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Case Study: Language Disorders and Speech Disorders

Supporting Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students with Neuromotor Problems
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Filename: 1SAMPLE16C211-Language-Disorders-and-Speech-Disorders.PDF
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Kuders article first describes the differences between speech, language and communication
so that it can be understood properly to identify its characteristics and to study it in reference
to language disorders. It describes the necessary components of communication to find out
the problems in a speech disorder patient. He moves further to present a case study of a nine
year old student named Kevin who is good in maths but faces difficulty in words. He tries to
write short sentences and produces poorly organized sentences. His teacher Mrs. Ross notices
this and feels like helping him but she fails to understand the nature of his problem. Kevin
lags behind when he goes to play with his other school friends and it is likely that he would
fall in difficulty in pursuing his academic and social life if nothing is done to take care of his
problem. According to Kuder, speech is defined as the neuromuscular act of producing
sounds which is used in language but not all sounds are necessarily speech sounds in a
language. He differentiates speech and language by making his point clear in terms of
meaning. If the speech sound is meaningless, it is not language whereas, language is always
carried with meaning and understanding. We can have a language without speech for
example, sign language for deaf people. But what is common in both the languages is the
purpose, the purpose of communicating with others; the purpose of conveying our ideas,
thoughts and meaning. So communication is the underlying purpose of any language.

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