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The Social Function of Philosophy

By Max Horkheimer
Contextualized In the Contemporary Period
Of Sciences and Technology

A Term Paper
Presented to the
Faulty of Arts and Letters
University of Santo Tomas

In Partial Fulfillment
On the Requirements
In German and French Critical Theory

Submitted by:
Justine Henri A. Hernandez
April 2015

Originally, the sciences and technology were made to support and help man reach and
maximize his potential and bridge the gap from the limitation of a human being. In a perfect
world the purpose of the advancement and progress of the sciences and technology would be
beneficial to mankind. But the world where man lives is not perfect. Sciences have progressed
much and now man faces a crisis because of it. The successes made within the field of science
which ought to help mankind is now slaving them and even leading them to fight whether their
procedures are ethical or not.
Max Horkheimer believed that the social function of philosophy lies within the critical
analysis of the contemporary trending views. Philosophy ought to help mankind remind him of
the purposes of things in life even if is contradicting to their beliefs, even if it is unpleasant to
hear and even if it means clashing with the collective consciousness of the masses.
This paper will try to expose the different crisis of the advancement of the sciences and
technology in the contemporary period and to reveal and remind man his relationship with his
environment, his fellow man and himself with the philosophy of social function by Max

The long and grueling process of evolution that came to man is not necessarily limited to

his external characteristic but it is true and applied on his way of thinking and seeing the world.
And philosophy being a study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature, meaning of life and
how to live life changed from one era to another. It is a discipline that changes hand in hand with
the evolution of man.
As if the different views on the general character of philosophy were not enough, we also
find the most diverse notions about its content and its methods.1
Different philosophers from different schools have different take on philosophy and each
schools would dispute on the real meaning of philosophy. But of course there are schools who
are open minded and view other schools with open yet critical mind. But what is the role of
philosophy in a social category? Surely other disciplines, like science, can answer questions
which ask for facts and similar kind of knowledge. Max Horkheimer believed that the social
function of philosophy is to answer questions which the sciences cannot and would not look

1 Max Horkheimer, The Social Function of Philosophy, Marxists, accessed April 10, 2015,

upon. The real social function of philosophy lies in its criticism of what is prevalent. 2 The
philosophers and aspiring scholars, tries to have a perspective which is open and not consumed
by the waves of the times. The chief aim of such criticism is to prevent mankind form losing itself
in those ideas and activities which the existing organization of society instills into its members.3
They are the ones who try to keep an open perspective regarding the happenings around
the world and they are also the ones who try to analyze the advancement made by the sciences
and technology.
Not every prevalent ideas and advancement made by the sciences are not necessarily
good. Although it was supposed to be good and helpful and such were the intentions when they
were researched and studied. But there are always unseen circumstances that lead to different,
unplanned results and sometimes, even unwanted ones. Some of which are just indifferent and
inhuman. Take for example the progress the sciences made on humans, PGD or Pre-Implantation
Genetic Diagnosis. They have now conceived a way of controlling and manipulating the
characteristics of a baby to be born. And even figuring a way to create savior siblings. Human
beings created through the unnatural process for the purpose of sustaining the life of the sick
The social function of philosophy is to keep an open and critical mind regarding the
matters of the world. Man should not follow blindly and happily on the events and advancement
of science. The philosophers should try their best not to be consumed by the times and keep a
perspective regarding our relationship between our activities and what is achieved thereby.4


The sciences have progressed and accomplished so much up to this point. Man can now

make experiments in the cellular level: cell, tissue and even organ cultures. To illustrate the
advancement made by the sciences, the researcher will cite several example:

2 Ibid
3 Ibid
4 Ibid

For a certain purpose, genetic makeup of organisms such as plants, animals,

bacteria or virus are being modified rampantly in the current state of food supply around.
These organisms whose DNA structures have been reformed for a certain purpose are
called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). Using modern biotechnology methods,
genes can be transferred, removed or changed to specific characteristics. This
manipulation can produce a product with new characteristics which may have advantages
and or disadvantages. Moreover, organisms are modified not only to improve its genetic
structures but also to increase the speed of its growth.5
This is the case where the advancement made by the sciences can be seen in the lighter side of
human perspective, but such is not always the case. The example here in the case of
Scientifically Modified Food, where the best nutrients possible can be culminated to enhance its
quality as food and also to speed up its growth to battle world hunger is a positive one
Prior to the turn of the 20th century, the mad dream of creating a superior human race was
impossible and is sought after only by the corrupted leaders who fancy world domination. But in
the contemporary period, eugenics or the science that tries to improve human race by controlling
which people become parents are now being actualized in some parts of the world and is now
considered a science. Additionally, the improvements accomplished regarding cellular level
experiments made eugenics more than the traditional interpretation. It is not only limited to
selective breeding but is also subject to genetic modification. And such example of this is the
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis or PGD.
Pre-implantation genetic testing is a technique used to identify genetic defects in
embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) before pregnancy. Preimplantation
genetic diagnosis (PGD) refers specifically to when one or both genetic parents has a
known genetic abnormality and testing is performed on an embryo to determine if it also
carries a genetic abnormality. In contrast, preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) refers
to techniques where embryos from presumed chromosomally normal genetic parents are
screened for aneuploidy. For that reason, only the unaffected embryos are transferred to
5 Generically Modified Organisms (GMOs)., Public Understanding of Biotechnology,

