She's So Arrogant and Repelling

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This is just one of Maxs top 10 Lay reports series.

These are a special bonus to RSD Max Hotseat.

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Ever approached a girl who was just arrogant, annoyed by you and not investing AT ALL? - I did...
and I still fucked her. Here's how you do it, and here's WHY IT IS AMAZING:
It's October 2013, a week before the Alex Free Tour, a week before my life-changing decision to quit
college and become full time PIMP. I've been going out hardcore for the whole summer now. My game
clicks more and more, I'm in a high phase, pull 1-3 new girls a week, on top of a nice 6- or 7-girl
rotation. Life is great, I'm busting my ass off. Pick up, theory and practice every day, gym, clean eating,
reading, meditating...
I kept these stories as pure and unedited as possible. - just like I wrote them back then. About some of
it my opinions differ now, some of it I would do differently now but I kept it to depict my inner change
Additional comments that I added now are kept in brackets []

She's So Arrogant and Repelling

+ Overcoming a Shittest Inferno
+ Endurance throughout the night
+ Commitment to the girl you want to have
+ Maintaining a good mood, no matter how much shit she gives you +
If you truly feel enough, nothing can stop you
I really hope, dear reader, that with this LR I can show how much "return on investment" can wait for
you as long as you just stay in set and keep going... how beautiful it can be, how amazing a girl can be

once she opens up , how much it can broaden your own horizon. So yeah, you know the deal, many
details, ENJOY!
Motivation? Is low... had a rough night on Friday, didn't get as far with my workflow on Saturday,
resulting in Sunday being even more ridiculous in terms of business. Going out pimpin' just won't seem
to fit in at all. But still, I gotta do it, Monday and Tuesday may be day offs, so fuck the exhaustion and
push yourself! Andre the Position and me decide to hit Club Fledermaus, the good old classic rock
from ACDC, Jimmy Hendrix and CCR they're playing there will get me moving.
Coatcheck, feeling congruent: smooth. Mister Jan is also there.
Dancefloor, Jan hooks a blonde chick nicely, Andre grabs a cute Thai girl, it seems quite on, nice.

The Milf
I find my way through the dancing crowd, constantly playing air guitar, air bass, air drums. Gaaawd, I
love the music here! Suddenly I run into a familiar face... she's lean, black-haired, has dark eyes, seems
to be quite a bit older than me... I hold eye contact, she extends her arm, pinches my cheeks like a
grandma does. She talks random stuff and I think I remember her... she did the exact same move on me
a couple weeks ago. I laugh, notice how on she is, neg her for pulling the same move on me... funny to
see that girls also use the same "opener". We chat, she offers me some of her wine but I tell her I don't
drink. She looks surprised and asks why, I take her hand, make her feel my abs - "that's why". She
looks horny and touches my whole body now. We chat more and I bounce to the bar. Boner. Those
Eyes...I get water, Andre joins me, we're both very present to the moment and chat. Looking past him, I
see her... Just 10 feet away from us... a really, really pretty face looks over to me... briefly...shy. I hold
eye contact, keep chatting with Andre. Our eyes meet... again and again. I've roamed through the entire
club already and can now say SHE is the prettiest girl for me her... She shall be it! But deep inside I
have doubts. Similar to Milf, I believe I've already met her... in a very similar situation: She looks at
me, gives me tons of IOIs, I approach, and get blown out immediately... dayum... I'm in my head,
I keep chatting a bit and tell Andre about those amazing eyes... looking at me permanently. I also tell
him about my Dj-vu and that I'm afraid I would get blown out again... "Hey man, it's all in your head!
You never know in advance, approach her!" I'm still grateful for these words, he-reawakened my killer

instinct. I ask him to wing everything out of the way... whatever may come... since she seems to be here
with at least one other guy.
Note: A good wing is irreplaceable! Push each other, present each other awesome opportunities,
amazing experiences! BAM!
The Approach
I edge my way through the crowd, the music is awesome, she's standing with her back turned towards
me. I tap her on the shoulder - a little forcefully and certain. She turns around... I smile at her... the way
you smile at somebody you know... my head is completely empty, I'm not expecting any less than a
good reaction. She smiles back, I shake her hand: "Who are you?" We exchange names, smalltalk. We
stand, the guy and the girl who she seems to be here with sit right next to us on a couch.
She's Not On - The War of Attraction
Yep, this is how she comes across. The first 20 seconds may run well, after that she's just cold and
annoyed. It feels as if I'm riding a bike over a rocky mountain path, constantly staggering left and
right... I have to keep calibrating over and over again, it's a truly bumpy ride. Several times I'm about to
be blown out, but she still stays. Some joking here, some smart shit there, lovely... She seems so
arrogant and repelling, then she's smiling for a second, I want her to qualify, she won't "take the bait", I
build some vacuum, she does invest a little. She is really pretty, exactly my type. Cute face I just wanna
make out with, she's shorter than me, brown hair and I keep looking at her cleavage... stunning tits. Her
eyes constantly result in a boner on my side... I want her... yeaaaah! But she's still not really on. What a
Sweetheart she is...
She notices her friends' looks, BAM, Andre sits next to them and jokes around with them. Again, I'm
just about to be blown out, she does invest one more time: "Are you from Germany?"... haha, the one
question I really get from 95% of the sets (I'm Austrian but do sound very German)... I have to laugh
out loud, turn over to Andre, turn my back fully on her.
Before I give my attention back to Sweetheart, ACDC's TNT starts playing. I throw my hands up in the
air, high five with Andre... the song reminds me how awesome the whole evening already is, how much
I love life and how powerful Rock can be. BAM, Freedom From Outcome established and accepted.
No matter how beautiful she is, no matter how much I like her, this evening is unstoppable! High
energy, super congruent, attention back to Sweetheart. "No, I'm not from Germany..." I'm self amused

