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Alexis Muir
Professor Rebecca Miner
English 1010
26 July 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Chapman, Denalee. "What Do Adoptees Call Their Birth Mothers?" N.p.,
2016. Web. 18 July 2016.
Summary- This article is about adoptive parents and the biological mother, and
what your child should call their birth mother. The circumstances are different for
everyone and how they feel about this subject. It is dependent on how the child feels
about the situation, and second how the adoptive parents feel. Something that the writer
found interesting was the common use of calling the birth mother by their first name. The
writer finds the controversy of what kids call their birth mothers silly, that the
relationship is the most important.
Reflection- Reading this article was helpful insight to the thoughts of how others
go about their relationship with the birth mother. I feel as though it is semi silly to have
controversy over what to call your birth mother. I agree completely with the writer that
the relationship you have is more important. I like how there are outside links to the
conversation of others experiencing this situation with their own children.
Foli, Karen J., et al. Post-Adoption Depression: Parental Classes of Depressive
Symptoms Across Time. Journal Of Affective Disorders 200 (2016): 293-302.
PsycINFO. Web 13 July 2016
< >
Summary- With this journal they state the statistics of birth mothers and fathers that
experience postpartum depression the rates being 10-15%. The journalist did an analysis
using the Center of Epidemiological Studies-Depression scores; this ranges from 4-6
weeks pre-placement of the child, 4-6 post -placement and 5-6 months post-placement.
Results reveal that majority of parents that belong to low levels of depression at 71%.
Inconsistencies are elaborated by the different subgroups of parents. That being said
adoption and mental health professionals are aware of the struggle with depression of pre
and post placement.
Reflection- This to journal to me isnt as surprising to me only because those
emotions are normal and expected. Simply because your child is not longer with you,
even so mothers to me seem like they would have more of an affect because there is that
postpartum depression. It is human to have such feelings, wondering if you made the
right decision or a wrong one. How your child will think of you later on in their life. It is
a hard decision to make and takes a strong individual to do so. I was shocked to see the
percentage to be so low for postpartum depression.

Gammage, Jeff. "A 'Normal' Family." Relative Choices A Normal Family Comments.
Web. 26 July 2016.
Summary- This article represents the struggle parents go through when being
questioned about their adopted children. In some cases, being surprised to some people
having more of a personal connection to adoption, rather then ridicule or rude comments.
Some have adopted children or were adopted and in the process of adopting. This article
brings to light that adoption is becoming normalized. Percentages of adoption from 10
years ago were at 58% and are now at 63%. Adoption is being more publicized and
Reflection- Adoption comes in many forms, stepparent, adoptive families and kin
adoption. You may still feel attacked by others in relation, that your child may look
different than you and cause unwanted comments from others or even gestures. Although
reading this article you get a broader perspective on the issue. Rather others are just
curious or seeking to have a connection with others around them. Adoption is becoming
normality and noticed for the good that it is meant to be. This article helped me see the
internal struggle and the outward effects of how adoption is being viewed.
Izkoff, Dave. Elton John Is Too Old To Adopt In Ukraine. New York Times 15 Sept.
2009: 3 MasterFILE Complete. Web. 18 July 2016
Summary- This article is about Elton John and not being able to adopt due to his
age and marital status. Even though Elton John and David Furnish made their relationship
official in 2005. The Ukrainian orphanage told him he was unable to adopt that child that
was HIV positive. That even if Elton John files a request it would be denied, that the law
would be the same for anyone else.
Reflection- There are few articles you see that deny adoption
due to age; rather it is mostly depicted towards marital status. I see
how this would be an issue for the agency, age plays into factor the
longevity of that life for the child. Giving them a more stable living
with younger parents. Although I do not agree, age shouldnt matter
people die old and young it is a matter of life itself. We cannot predict
our outcome, only hope for the best.


Pine, Shaaren. "Please Don't Tell Me I Was Lucky to Be Adopted." Washington Post. The
Washington Post, n.d. Web. 26 July 2016.
Summary- The title of this article alone is a clear message from the writer; she is
finally voicing how she felt having been adopted after having her 6-year-old express her
feelings about her mothers adoption. She mentions that she felt cut off from her family
and culture, a missing piece from her story. This article really brings the truth to how
adoption is for the child and how it affects their life. That it isnt just a happy go lucky
situation to be in, that the reality of adoption can be tough. The self-inflicted pain she
posed upon herself trying to prove she was all right to others when in reality she was not.
Even so not all adoptees have the same experience. The writer conveys hope for her
daughter to continue telling her truth and to continue to be confident, not to follow her
and become silent about her feelings. Adoption is sometimes too much to bear.
Reflection- The strength that the writer conveys in her article is moving. When
you think of adoption you see it as something that is benefiting your life but also that
childs. It never crosses your mind that maybe that child didnt want to be an adoptee.
She mentions that adoptees are so busy trying to portray they are all right when truly they
may not be. This article should help remind others that we should encourage questions,
curiosity, and truth of their life.

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