans and French vinaigrette

SoupE dE jour
watercress and gorgonzola soup with rye & caraway bread

plats chauds
filet DE poulet
chicken fillet with frites, thyme jus and a salad garnish

cromesquis de eglefin
haddock fishcake with a tomato and red onion salad and frites

risotto AUX LGUMES

pea & mint risotto with dressed rocket in olive oil and lemon

Crme brle
traditional favourite with a caramelised top

crme glace au chocolat

chocolate ice cream with red fruit coulis and whipped cream

Suitable for vegetarians.

Allergen menus are available on request. If you suffer from nut or other allergies, please ask a waiter for more information.

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23/04/15 15:17

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