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State Programe Management Unit(SPMU)

In response to the lessons learnt from RCH-I and programme management support needs of RCH-II and National
Rural Health Mission, the State Programme Management Unit (SPMU) have being established. The main objective of
establishing this unit is to strengthen the existing management structures/functions at the state and district levels
respectively as RCH-II is characterised by allocation of flexible funds to states, preparation of programme
implementation plans by States and districts and performance linked disbursement based on MOU. Consultants
recruited under SPMU are expected to improve the performance levels of the public health infrastructure and
functionaries and to make the system more responsive and transparent. All these positions are on contract basis.
The SPMU consists of following four positions.
1. State Programme Manager
2. State Finance Manager
3. State Accounts Manager
4. State Data Officer
Role of SPMU
The SPMU is responsible for the overall state level planning and monitoring for NRHM, management of flexipool funds,
initiation of health sector reforms, continuous process improvement and for secretarial functions to the State Health
Mission and State Health Society.

District Programme Management Unit(DPMU)

In districts, the cornerstone for smooth and successful implementation of NRHMI programme is dependent on the
management capacity of District Programme Managers, smooth functioning of District RCH Society and empowerment
of the programme implementation structure. The District Health Society is being strengthened through the integration of
all societies in the district and this society will be responsible for project management in districts. While the Collector
would continue to be the Chairperson of District RCH Society, suitable manpower resources for programme
management and finance/accounts functions has been provided. The district level functions include planning,
implementation and monitoring of all EAPs including RCH II, finance and accounting, training and capacity building,
MIES and district plans etc.
The district PMU is composed of three skilled personnel i.e. Programme Manager, Accounts Manager and Data
Assistant have been provided in each district. These personnel are there to provide the basic support for programme
implementation and monitoring at district level. The District Programme Manager is responsible for providing support
to all programmes and projects in the Districts, planning, implementation and monitoring of all EAPs including RCH II,
training and capacity building, MIES, development of district plans, regular reporting and feedback,. The District
Accounts Manager is responsible for the finance and accounting function of District RCH Society including grants
received from the state society and donors, disbursement of funds to the implementing agencies, preparation of
submission of monthly/quarterly/annual SoE, ensuring adherence to laid down accounting standards, ensure timely
submission of UCs, periodic internal audit and conduct of external audit and implementation of computerized FMS. The
Data Assistant in close consultation with district officials has to facilitate working of District RCH Society, maintain
records, create and maintain district resource database for the health sector, inventory management, procurement and
logistics, planning and monitoring and evaluation. District Data Assistant is responsible for MIS and data collection
and reporting at district level.

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