Unit7 DistributedQueueing

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Distributed Queuing


How does distributes computing works

Distributed queuing components
Distributed queuing setup

Distributed environment

In WMQ, intercommunication means sending

messages from one queue manager to another.
The receiving queue manager can be on the same
machine or another; nearby or on the other side
of the world.
It can be running on the same platform as the
local queue manager, or can be on any of the
platforms supported by WMQ. This is called a
distributed environment.

WMQ handles communication in a distributed
environment such as this using Distributed
Queue Management (DQM).

The local queue manager is sometimes called

the source queue manager and the remote
queue manager is sometimes called the target
queue manager or the partner queue

How does distributed queuing work?

How does distributed queuing work?

Components needed to send a message.

Distributed queuing components

The components of distributed queuing are:
Message channels
Dead-letter queues
Remote queue definitions

Distributed queuing components

Distributed queuing components

Message channels

Message channels are the channels that carry

messages from one queue manager to
Types of channels
Cluster sender
Cluster receiver

Distributed queuing components

Message channels
Channels works in following pairs
Requester-sender (callback)
Cluster sender-cluster receiver

Distributed queuing components

Message channel Agent

Message channel agent (MCA) is a program that

controls the sending and receiving of messages.
There is one MCA at each end of a channel.
One MCA takes messages from the transmission
queue and puts them on the communication link.
The other MCA receives messages and delivers
them onto a queue on the remote queue

Distributed queuing components

Sender-receiver channels
Sender channel should have corresponding receiver channel on
destination queue manager.
Sender and receiver channel should have same name.
MCA at sender channel side picks the message from transmission
queue and send it across the channel.
MCA at receiver channel side receives the message from receiver
channel and place it on the destination queue.

Distributed queuing components

Sender-receiver channels

Distributed queuing setup

Transmission queue

Special type of local queue used to store

messages before they are transmitted by the MCA
to the remote queue manager.
In distributed-queuing environment, transmission
queue need to be defined for each sending MCA.
Sending channel/MCA picks message from this
queue and sends it across to destination queue

Distributed queuing setup

Transmission queue

Can be created by using DEFINE QLOCAL statement in

runmqsc prompt.
DEFINE QLOCAL(<transmission queue name>) +
INITQ(<initiation queue name>) +
TRIGDATA(<sender channel name>)

Ensure that queue specified with INITQ attribute exists

on queue manager.
On z/OS , initiation queue name should be
This is recommended on other platforms also.
Initiation queue is used to start the channel automatically.

Distributed queuing setup

Dead letter queue
Also called undelivered-message queue.
Dead letter queue is a local queue to which messages are
sent if they cannot be routed to their correct destination.
Messages are put on this queue when they cannot be put on
the destination queue for some reason (eg:- queue does not
exist, or queue is full, put inhibited for queue).
Dead letter queue is associated with queue manager
ALTER QMGR DEADQ(<Dead letter queue name>)

Distributed queuing setup

Remote queue
Queues which are owned by another queue manager.
Used to send messages to a queue located in a remote queue
Doesnt have memory associated with it. Stores the message
in the associated transmission queue.
Enables application to put message to a queue on a different
queue manager than the queue manager to which it is

Distributed queuing setup

Remote queue
Remote queues are created using DEFINE QREMOTE
statement in runmqsc prompt.
DEFINE QREMOTE(<Remote queue name>) +
RNAME(<name of remote queue name on remote qmgr>) +
RQMGR(<Remote queue manager name>) +
XMITQ(<Transmit queue name>)

Distributed queuing setup

Sender channel
Defined on source queue manager.
Channel with channel type as SENDER.
Following are the mandatory parameters for sender channel
The name of the transmission queue to be used (the XMITQ
The connection name of the partner system (the CONNAME
The name of the communication protocol you are using (the TRPTYPE

Distributed queuing setup

Sender channel
Can be created by using DEFINE CHANNEL statement in
runmqsc prompt.
XMITQ(<transmit queue name >) +
CONNAME(<IP of remote host>(<remote qmg port>))
Other channel properties will be inherited from default
system channel SYSTEM.DEF.SENDER

Distributed queuing setup

Receiver channel

Exists on target queue manager.

Channel with channel type as RECEIVER.
Channel name should be same as the sender channel name.
Created using DEFINE CHANNEL on runmqsc prompt.
Once sender and receiver channels are created, channels
should be started at both ends and it should be ensured that
channels are running.

Distributed queuing setup

Destination queue

Exists on target queue manager.

Destination queue can be alias queue , local queue
or remote queue belonging to another remote
queue manager.


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