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Characteristics Of Auto Correlation Function

For Truncated Pn Sequences Subjected To BOC


Geetanjali Raj
ABES Engineering College

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Retrieved on: 01 April 2016

Characteristics Of
O Auto Correlation Fuunction For
Truncated PN
N Sequences Subjected To BOC
P. Banerjee*, Kanupriya
Attrey, Geetanjali Raj and Monica Kauushik
ECE, ASET, Amity
University, Noida-201303, Uttar Pradesh, Inndia
* *
Abstract-- Truncation of full length Pseud
do Random Noise

(TPRN) sequence is gaining attention. Randdom properties of

TPRN have been studied and reported. But no work has been
initiated to study the effect on TPRN when it is modulated by
Binary Offset Carrier (BOC). This papper examines the
characteristics of autocorrelation function foor BOC modulated
TPRN. Simulation in Matlab has been caarried out for this
purpose. This paper presents and discussess the observations
from this extensive simulation work.


The uses and applications of Global

Satellite Systems (GNSS) are rapidly increasiing. This is further
accelerated by the emerging new constellattions like Galileo,
Compass (Beidu) in addition to the already operating systems
of GPS and GLONASS. All these consstellations utilizes
pseudo random sequences to enhance signaal to noise ratio in
adverse circumstances. The growing publiic demand of the
accuracy for positioning and location serviices has generated
higher requirements for system performancce. In the most of
new generation of satellites those are being launched to
complete the constellations or to replenish oldd or sick satellites,
a new type of modulated signals named Binnary Offset carrier
(BOC) modulation [1,2] have been adopted. The BOC signal
t pseudo random
uses a square wave sub-carrier to modulate the
noise (PRN) sequences.
The PRN sequences used are full lengthh sequences which
have length (2n-1), where n is the number off shift register cells
used to generate the sequence. For GNSS, mostly
n being 10,
this length is 1023. These days, there is an efffort to explore the
properties of truncated sequences by clippinng few bits. Some
study has been reported on truncated PRN
N sequences [3,4].
Truncated sequences may also be subbjected to BOC
modulation. No report has been available on the study of BOC
modulated TPRN sequences. In this paper, truncated
maximum-length sequence is subjected to BOC modulation.
The paper explores the effect on Auto Correlation Function
(ACF) for such a situation. This has beenn studied through
simulation in MATLAB.
Section II introduces the BOC modulattion in the related
context. ACF properties for BOC modulatedd PN sequences are
studied in detail in section III. The observations are
comprehensively discussed in section IV.


The BOC signal is generated by multiplying the PRN
sequence with a square wave sub-carrier
which is the signum
function of a sine or a cosine signal. The generated signal may
be named as sine-phased or cosine-phased BOC signals
respectively. According to this definition, the expression of the
sine-phased BOC signal would be:
s(t) = c(t) sign [sin(2


c(t) = ck h(t k Tc)


ck is the code sequence waveforrm,
fs is the sub-carrier frequency,
(NRZ) code materialization
and h(t) is the Non Return to Zero
with value 1 over the support (00, Tc).

Figure 1: Generation of BOC Modulation. First graph represents the PRN

sequence generated with the help of a PRN sequence generator; the sequence
is converted into bipolar format termeed in second graph. Third graph shows
the signum function and when it is mulltiplied by the third sequence, the fourth
graph is generated

The BOC signal may be referred to as BOC (fs, fc), where

fs = m f and fc = n f. Generally one may also write as
BOC (m, n) for simplicity. Inn the case of most GNSS signal
f = 1.023MHz. Following this sub-carrier multiplication,
into two parts, therefore
the spectrum of the signal is divided
BOC modulation is also knownn as a split-spectrum modulation.

The main idea behind BOC modulation is to reduce the

interference with BPSK-modulated signal, which has a sinc
function shaped spectrum.
Mathematical model of normalized auto correlation
function (ACF) [1] of the modulated BOC signal is given as:
R ( )

1 2( M n)
n 1 n + ( M n )(2 n 1)
( 1) [

= for T x Ts



However, beyond -1 to +1, continuous jitter can be observed,

whereas in normal PRN, ACF does not show any PSL.
B. Peak Side Lobes (PSL) on BOC (1, 1) with truncated PRN
Similar exercises have been done to find the ACF for
truncated PRN sequence with BOC modulation. Different
truncation values have been attempted. At same time different
initial seed values have been essayed.


