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The Equation

THEY cannot just kill you. If they remove only one variable from the
equation it creates a vacuum. That vacuum is a negative void. Right? Its like
throwing a star at a black hole going the speed of light striking a supernova.
IT JUST CANT FUCKIN HAPPEN. If that makes any sense. the scientist that
was existing on injected adrenaline for 32 hours said.
You may want to try decaf man, the upset patsy said
As the burnt laboratory falls down around them the scientist lights a
cigarette and looks in the direction of the patsy
You gotta admit if is truly the middle word in life said the scientist
Yup definitely decaf the patsy say as he walks through what was once a
door way.
Where the hell are you going? the scientist said with wide eyed wonder
I am going to shoot the devil in the back the patsy said coldly as he steps
out into the rain.
What happens if you miss? The scientist says while taking a long drag on
his cigarette.
The rain came on slow and cold. He thought it must be four o clock in the
morning. He knew the Service would be coming soon. Truly he no longer
cared of the outcome to this chaotic string of events that would lead only to
his death. As dawn broke to his back he turned just in time to see the drones
circling his location.
Drones this is how it ends? With Drones. He said to himself
The muzzle flash was brighter than the rising sun. He was able to notice it as
he was thrown through the air. Laying in the rumble feeling pain all over his
body waiting to die the sense of calm came over him. It was not that he
didnt care about his former life, it was more that he was ok with the way it
ended. He closed his eyes.

His eyes opened instantly as the alarm went off. Surely this is not what hell is
like he thought to himself. He was not strapped to the bed nor attached to
any machine. He was not dressed but he had the sheet is was under. Jumping
out of a hospital bed he wanted more and more for the alarm to go off. He
walked to the door of his room. It was obvious that the panic was causing

guards of sum kind chasing men in hospital clothing. It seemed like pure
chaos. A guard noticed his escape. A black mask with a black helmet and
some ensign struck out directly his direction. He knew he had to hide but a
strange heat started to rise inside him. The guard rushed the door and
barged in. The guard located him. Before he stop himself his hands slide into
specific points causing a snapping sound and a rotation of the guards neck.
The guard laid at his feet Just then an inmate blew through the door. He was
five foot nine of pure pissed off.
He wasnt alone.
Another six men charged his position. He knew resistance would be short
lived. He kicked the body of his feet. He was pinned down instantly by the
inmates. A bag was placed over his head. He felt a pin prick in my left arm. I
felt my body stop resisting. As the drugs took over he realized this would be
his first sleep in days.

I walked in and saw an astronaut playing pinball. No shit. I knew I had

arrived. I was immediately introduced to the host. The first 7 foot transsexual
I had ever met but obviously not the last one. To get into this party we had to
reach into a punch bowl full of what I thought was skittles. It was only at the
last second that I realized the skilltes were actually a large assortment of
narcotics uppers and downers.

What kind of shotgun shells are those?

My own special blend of fuck off.

All I can remember is that everyone in my family had to scrum blood stains
off their hands. The women worked in a slaughter house for three
generation. The men were soliders that came back as heavy hitters. What is
a heavy hitter you might ask, it s a guy that kill anybody at any time with
anything. If it is a mafia boss with fifty body guards, hes dead. If its a chief
of police, hes dead. And if you are really lucky, you got to die and have a
funeral. If not your body goes to the slaughter house and your turned into a

hotdog. So I am going to ask you one more time where is my money and my

What about the patsy actually being the shooter like Oswald really being the
guy. Good Idea but where the fuck are you going with this story its like a
bunch of one liners HELLO right the pig farm er or what ever your working on

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