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Basics of Anaerobic

Anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic digestion is the biological
conversion of organic matter (biomass) in
an atmosphere without oxygen to biogas
and a stabilized slurry. Figure 1 depicts the
basic process flow of an anaerobic digestion

Manure $ense
February 2009

Dana Kirk, manager, Anaerobic Digestion Research and

Education Center at MSU (
Steve Safferman, associate professor of biosystems and
agricultural engineering (

Feedstocks for anaerobic digestion

The feedstock into the anaerobic digester
determines the type of anaerobic digestion
technology to deploy and quantities and
characteristics of the products. Potential feedstocks
include the following:
Animal manure (dairy, swine, beef and
Energy crops (silages and grass clippings).
Food service residuals.
Food processing byproducts and off-spec
Municipal wastewater biosolids.
Industrial processing byproducts, including
those from the renewable biofuels industry.

Manure is generally one of the lower energy-dense

feedstocks; fats, oils and grease are energy-rich.
Benefits of anaerobic digestion
In addition to the production of renewable
energy, anaerobic digestion offers many manure
management benefits, including the following:
Odor control.
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by
producing renewable energy and carbon
Pathogen reduction.
Reduced organic load, resulting in improved
water quality.
Improved treatability of manure.

Figure 1. Anaerobic digester system process flow diagram (MDA, 2007).

Selecting technology
Several types of anaerobic digesters are
currently being operated in the United States,
including covered lagoon, plug flow, complete
mix and fixed film. The selection depends on the
feedstock characteristics and the operational and
management preferences of the facility. Livestock
producers considering anaerobic digestion and
other renewable energy projects should use a
stepwise approach to evaluate technologies.
Adapting anaerobic digestion technologies can
affect both up- and downstream management
practices. Important steps in the evaluation of
renewable energy projects are:
Define overall facility and management goals
relating to anaerobic digestion.
Estimate the energy potential from the
planned feedstock and determine if that
production meets objectives.
Conduct simple biogas assays to determine if
estimates are realistic and to identify potential
Understand potential variability of byproduct
formation and assess tolerance for risks.
Initiate detailed studies that allow for designing
an integrated manure management system
containing an anaerobic digester.
These steps must be taken in partnership
with all who have a stake in farm ownership,

management and operation with guidance from

experienced professionals. Following a defined
evaluation path will provide the basic information
needed for a cost-benefit analysis so that risks
can be understood. Figure 2 provides a highlevel evaluation of manure characteristics and
appropriate anaerobic digester technologies.
Options for biogas utilization
The biogas produced during the digestion
process consists of methane, CH4 (about 60
percent by volume) and carbon dioxide, CO2
(40 percent). Biogas also contains trace gases,
moisture and other impurities. Hydrogen sulfide
is an impurity that receives significant attention
because it poses human health hazards and
mechanical concerns.
Biogas has a heating value of approximately 600
Btu/cubic foot (ft3). In comparison, natural gas has
a heating value of roughly 1,000 Btu/ft3. The least
complicated use of biogas is to fire a boiler for heat
and/or steam. Adding a generator set makes it
possible to produce electricity. Biogas can also be
upgraded and compressed for inclusion into natural
gas lines. Still somewhat experimental is use of
digestion to produce methanol and hydrogen.

Figure 2. Manure characteristics and anaerobic digestion options (U.S.EPA, 2002).

Figure 3. Energy production by anaerobic digesters (U.S. EPA, 2007).

Methane emissions and abatement

Methane is one of the most abundant gases in
the Earths atmosphere and a potent greenhouse
gas. Its formation during natural degradation
of organic matter accounts for 45 percent of
atmospheric methane. According to the U.S.
Emissions Inventory (2005), the other 55 percent
of atmospheric methane is attributed to humanrelated activities including:
Natural gas system
Enteric fermentation
Manure management
Open anaerobic lagoons are the highest
contributors to atmospheric methane of all manure
practices. Capturing the biogas converted in a
closed anaerobic system results in the destruction
of methane, thus a reduction in a potent global
warming gas.

State of the technology in industry

Michigan currently has six operating anaerobic
digesters on livestock farms. Five are complete
mixed design and one is plug flow. The U.S. EPA
AgStar estimates that 121 systems were operating
in the United States in 2008. As shown in Figure 3,
the deployment of anaerobic digester technology
and subsequent energy production have increased
rapidly since 2003. According to the European
Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA), more than
2,000 anaerobic digester systems have been
installed to treat manure and produce renewable
According to the Energy Information
Administration 2001 statistics, the average
household in the Midwest uses approximately
9,000 kWh annually. According to the USDA
(2008), there are approximately 300,000 lactating
cows in Michigan. If the manure from one

quarter of the cows was anaerobically digested,

the resulting biogas could provide the electrical
energy for 20,000 to 25,000 Michigan households.
There are approximately 3.8 million households in
Michigan (HUD).
Anaerobic digester technology on livestock
farms can contribute to the overall renewable
energy needs of Michigan, but the largest benefit
will be realized by offsetting on-farm needs and
developing economic development opportunities.
Included is the beneficial use of all byproducts,
including the fiber, nutrients and carbon dioxide.
Further, odor control and nutrient management
benefits must be counted in considering a cost/


European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA). Available at

Energy Information Administration,
Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
MDA. 2007. On-farm Anaerobic Digester Operator Certification Program Handbook.
U.S. EPA AgStar,
U.S. EPA. 2008. Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2006. EPA-403-R-08-005.
U.S. EPA. 2007. Anaerobic Digesters Continue Growth in U.S. Livestock Market.
U.S. EPA. 2006. Market Opportunities for Biogas Recovery System, A Guide to Identifying Candidates for On-Farm
and Centralized Systems. EPA-403-8-06-004.
U.S. EPA. 2002. Managing Manure with Biogas Recovery Systems Improved Performance at Competitive Costs.
U.S. EPA. 1999. U.S. Methane Emissions 1990-2020: Inventories, Projections, and Opportunities for Reductions.
EPA 430-R-99-013.

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