Should Biotechnology Be Encouraged in Malaysia Final

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Academic Essay
Name: Kishenraj A/L Ramaru I.D. Number: 000125557

Date: 23rd of March, 2014

Should Biotechnology be Encouraged in Malaysia?

Biotechnology exploits natural biological processes to create a technology that aids human
being. It is used in environmental, pharmaceutical and industrial areas which are commercialized
as it advances peoples need in their daily life. Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough
products and technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental
footprint, feed the hungry, use less and cleaner energy, and have safer, cleaner and more efficient
industrial manufacturing processes (, 2010). Some examples of Biotechnologys
products are detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, and so on which indeed are useful for people. These
products contain enzymes, good bacteria and chemicals to aid naturally without harming people.
Although some people mention that usage of Biotechnology will cost a country dearly, against
religious beliefs and against human ethics, there are many advantages of Biotechnology in
Firstly, opponents mention that usage of Biotechnology will cost a country dearly. We may
have seen where a developed country which invests in Biotechnology and the experiment went
wrong. However, the country, United States of America conducts the experiment again and this
time it was done well guided and successful. Malaysia is a developing country and we have to try
new ways. Malaysia has been in agriculture based industry for few decades and merging
Biotechnology with agriculture will increase the economic value of our country. As industry
makes more non-food use of agricultural products, rural economies will benefit (BIAC Vision
Paper, n.d). Through Biotechnology Malaysia can increase the yield of agricultural products and
at the same time it can boom our countrys income. We are blessed with a good and stable
ecosystem. Malaysia is located near equator where the weather is excellent for agriculture and
tropical forest. Many foreign countries will invest in our country if we are advanced in
Biotechnology. Foreign countries will invest in our country if we are economically stable and our
productivity will increase via the investment. Thus this will generate more money to our
developing country and we can channel it to develop our country towards our betterment.
The second argument stated by the opponents who believe that Biotechnology is against
religious beliefs. There is no relevant reason for us not to accept Biotechnology according what
religious told us not to. In Bible it is stated that God created us in the image of God himself.
Humans role according to religions is to lead a better life which Biotechnology will provide.
We, human are free to rule out our own life and live it as simple it can be. This technology has
improved few humans daily life which started from few thousand years back and even by the
Egyptians. Genetically modified food is not against religion as it is way to improve our health.
Todays foods are chemically polluted which cause random diseases arise in human beings and
other organisms. These are the consequences of using chemically engineered fertilizers and
pesticide by the farmers. By isolating, replicating and controlling DNA, the trait-bearing protein
in cells, biotechnology looks set to revolutionize agriculture, medicine and the
environment(Choong Tet Sieu and Keith Loveard, 2000). An example of genetically modified
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Academic Essay
Name: Kishenraj A/L Ramaru I.D. Number: 000125557

Date: 23rd of March, 2014

food is a type of tomato which its genes are altered to ensure the longevity of the fruit in the shelf
and healthy for consumption. Also we can end the hunger around the world by this way.
Finally, opponents imply that Biotechnology is against human ethics. Clones are actually
carbon copy of the original which may not fully functional but could be used as spare parts for
those who need it. The cloned organs may have the best compatibility with the donor who is in
dire needs of organ transplantation. This will eradicate the possibilities where the receiver body
will reject donors organ in their body because of antibodies in human body will attack and kill
the alien cell in the body. Biotechnology is still at its infancy but still its productivity is
improving humans health. Today there are many vaccines and medicines produced to counter
act todays and those days diseases. The leading edge of biotechnology is now offering the
potential to rapidly produce therapeutics and vaccines against virtually any target (Lee Sang
Yup, 2013). Genes transferring is a way to develop our immunity towards epidemic and
pandemic. Few decades back, our world was constantly attacked by fatal pandemic which took
lots of lives and made millions of others to mourn for the lost one. Scientists today use animals
to experiment because the gene of animals almost same as humans and it have been proven
worth it as it saves millions of lives around the world.
Likewise, the usage of Biotechnology will not waste money and resource if it is used under
proper ways or guidance. But if we get this right, in addition to helping to ease and prevent
human suffering, we will create a more durable, more resilient 21st century American economy
(James C.Greenwood, 2013). Biotechnology is a boon to our country with blessed in agriculture
as it is one of the main income of the country. In the near future there will be no more shortage in
organs and will ensure the health of our people will be hale and hearty. In conclusion, the usage
of Biotechnology should be encouraged in Malaysia due to promising advantages that will
benefit our country and its people.

(750 words)

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Academic Essay
Name: Kishenraj A/L Ramaru I.D. Number: 000125557

Date: 23rd of March, 2014

Reference List (2010) What is Biotechnology?. [Online]. Retrieved on 2 April 2014 from:
BIAC Vision Paper (n.d) Biotechnology: A Key Contributor to Sustainable Economic Growth.
[Online].Retrieved on 2 April 2014 from:
Choong Tat Sieu and Keith Loveard (2000) Magic Genes. [Online].Retrieved on 2 April 2014
James C.Greenwood (2013) Bullish on the Future Biotech. [Online]. Retrieved on 2 April 2014
Lee Sang Yup (2013) How Could Biotechnology Improve Your Life?. Retrieved on 2 April 2014

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