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School of Arts and Enterprise

Lyric Analysis
Voice I, Voice II





Title of Show/Album


Title of Song

Year wriTen

Genre (can be more than one)

Other Songs by these Composer(s)/Ar8st

Plot Summary (Describe the 8me period, loca8on, characters, conict, and outcome)

Character Name and Descrip8on

Scene Partners Name and Descrip8on

Why are you talking to them?

What is the trigger ques8on?

What is your objec8ve (I want to, so that I can)

What tac8cs will you use? (List ten ac8ve verbs that will help you achieve your objec8ve)

Images (List strong images/descrip8ons used in the song)

The School of Arts and Enterprise

Lyric Analysis
Voice I, Voice II

List any signicant, repeated words or phrases

Unfamiliar phrases or words (dene any words or phrases you are unfamiliar with)

Describe the structure of the song (are there verses, pre-choruses, and choruses, where the beginning,
middle, and end is, is there an intro and main body of the song)

Describe the journey your character takes throughout the song. (How do they feel at the beginning,
middle, or end of the song)

Lyrics should be wri0en in poetry form.


Inner Monologue/Subtext



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