Gathering Bulletin June 1, 2008

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June 1, 2008
MESSAGE NOTES: June 1, 2008

THIS F R I DA Y, J U N E 7 T H , ! People are

often curious
about what
Gathering is
and, simply
put, it’s a
church. It’s
not just a Bible study, or a just
Mission Meeting TODAY at 1pm service for the ambitious heart,
after the service in the Art Gallery but it’s a real church; a small
one, but a real one. We are a
little church within a big
church, and we carry a symbi-

Disneyland Day
otic relationship with that
church. They love us, and we
love them. We work both inde-
pendently and as a team to fur-
Next Sunday, June 8, after service! ther the blessed kingdom of
God on Earth.
Our dream in starting this
place was to create a home for
people who seek a deep and
intimate encounter with God
and desire to create lifelong
friendships. We value many
things, but what I've seen is a
desire for purpose, to be aware
and active socially in our local
community and environment,
to experience community and
build it all around, loving God
and loving others. We also cele-
brate the diversity of individu-
als, their opinions, and their
spiritual journeys. Many of us
hope and pray that over the
years, The Gathering will have
a profound impact in the lives
of the poor and disenfran-
chised, will stand against injus-
tice, will live moral and ethical
lives, and will be the bright
Meet at the big C in CALIFORNIA !near California symbol of Christ’s abounding
Adventure" at 1:30pm. To save money, eat lunch before love and peace in Orange
you get there. See you at the happiest place on earth! County.


! 12141 Lewis St. • Garden Grove, CA 92840
DURING please make it out to “Crystal DURING please make it out to “Crystal

Cathedral” and write “The Cathedral” and write “The
Gathering” in the memo. The Gathering” in the memo. The

! !
tithe and offering prayer station is tithe and offering prayer station is
located in the back corner of the located in the back corner of the
Arboretum near the writing sta- Arboretum near the writing sta-
tions. It’s usually at the foot of a tions. It’s usually at the foot of a
PRE-SERVICE large cross.
PRE-SERVICE large cross.
Join Jim Case & the prayer team
Join Jim Case & the prayer team
CHILD CARE for a powerful, pre-service prayer
for a powerful, pre-service prayer
every Sunday morning 10- We’d like to encourage parents to every Sunday morning 10- We’d like to encourage parents to
10:30am in the Chapel in the Sky feel free and bring their children 10:30am in the Chapel in the Sky feel free and bring their children
(top floor of the Tower on the to service on Sunday mornings. (top floor of the Tower on the to service on Sunday mornings.
Cathedral campus). We’d love to However to those who feel more Cathedral campus). We’d love to However to those who feel more
have you plug-in with this group, comfortable with their children have you plug-in with this group, comfortable with their children
for every great movement begins going to Sunday school, we have for every great movement begins going to Sunday school, we have
with prayer. childcare available in the Family with prayer. childcare available in the Family
Life Center. Life Center.
Take this time to quiet your heart,
to focus your soul on the Holy ! Take this time to quiet your heart,
to focus your soul on the Holy !
Spirit, and to be ready to hear
from God. We are journeying
Godward finding Him in every
moment and every place. Take
part in the prayer areas, pray for

Log on to The Gathering’s web-
site at
and discover
have over
our podcasts! We
120 different mes-
Spirit, and to be ready to hear
from God. We are journeying
Godward finding Him in every
moment and every place. Take
part in the prayer areas, pray for
Log on to The Gathering’s web-
site at
and discover
our podcasts! We
have over 120 different mes-
friends, or step outside for a sages (& growing) given here at friends, or step outside for a sages (& growing) given here at
breath of fresh air. This is time The Gathering. You can down- breath of fresh air. This is time The Gathering. You can down-
.2"#4$.@(.461$(0121(&, between you and your Creator. .2"#4$.@(.461$(0121(&,
between you and your Creator. load them all for free onto your load them all for free onto your
MP3 player or computer. A01(B&,0124$./(C"7(*&$
MP3 player or computer.
During this time, we also have a During this time, we also have a '"#$%"&'(,015(&%%(="2
team of prayer elders in the very team of prayer elders in the very
back in the glassed-in portion of YAHOO GROUPS
=211("$,"(D"72(E)F(8%&D12 back in the glassed-in portion of YAHOO GROUPS
"2(*"587,12/( the Arboretum (behind the prayer "2(*"587,12/(
the Arboretum (behind the prayer This group communicates
This group communicates stations). They would love to
stations). They would love to through e-mail daily, sharing
through e-mail daily, sharing pray with you over anything at
pray with you over anything at with each other prayer
with each other prayer C&0""(B2"78+
all. Whether you have some C&0""(B2"78+
requests, praise reports, & any-
all. Whether you have some
requests, praise reports, & any-
huge struggles you need prayer huge struggles you need prayer
thing that may be on their
A04+(.2"78(*"557$4*&,1+ thing that may be on their
for or just want to pray a prayer for or just want to pray a prayer
hearts. E-mails that you write
,02"7.0(135&4%('&4%DG hearts. E-mails that you write
of thankfulness, they are there of thankfulness, they are there
are seen by everyone in The are seen by everyone in The
for you. +0&24$.(#4,0(1&*0(",012 for you.
Gathering Yahoo Group. You Gathering Yahoo Group. You
receive a number of e-mails receive a number of e-mails
TITHE & OFFERING 218"2,+G(?(&$D,04$.(,0&,
each day from others in The TITHE & OFFERING 218"2,+G(?(&$D,04$.(,0&,
each day from others in The
Gathering Yahoo Group who 5&D(I1("$(,0142(01&2,+/(J3
Gathering Yahoo Group who
At The Gathering we believe that At The Gathering we believe that
giving is a personal act of wor- have something to share. This
5&4%+(,0&,(D"7(#24,1(&21 giving is a personal act of wor- have something to share. This
ship. We don’t pass the bucket
or request that people bring their
gift to the front; instead we have
a prayer station where we
encourage members of our con-
gregation to give their tithes
and offerings during our time of
" is a great way to connect with
others in The Gathering
Community, but if you’re sensi-
tive about receiving too many e-
mails, this is probably not for
you. If you are interested in
being added to The Gathering
ship. We don’t pass the bucket
or request that people bring their
gift to the front; instead we have
a prayer station where we
encourage members of our con-
gregation to give their tithes
and offerings during our time of
" is a great way to connect with
others in The Gathering
Community, but if you’re sensi-
tive about receiving too many e-
mails, this is probably not for
you. If you are interested in
being added to The Gathering
Yahoo group contact Josh
Selah. If you’re giving a check, Yahoo group contact Josh
+"51,04$.(,"(+0&21/(A04+ Selah. If you’re giving a check, +"51,04$.(,"(+0&21/(A04+
4+(&(.21&,(#&D(,"(*"$$1*, Morgan.