accessed April 15, 2015, from

the uterus for implantation, preimplantation genetic testing provides an alternative to

current post-conception diagnostic procedures which are frequently followed by the
difficult decision of pregnancy termination if results are unfavorable. It is an attractive
means of preventing heritable genetic disease, thereby eliminating the dilemma of
pregnancy termination following unfavorable prenatal diagnosis.6
In dealing with PGD, the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) recognizes that
several general ethical considerations need to be taken into account, concerning for instance the
status of the human embryo, the selection and destruction of human embryos, or the health
implications for women. In particular, the IBC has reported in detail on the philosophical, sociocultural and religious issues related to the status of the human embryo in its report. As is the case
in many other international and advisory groups it is not possible to make a generally-accepted
statement about the moral acceptability of PGD.7
Then again, the dream of creating a superior human race can now be achieved through
eugenics, through science and technology. But this is different from the Genetically Modified
Organisms or Scientifically Modified Food. The fact that it can and will present a number of
positive results cannot overweigh the same fact that it plays the role of god by trying to modify
man. And such truth can never be overlooked nor can it be easily accepted by the masses,
especially the religious ones.
PGD is a controversial technique and is not offered at all health centers. In many
countries PGD is prohibited, in others it is controlled by the state. As of now, there are only two
hospitals or medical centers who offer or performs PGD in the Philippines: St. Lukes Medical
Center and The Medical City.
Furthermore, because of the initial success of the PGD, the possibility of human and
animal cloning which was fantasized through sci-fi movies are now almost perfectly clear. Few
6 Molina Dayal, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Medscape, April 15, 2015,
accessed April 18, 2015,
7 Hans Galjaard, Report of the IBC on Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Germ-line

Interventio, Unesco, accessed April 15, 2015,

evidences can be sighted to support this claim regarding human application, but as the general
suspicion regarding top secret experiments are now common and add to that the fact they were
already able to do a perfect clone on animals, it would not be farfetched to assume the former.
The closest finding researcher can point out regarding human cloning is the conception of a
Savior Sibling.
The creation of a saviour sibling involves the selection of an embryo (via HLAtissue typing and PGD) that, when born, could provide umbilical cord stem cells or tissue
to an older sibling suffering from a serious medical condition that may be treated by such
a donation.8
The traditional definition of a Savior Sibling, from the Oxford dictionary, is a child conceived
through selective in vitro fertilization as a potential source of donor organs or cells for an
existing brother or sister with a life-threatening medical condition. A person conceived to be a
carbon copy of his sick sibling in order to give him the necessary organ or cells necessary to
cure or keep him alive.
The advancement made by sciences and technology was supposed to help man achieved
the Aristotelian virtue of excellence or Arete. But instead some of them did something greater or
something unhuman or even evil. Few of the progress made through the sciences have made
humans playing God. Giving man the power to choose whether to create another person in order
to save another. Some of the intentions behind the PGD may not be necessarily evil, but if the
procedure and consequence of such act also plays a little of godhood such as the case of creating
Savior Siblings then it is a different matter altogether.
Philosophy insists that the actions and aims of man must not be the product of
blind necessity. Neither the concepts of science nor the form of social life, neither the
prevailing way of thinking nor the prevailing mores should be accepted by custom and
practiced uncritically. Philosophy has set itself against mere tradition and resignation in
the decisive problems of existence, and it has shouldered the unpleasant task of throwing

8 Embryo and the Law: Savior Siblings, The Status of the Human Embryo: A Learning Aid for

UK Medical Students, accessed April 18, 2015.

the light of consciousness even upon those human relations and modes of reaction which
have become so deeply rooted that they seem natural, immutable, and eternal.9
Max Horkheimer believed that philosophy should take the challenge of rectifying the prevalent
perspective of mankind if it happens to lead on the wrong path. The researcher would place the
emphasis on the sciences and technology because man have progressed and accomplished much
in this field. It was supposed to be for the good of mankind but along the way, parts of it got out
of control. The previous goal of bridging the gap of humanity might have already ceased to be
replaced by the sole desire of seeking knowledge and the advancement of sciences. The role of
philosophy within the social function is to reveal and remind man his relationship with his
environment, his fellow man and himself. Philosophers ought to make man remember their
ethical responsibility to help and improve the situations and life of man, but also to instruct them
the distinction between helping and controlling, from improving and distorting, from guiding and
manufacturing. Science is a tool to be used to help mankind maximize his potential and not to be
worshipped to grant man the powers to play god.
Science and technology are only elements in an existing social totality, and it is
quite possible that, despite all their achievements, other factors, even the totality itself,
could be moving backwards, that man could become increasingly stunted and unhappy,
that the individual could be ruined and nations headed toward disaster.10
The central theme of this paper is to produce a recollection regarding the prevalent views of
mankind regarding science, philosophy, their social function and the interconnection of both. The
advancement and accomplishment in the field of sciences and technology should not be confused
with the improvement nor the totality of mankind. Sciences and technology contributes largely to
the sum of the progress made by man, but it definitely is not the sole criteria and man should be
constantly reminded of it. For in pursuing the matter, man had a tunnel vision to achieve as much
as he can in the field and in doing so, he lost his original dream of helping mankind his values
got mixed up resulting to a distortion of such.
9 Max Horkheimer, The Social Function of Philosophy, Marxists, accessed April 10, 2015,
10 Ibid.

