ESM 2204 F16TR 1-Introduction and Review

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ESM 2204

1. Introduction and Review

Virginia Tech
Fall 2016
Christopher L. Galitz, PhD, PE

In this Course, We Will

Calculate stress (normal and shear) in a structure or machine component loaded in various ways

Use stress concentration factors to find stresses in, or allowable loads on, axially loaded members

Calculate normal and shearing strains/deformations for bodies subjected to loads and/or temperature
Design members using criteria based on strength and/or deformation
Solve statically indeterminate problems subjected to one or a combination of axial, torsion and bending

Apply Hooke's Law in one, two, and three dimensions

Determine stresses and/or deformations in a circular member subjected to torsional loading

Draw shear and moment diagrams for beams subjected to some combination of concentrated loads,
distributed loads, and concentrated moments

Calculate normal and shearing stresses in beams

Calculate stresses in thin-walled pressure vessels

Solve problems using stress transformation equations and Mohr's circle

Determine the deflections of statically determinate and indeterminate beams using double integration
and superposition
Apply Euler's equation to solve buckling problems for various end conditions.

Course Syllabus Highlights

Course Syllabus Highlights

Course Syllabus Highlights

Lecture Schedule

The schedule is very fast-paced, densely packed, and

cumulative. Suggested reading will help you keep up.
Note test dates. The first 3 tests are evening exams. Any
conflicts should be resolved as soon as possible.
Problem session / catchup days are built in to allow
additional examples or other issues to be addressed at
regular intervals.
redux (adj) brought back

My Expectations

Attendance (on time) and attentiveness

Your best effort

A marked lack of perfection

Learning from mistakes (all of us)

What You Can Expect

Expect to be pushed to areas beyond the boundaries of

past classes and the text.
Class approach geared toward application of the
theoretical to the real

Expect the course to be hard but not impossible.

Fair treatment and grading

True open door policy

~15 homeworks and ~4 quizzes. ~4 extra credit athome exercises

Final grades reflective of more than the numbers

What You Can Expect

15% Regurgitation

65% Calculation

A brittle material has a yield greater/less than/equal to

If load = P and area = A, what is stress?

20% Extrapolation

A steel pipe column has an o.d. of 4 and a wall thickness of

1/8. If a 5000 lb hot tub is installed above, and the rest of
the floor supported previously weighs 3000 lb, will the hot tub
put load on top of a bookcase that is 0.1 below the ceiling
before the hot tub?

First Things First: What

Every Young Engineer
Should Know
Virginia Tech
Fall 2016

Basic Philosophy

Engineering is the formalized study of

common sense.
C. Galitz, 2013


Greek Alphabet

Is that an omeega or a unicorn?

Back to School, 1986


Greek Alphabet


Common Uses

Thermal expansion, angles

Poissons ratio

Reliability index, angles

Damping ratio (dynamics)

Specific gravity

Displacement, change




Stress, standard deviation

Shear stress, period


Rotation, angles

Curvature, angles

Steel design ratio



Mean, micro

Angular velocity (dynamics)


Units Tell a Story

Area: in2 need 2 dimensions multiplied

Volume: in3 3 dimensions

Moment of Inertia, I: in4 4 dimensions

Moment: lb-ft force times distance

Energy: lb-ft force times distance (e.g., potential energy)

Stress: psi force divided by area

Strain: in/in dimension divided by dimension


Units Tell a Story

Consider simply-supported beam, continuous load w:

wx(L x) 2
L + x(L x)}

w in force per length (lb/ft)

E in psi

I in in4

x and L are in units of length

We know result, y, must be in units of length


Sir Isaac Newton

1643 1727 in England

Discoveries in optics, motion, and
Rival of Robert Hooke (Hookes
After years of seclusion, 1687:
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica single most
influential book on physics and
possibly all science


Newtons 3 Laws

A stationary body will stay stationary, or an object in motion

will remain in motion in a straight line, unless an external
force is applied to it.


Force is equal to mass times acceleration, and a change in

motion is proportional to the force applied


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Loads and Demands

A load is a force applied to a member/structure. Or, how

much are we demanding of the member/structure?
Not all loads are the same. Some, such as dead weight are
always present. Live loads are often present (occupancy).
Wind, snow, soil, seismic, and other loads are categories of
live loads less often present.
Statistical analysis decides what combination of what loads
to use in design, depending on location and other factors.
And then amplify the loads, just in case. (Factor of Safety)



A capacity is how much a given member/structure can

take before it fails.
Failure may be due to yielding, breaking, or serviceability
(interference with normal operation or comfort, e.g.,
excessive deflection of a floor).
For success, capacity must exceed demand.


The World is an Imperfect Place

Products are the result of human effort and that is inherently

Environmental conditions vary from place to place and
moment to moment.
Opinions are like well, opinions vary.
As designers, we have to account for all of these and other
factors to come up with an easy to use set of values and
methods to predict demand and allow sufficient capacity.



A number of natural variations in characteristics, including

most material properties, follow a normal distribution.


The 3-Legged Stool

Three-legged stool of

Equilibrium Nothing is
moving unpredictably
Compatibility Nothing is
broken (strain continuous)
Constitutive Relationship
between load and
displacement dependent
on materials.


Neatness Counts

Your work will be read by many along the line, sometimes in

the worst possible light. Make sure your thinking is clear.


When in Doubt

consider the concepts before the problem at hand.

draw a free body diagram.

approach the problem from a different angle.

make it stout with materials that you know about.



Basic concept is that nothing is moving, and is therefore is

in static equilibrium: F=0, M=0
Equilibrium must be true for all portions of an assembly
(e.g., a column in a building) and for the assembly as a
A portion may be artifically created, e.g., the leftmost 2
ft. of a 20 ft. beam must be in equilibrium
Consider the example



If everything is balanced and lined

With a total barbell weight of 200 lb.
and a weightlifter weight of 220 lb.,
how much is each foot holding?
How much is the floor pushing
How much is each hand holding?
This is analogous to the load path in
building construction.


Statics Example

100 lb

220 lb

210 lb

210 lb

100 lb

Statics Example

210 lb

210 lb

210 lb

210 lb

Homeworks 1 & 2

HW1 is a basic introduction so I can get a feel for who

you are. It is due in 2 days.
HW2 is a review of lots of statics problems and is due in a
week. If any of these problems cause you trouble, please
come talk to me about them.
The principles of statics are absolutely crucial for success
in this class.


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