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(1) A small, generally shallow body of water attached to the main channel, with little or no
current of its own, or (2) A condition in subcritical flow where the water surface elevation is
raised by downstream flow impediments.

Backwater curve

The longitudinal profile of the surface of a liquid in a non-uniform flow in

an open channel, when the water surface is not parallel to the invert owing
to the depth of water having been increased by the interposition of an
obstruction such as a dam or weir. The term is sometimes used in a generic
sense to denote all water surface profiles; or for profiles where the water is
flowing at depths greater than the critical.

Backwater effect

The effect which a dam or other obstruction or construction has in raising

the surface of the water upstream from it.

Backwater flooding

Upstream flooding caused by downstream conditions such as channel

restriction and/ or high flow in a downstream confluence stream.

Backwater pool

A pool that formed as a result of an obstruction like a large tree, weir, dam,
or boulder.

Backwater valve

A type of check valve installed in a drainage system to prevent reverse flow.

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