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Samantha Schultz
Dr. Rebecca J. Ulland
IP 190
31 August 2015
World Press Reports 8/31/15

France: Feminist group 'renames' Paris streets

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015.

On Tuesday, August 25th, a European feminist group took action against the street signs around
central Paris, which are predominately named after the citys historic male figures. The activists
of Osez le feminisme targeted their statement in the area surrounding Notre Dame cathedral,
where they covered up the male names on the signs and replaced them with notable female
names. Osez le feminisme sought to give the street signs female names to show that women
should be as well-recognized as men.
The groups spokeswoman Marie Allibert states only 2.6% of the roads in Paris are named after
women. One of the female names chosen by the group was Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, a
composer and great musician, who played at the royal court during the 17th Century, at a time
when patriarchy was really dominant," says Allibert. Osez le feminisme hopes to see equality
among gender names chosen for street signs in the city. The feminist group aims to see the great
women of their citys history be recognized too, with large square miles and emblematic places.
Chris Christie Proposes Tracking Immigrants the Way FedEx Tracks Packages
Saturday, August 29th, 2015.
At a republican campaign event in New Hampshire this past Saturday, New Jersey Governor
Chris Christie commented on the way he would combat illegal immigration if he were elected
president. Gov. Christie said his plan to tackle illegal immigration would involve using a system
that could track foreign guests, similar to the way FedEx tracks packages. Christie explained he
would ask the chief executive of FedEx, Mr. Frederick W. Smith, to configure the tracking
system. Immigration has become a leading issue in the Republican campaign, given the sharp
views held by Republican front-runner, Donald J. Trump. If elected, Trump vows to deport the
estimated total of 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States and he also plans to build a
wall along the United States southern border to keep illegal immigrants from entering the
Christies idea of tracking will be helpful in the effort of being able to keep track of every foreign
visitor that enters this country with a visa. Gov. Christie did not comment specifically on how the
system would track visitors the same way FedEx tracks its packages, which uses a bar code scan

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tracking system for each stage of the delivery process. However, with Trump dominating in the
polls and holding a strong stance on the issue of immigration, Christie, as well as other
presidential candidates, have begun to focus more effort into their stances on the issue.

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