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Apples has been created in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniack and Ronald
Wayne. They all left ATARI computers to create their own company. Apples first
headquater was the Jobs parents garage where Jobs and his friends design
their first computer kit: The Apple 1.
Their business really started when Jobs achieved a deal with Byte Shop, a
computer store which buys fifty Apple 1. At this time, as Wozniack and Wayne
worked night and days to assemble the Apple 1, Jobs try to find money to pay
the provider.
Then came the Apple II and a software called VisiCalc.
During this period a new religion birth: The Apple-Mania and it is cohort of
Apple evangelist. The fan of Apple arent simple costumers satisfied by their
products, they are fanatics. They pray Saint Steve Jobs, they celebrate
Christmas during the MacWorld Exposition every year in San Francisco,
Cupertino is their Mecca and Bill Gates is the Devi. But it was not enough to
prevent Apple decline in front of the Wintel World Conspiracy and in the mid90s Apple started a slow decline.
The rebirth of Apple started in 1998 himself introduced the new iMac at the
MacWorld Expo. But the real blockbuster was unveiled in 2001: the iPod.
Surfing on the digital audio player trend Apple succeed to take 75% of the
market share in the US. Furthermore Apple make a deal with Intel to become
compatible with Microsoft Windows.
For 30 years Apple has been a trend-setter company able to foresee the future
of domestic computer it will probably continue during the next decade.

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