WMH Syllabus

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Winters Mill High School Physical Education

Course Expectations
Students are expected to:
Participate in classroom instructional activities that are vital to the physical educational
Be respectful and courteous to all. Inappropriate behavior and language will not be
All Winters Mill and Carroll County policies will be supported by the Physical Education
.Grading Policy
Students will be graded on the following components: Physical Fitness, Knowledge Tests,
Skill Performance Assessments, Participation, Warm-Ups, and Skill Development.
Students are expected to follow and adhere to class rules and procedures.
Please see the back for the specific grading policy.
Please check HOME ACCESS CENTER to access your grades.
Attendance Policy
When absent from class it is a students responsibility to:
Check with the instructor to see what work and assignments were missed.
Makeup missed class time and assignments if you see an INC or ABS.
Turn in assignments the next day after the absence.
Make arrangements to complete missed tests and or quizzes.
Tardiness to Class or Squad Lines
Students must be in the locker room hallway and in their squad lines ready for class within the
time allotted for dress or points will be deducted.
1st Offense warning (1 point lost)
2nd Offense warning (2 points lost)
3rd Offense 1 hour after school detention in the time-out room
Physical Education Uniform and Materials
Winters Mill T-Shirt and Shorts
Athletic Shoes (no hiking boots, flip flops, sanuks or cleats)
No jewelry
No chewing gum
No cell phones
Uniforms will be available and can be purchased through the Phys. Ed. Department.
The prices are as follows: Shirts: $10, Shorts: $15
Make checks payable to: Winters Mill High School
Uniform Policy
All students must dress for class every day.
Failure to dress loss of points
1st Offense - teacher conference with student
2nd Offense - parent contact
3rd Offense - 1 hour after school detention in the time-out room
4th Offense determined by an administrator

Secondary Physical Education Grading Policy (revised 4/13)

Carroll County Public Schools
Grades are a measure of student achievement in mastering content standards, course outcomes
and objectives. Student grades should be:
1 Consistent (determined in similar ways)
2 Accurate (reflect learning)
3 Meaningful (aligned with curriculum)
Meets Student Responsibilities:
40% (Standards 5, 6)
Students will come to class prepared to learn and participate.
Students will demonstrates regard for safety and appropriate use of equipment.
Students will demonstrate working effectively with others.
6 Points/day
1 point - Prepared for class
1 point - Follows all safety rules
1 point - Works effectively with others throughout the class period
3 points - Participates actively throughout the class period. Rubric:
3 points = Optimal participation with no verbal reminders
2 points = Acceptable participation with 1 verbal reminder
1 point = Minimal participation with 1 or more verbal
0 points = Refuses to participate or removed from class
Absent from class = 0/6 points (Opportunities are available for a designated
time period to
make up points)
Demonstrates Appropriate Skills:
40% (Standards 1, 2, 3, 5)
Students will demonstrate the ability to enhance their performance in a variety of
physical skills by developing fundamental movement skills, creating original skill
combinations, combining skills effectively in skill themes, and applying skills in game
and activity situations.
Demonstrates Knowledge of Concepts: 20% (Standards 2, 4)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of physical education skill and sport concepts,
exercise physiology, and biomechanics through a variety of written and performance
formative and summative assessments.

FCLWK - Formative Class Work - Meets Student Responsibilities 40%

SPROJ - Summative Project - Demonstrates Appropriate Skill 40%
STQ - Summative Test/Quiz - Demonstrates Knowledge of Concepts 20%

Adapted PE : Modified 4 point system

SPROJ - Summative Project - Meets Student Responsibilities 100%

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