A Research Study Presented To The College of Education Polytechnic University of The Philippines-Bataan Branch FAB Mariveles, Bataan

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A Research Study
Presented to the College of Education
Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Bataan Branch
FAB Mariveles, Bataan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Subject

Thesis Writing (ELED 4033)

Barili, Jennifer

Madera, Cheryl

Delos Reyes, Dizabelle A.

Oviedo, Reychel Joyce

Firmeza, Marjhorie

Sargento, Beverly

Chapter V
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
A recapitulation of this investigations purposes, methodology generated from findings,
analysis and responses collected from the questionnaire and supported by casual interviews and
personal observation are presented in this chapter. The conclusions drawn from the findings and
recommendations offered are also included in this chapter.
The study endeavored to determine the Perception of Teachers of Alasasin Elementary
School, on the Usefulness of Biometrics: Its Implication to their Level of Acceptance on the use
of Biometrics.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:
1. What is the profile of teacher respondents in terms of:
1.1 age
1.2 sex
1.3 civil status
1.4 teaching experience
1.5 teaching position
1.6 highest educational attainment
2. What is the perception of teachers on the usefulness of biometrics?
3. What is the level of acceptance on the use of biometrics?
4. Is their significant relationship between the level of acceptance and perception of teachers
on the use of biometrics?

This study involved teacher-respondents of Alasasin Elementary School (AES). The

subjects were chosen through universal sampling technique. Data gathered from the in the
questionnaire were supported by informal interviews and documents. The descriptive method
of research was employed in this particular inquiry.
Analysis of the data gathered revealed the following findings:
1. Profile of the respondents
1.1 Age. The most number of teacher respondents are 24-26 and 33-35 years of age,
which are four or 18.18 percent. While there are three respondents who belonged
with the age of 52-59, 36-32 and 21-23 or 13.64 percent. There are 2 teachers
whose ages are 45-47 and 27-29 or 9.09 percent. On the other hand the least
number of respondents belonged with the age of 42-44 or 4.55 percent.
1.2 Sex. Majority of the respondents were female with 95 percent or 21 of the total
respondents. There are only one male or 5 percent of the total respondents.
1.3 Civil status. Findings shows that, eleven (11) or 50 percent of total-respondents
were married and also eleven (11) or 50 percent were single. It appears through
this finding that in spite of being busy in the classroom, the teachers still found
time for themselves. Accordingly, many teachers commented that they are
inspired in teaching for having a family.
1.1 Teaching Experience. Findings shows that, the biggest group of teacherrespondents represented by twelve (12) or 55 percent of the total teacher-

respondents to the experienced bracket of 5 years and below. This grouped was
followed by the six (6) or 27 percent who had been in the service for 6-10 years,
and two (2) or 9.09 percent of the total teacher-respondents to the experienced
bracket of 11-15 years .Note that there was one (1) or 4 percent who composed
the oldest group of respondents. They had been in the service for almost 31 years
and more.
1.2 Teaching Position. Findings shows that teacher I have the highest total
percentage of 86 percent while the total percentage of teacher III was 14 percent.
1.3 Highest Educational Attainment. It shows that the highest total percentage of 55
percent was graduated in the degree of BSED/BEED followed by the respondents
who graduated BSED/BEED degree with MA units and have the total percentage
of 41 percent. The lowest total percentage of 4 percent was the respondents who
graduated of MA with Ph. D/Ed. D Units.
2. Perception of Teachers on Usefulness of Biometrics. The evaluation of teacherrespondents on the usefulness of biometrics was answered Strongly Agree (SA) by
4.16 percent of the total respondents.
3. Level of Acceptance on the Use of Biometrics. It reveals that the evaluation of
teacher-respondents in the level of acceptance on the use biometrics was answered
Very Much Accepted (VMA) by 4.11 percent of the total respondents.
4. Relationship between Perception of Teachers on the Usefulness of Biometrics
and their Level of Acceptance. Perception of teachers on the usefulness of biometric

affect their level of acceptance on the use of biometric as indicated by the computed
rxy of 0.54. The null hypothesis was rejected.

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