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# #
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dig deeper into scripture while dig deeper into scripture while

developing meaningful friend- developing meaningful friend-
ships and just having fun, maybe ships and just having fun, maybe
getting involved in a small group getting involved in a small group
is what you’re looking for. is what you’re looking for.
Through out the week we have Through out the week we have
WHAT ARE NODES? men’s groups, women’s groups, WHAT ARE NODES? men’s groups, women’s groups,
The literal definition of node is: and couple’s group meeting all The literal definition of node is: and couple’s group meeting all
“The point on a stem where a leaf around Orange County. For more “The point on a stem where a leaf around Orange County. For more
is attached or has been attached; information about small groups, is attached or has been attached; information about small groups,
a joint.” A node at The Gathering contact Hannah. a joint.” A node at The Gathering contact Hannah.
is any type of group, activity, min- is any type of group, activity, min-
istry, etc. that takes place outside istry, etc. that takes place outside
of Sunday morning Gathering, of Sunday morning Gathering,
but is still connected with The but is still connected with The
Gathering. Gathering.
Do you feel that God has put it on Do you feel that God has put it on
your heart to start a ministry at your heart to start a ministry at
The Gathering? Small Group? The Gathering? Small Group?
Outreach? We are always look- Outreach? We are always look-
ing for new creative ways to con- ing for new creative ways to con-
nect people outside of the nect people outside of the
church. If you’ve got an idea we church. If you’ve got an idea we
want to hear it! Contact: want to hear it! Contact:


If you feel that Sunday morning If you feel that Sunday morning
isn’t enough, and you desire to isn’t enough, and you desire to

; ;


# Art
Every Sunday during our
Selah/meditation time one of our
elders, Jim Case, is seated in the
We believe at The Gathering
that one of the ways that God
speaks to humanity is through
the arts. Whether it be through
Ander heads up a visit to the painting, sculpting, pottery,
back of the Arboretum near the stained glass, design, poetry,
Isaiah House every Wed. at prayer stations. He (along with
4:30pm & every Sat. morning at drama, or music; we want to
any other elders) would love to encourage members of our
6am (contact him for directions). pray with you over anything at all. congregation to pursue their

While volunteering at Isaiah Whether you have some huge
House, you will develop rela- gifts and share them with our
struggles you need prayer for or community. If you would like to
tionships with the children & just want to pray a prayer of
families that need encourage- serve the Gathering by sharing
thankfulness, he & others are your gifts please contact
ment & love. If you are interest- there for you.
ed in helping out with this life- Hannah
changing & exciting project,
please contact Ander (his e-mail

ny ideas for MONTHLY

is listed below in the CON-
TACTS section).

The Gathering ACTIVITIES

(social, outreach,
Members of our community
began MANNA, which collects
Worship is a very important part

food and clothing to both reduce
of our Christian faith. It brings us
waste and provide support for
peace, hope, and strength to

the needy. MANNA meets at
fulfill the plans that God has pre-
1pm the 2nd and 4th Saturdays
pared for us. Every month we

We’d love to hear

of every month at Civic Center
gather together to spend time
Park in Santa Ana.
worshiping God through prayer,

from you!
Please contact Joel for more
scripture, meditation, and song.
We meet in the Chapel in the
ALSO, check out the website at:
Sky at 7:30pm the first Friday of
every month.
Please write your idea down &
put it in our Idea Box! SOCIAL
(located on the info table)
Looking for a way to connect
CONTACTS with people at The Gathering
outside of the Sunday morning
Pastor- Bobby Schuller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . church building? Once a month
Admin. Assistant/Design- Hannah Schuller. . we try to create an environment
Worship Leader- Mark Wojciechowski . . . . . . . where people can get to know
Admin. Assistant/Web- Josh Morgan. . . . . . . . . . . . . each other, form friendships,
Isaiah House- Ander Pierce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and simply have a good time
while doing something fun.
General ?’s- Gathering Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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