Rationalism in details can readily go with a general irrationalism. Actions of

individuals, correctly regard~ as reasonable and useful in daily life, may spell waste and
even destruction for society. That is why in periods like ours, we must remember that the
best will to create something useful may result m its opposite, simply because it is blind
to what lies beyond the limits of its scientific specialty or profession, because it focuses
on what is nearest at hand and misconstrues its true nature, for the latter can be revealed
only in the larger context.11
The importance of philosophy and its ability to view things in an open yet critical manner is of
utmost important. As much as the scientists dedicate themselves in their trade, so too should the
philosophers do the same. Lest they become consumed and drowned in the waves of the times. If
the sciences focuses on the specificallity of things to detect the slightest errors in their
experiments, then the philosophers should do the opposite and view things, life in a larger
context and try to understand the purpose and direction mankind is taking and remind them if
they are losing their path even if doing so means contradicting the prevalent views of their time.
The social function of philosophy lies in its ability to see through the one-sidedness of the times
and take the challenge that no one else wants to take. The discipline ought to remind mankind
not just because it can but also because it should. The role of philosophy within the social
function is to reveal and remind man his relationship with his environment, his fellow man and
himself. To make mankind remember their ethical responsibility to help and improve the
situations and life of man, but also to instruct them the distinction between helping and
controlling, from improving and distorting, from guiding and manufacturing.


Our task is continually to struggle, lest mankind become completely disheartened by the

frightful happenings of the present, lest man's belief in a worthy, peaceful and happy direction of
society perish from the earth.12
The achievement and progress mankind have made throughout time is truly wondrous
and awe-inspiring. The purpose man intended for the sciences and technology have been
11 Ibid
12 Ibid

surpassed. Man are now able to bridge the gaps that human limitation made seem impossible.
Through the use of science and technology man have reached the Aristotelian virtue of
excellence or Arete. But through the long and grueling process of evolution, man had also
confused the original purpose of science and technology with something. It achieved and done
more than what it was intended for. And sometimes, the procedures and consequence bypass
ethical norms and morality. Instead of helping, man used it to control, instead of improving man
used it to distort, instead of guiding man used it to create and manufacture. The prevalent views
regarding the sciences and technology brought man to forget his true purpose, which is to help
and make the situation and way of life better.
The social function of philosophy is to make man remember his relationship with his
environment, his fellow man and himself. Philosophers ought to make man remember their
ethical responsibility to help and improve the situations and life of man, but also to instruct them
the proper distinction between things. Scientific and technology advancements are not
tantamount to human progress. It is just a part of the whole and not the sum of parts. Science is a
tool to be used to help mankind maximize his potential and not to be worshipped to grant man
the powers to play god.

Primary Source:
Horkheimer, Max. The Social Function of Philosophy. Marxists. Accessed April 10, 2015.
Secondary Sources:
Dayal, Molina. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. Medscape. November 4, 2013. Accessed
April 15, 2015.
Edmonds, Molly. How Will We Have Children in the Future. How Stuff Works. Accessed
April 15, 2015..
Fertility Treatment Abroad: Your Fertility Travel Guide. Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis.
Accessed April 15, 2015.
Fertility Treatment Abroad: Your Fertility Travel Guide. Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening.
Accessed April 15, 2015.
Gallard, Hans. Report of the IBC on Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis and Germ-line
Interventio. Unesco. Accessed April 15, 2015.
Health-Tourism. PGD in the Philippines. Accessed April 15, 2015.
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. PGD Conditions Licensed by the HFEA.
Accessed April 15, 2015.
Joint Commission International. About JCI. Accessed April 15, 2015.
Io9. We Come from the Future. Unexpected Outcomes of Human Cloning Accessed April 18,

Public Understanding of Biotechnology. Generically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Accessed

April 15, 2015, from
The Status of the Human Embryo: A Learning Aid for UK Medical Students Embryo and the
Law: Savior Siblings. Accessed April 18, 2015.
U.S. Food and Drug. Anima Cloning. Accessed April 18, 2015.

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