where M=2.m/n
The study of the features for ACF has been done through the
simulation using MATLAB. A polynomial of x10 + x7 + 1 has
been arbitrarily configured for PRN sequence of length 1023.
The sequence may be truncated by clipping particular number
of bits either from the beginning or from the end of the
For the digital sequences, correlation function may be
generated by using following formulation irrespective of the
ACF function as elaborated in (3)

R (m) =



d = Difference between agreement and disagreement and k is
the total number of bits.
A. ACF for BOC (1, 1) with normal PRN
Let us first start with the simplest case, i.e. m = 1 & n = 1.
A sine BOC (1, 1) modulation is similar to Manchester code,
that is, in digital domain, a '+1' is encoded as a '+1 1'
sequence, and a '0' is encoded as a '1 +1' sequence.

Figure 3: ACF of BOC (1, 1) for different Truncation Values

Fig 3.shows the cases where that 23 and 123 and 523 bits
have been clipped out of 1023 bits at the end of the sequences.
It has been observed that there is a major peak at zero time lag
with -0.5 peak at half time lag. However, beyond -1 to +1,
continuous jitter can be observed.
We observe that as the number of truncated bits value
increases, the peaks (both ve & +ve) remains same, but the
jitter values are varying. It has been pointed out that the peak
side lobes (PSL) are dependent on the seed values. So the
ACFs have been found out also for different initial seed values
for a particular truncation. The observation has been shown in
Fig.4. The PSLs have been found to have some minor variation
with seed values but no correlation could be established for
these variations with seed values.

In Fig 2, we observe that there is a required major +ve peak

at zero lag and two negative peaks at 0.5 & -0.5 lag as expected
by (3).

Figure 2: ACF of BOC (1, 1) signal.

Figure 4: PSL in dB v/s number of truncated bits for BOC (1,1) for different
initial seed values

Other important observation as depicted in Fig. 4 is that

PSL value has been found to increase slowly with number of
truncated bits almost linearly but large fluctuations.

This is a very important property which decides the

applicability of code sequences for global navigation

To estimate the extent of fluctuations, linear regression has

been applied and accordingly a line has been drawn through
measured data. For each measured data, one thus gets a
corresponding value on the regression. Differences between the
measured data and the corresponding values on regression line
are calculated The root mean square of all these differences
gives the residual jitter.

Cross-correlation has been examined for between BOC

modulated truncated sequences generated from two different
polynomials. These values are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig.7 for
PRN and TPRN respectively. It is interesting to note that for
these cases, the cross correlation has no peak, even no PSL has
been observed.

The residual jitter has been calculated through the linear

regression and tabulated for different seed value in Table I. The
value ranges roughly from 0.056 to 0.076. This value indicates
the extent of variation of PSL around the nominal mean value
for a particular value of the truncation.


Initial seed

Residual Jitter

[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]


[0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0]


[0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0]


[0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0]


[0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0]


[0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0]


Fig.6: Cross correlation of two 1023 bits BOC (1, 1) sequence with no

Calculations of ACF have been carried out for BOC (2,1)

and the corresponding ACF has been shown in Fig. 5. The
characteristics of ACF for BOC (2,1) have not shown any
perceptible difference from those of BOC(1,1).

Fig.7: Cross correlation of two 1023 bits BOC (1, 1) sequence with 123 bits

Figure 5: ACF of BOC (2, 1) for different Truncation Values



Cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two

waveforms as a function of a time-lag applied to one of them.
R m

x k

y k


Some study has been done on the performance of truncation

PRN (TPRN) sequence for spread spectrum communication.
But the performance of TPRN when subjected by BOC
modulation has not been explored. This paper deals with this
subject. ACF of BOC modulated TPRN has been determined
and analyzed. The study shows the presence of peak study lobe
(PSL). But it is not harmful to the extent of exhibiting falselock in the tracking loop.

The increase of PSL with the increase of truncation bits is

evident. It may be also noted that with the increase of
truncation bits there will be loss of processing gain. The extent
of increase in PSL and the corresponding reduction in
processing gain have to be taken into account while
configuring the system.
It has also been observed that there are large fluctuations of
PSL with truncation bits apart from it gradual increase.
Quantitative estimate of these fluctuations have been made
through residual jitter of linear regression process applied to it.
Cross-correlation properties of BOC modulated two TPRN
with different polynomial have found to have no peak. This
fact is very favorable for application in global navigation
satellite system and also for CDMA communication.




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