and get rid of all my filters, just talk shit that comes into my mind: Singing, not talking! I tell her my
heritage while singing the verse of TNT: Same melody and rhythm just different text, this shit even
rhymes, lol. I improvise 4,5 more lines and I'm totally surprised as to how awesome it actually sounds,
Sweetheart's face is bearing a big WTF look, she doesn't seem like she knows how to react now... "Is
this guy crazy? Is he drunk? Or just incredibly creative and fun?"
But nothing can stop me now, I keep chatting nonsense, take a step back and show her that I'm normal,
just in a good mood... she still stays with me...
Note: Self-Amusement and Freedom From Outcome are just unbeatable... First of all, the
nonresultoriented thinking creates huge amounts of attraction, secondly it's fun as hell, and thirdly even
if you
"lose" the girl, you still had tons of fun, and that's what we all want in life, right? ;)
The guy she's here with suddenly stands next to us, some 3 seconds later Andre chats him up, haha,
brilliant winging... Sweetheart wants to use the guy to test me and includes him in our conversation:
"Hey look, this guy's name is also Max!" He is fairly drunk and I know exactly how to deal with him:
"Ey, Max is the best name in the world!" I pad his shoulder, we shake hands. He may be pretty drunk
and barely reacts to anything, but apparently that's already enough for Sweetheart to see that I'm a
social, cool guy who doesn't seem "threatened" or some shit by another guy.
Still, I wanna screen her to find out if he's her boyfriend or not. I ask her how everyone knows each
other. Max is her cousin and the other girl is his girlfriend. Ding, ding! Two Dollar signs flash up in my
eyes. I neg her that she's the third wheel and then say: "Ey, I'm thirsty, let's go get some water," take her
by the hand, intense eye contact and pull her to the bar (which is only 5 steps next to us anyway).
Lock In Position, more smalltalk, she notices that I'm drinking water and asks why. I tell her that I
barely ever drink and she's surprised towards the fact that I'm not drunk at all, even though I seem quite
loose and fun. This is the first time I notice compliance on her side.
She talks about herself, I talk about myself, not until now I start being physical...

But again, I have the feeling that I can be blown out any second, she still seems so arrogant and
repelling, but I plow through with good vibes. Jan stands next to us, next song starts, she claims it's her
favorite song and just runs off, I stay chill and just turn to Jan, chat with him, not deigning to look at
her even once...
Who is suddenly standing next to me 3 minutes later? Hehe... I keep ignoring her a little more and not
until she's about to head back to her friends with a disappointed look on her face, I grab her arm and
pull her back... keep chatting. Shittest passed.

I'm now clearly more sexual in vibing, tickle out some of her sexual desires. For the first times she
actually laughs and I could tell she loves talking about it. She's clearly more on now and I find it great
that I've turned around such a cold set. She may have given me IOIs at first, but then just acted super
hard to get and stubborn. I'm glad I've decided to plow through. IOIs get more and I get to know that
she's never really had a boyfriend in her life. When I ask her, she tells me the last time she's had sex
was on Friday. Haha, awesome. Again, two Dollar signs in my eyes... a sexually open girl, nice.
Shittest #2
She lets the conversation die and again goes to her friends, I decide to run off too and Andre and me
roam through the club again. He re-approaches the cute Thai chick from before and for a good hour I'm
just chilling around through the rooms, socializing, having fun, enjoying all the songs. At some point
I'm back at the bar, Sweetheart is still there, it's late already.
She now shows even more compliance, is physical, I reward her for it. I keep holding her hand and look
deep into her beautiful eyes. Here and there I hug her. I'm again in Lock-In Position, back against the
wall, we're behind her friends so I get more physical, so she won't feel uncomfortable with her friends
not in sight.
Note: Positioning can be quite a powerful tool. Stand with your back against the wall or bar. You don't
have to be far away from her group, just make sure you're not in their view, she will comply to much
more physicality!
Fortuna Logistica - Oh you Glorious Goddess!

Again, I jump back and forth between attraction, fun and rapport. She mentions that she lives alone. I
smell same night lay. I talk to other people, give her the shoulder, re-approach her in her group. She
introduces me to her female friend and mentions: "Look, they're already leaving!" BAM! Friend is very
friendly, I could tell that Sweetheart took the time and talked to her "crew" - I can only guess, but it
usually includes some of these: She likes me, she trusts me, she can be left alone with me, no worries.
Friend says: "We're leaving, but you're gonna stay with her, right? She still wants to dance!" I joke
around, take Sweethearts hand, dance, she lets go of me, says good bye to her friend and cousin, I get
high fived by the drunk guy, say bye to them and we're alone.
We bounce around a little through the bar area, I vibe her emotions up and can do great rapport with all
the awesome songs. They play Deep Purple, I tell her about my Dad and our shared passion for Rock,
that I took him to a Deep Purple concert on his birthday, how much I love him, how much I like
spending time with my old Pa. She looks at me, gives me the Anime Eyes. I kiss her, she kisses super
well, her lips feel great. She touches my entire body and for the first time shows openly how much she
actually likes me.I bounce to a wall again... more rapport, more fun.
Shittest #3
Some dude walks by us, she stops talking to me, turns towards him and opens him. WTF, lol. He
doesn't seem like someone she knows, so I guess it's another shittest. I just bounce off, invade the dance
floor, have fun with people, enjoy the evening. A song later I dance back to the bar, Sweetheart is gone,
I go back to the dance floor, she comes towards me, I look past her, she pokes me and I could tell she's
been searching for me... cute.
The Pull
Every newbie I go out with I tell: Pull step by step! I bounce her through the club, they play The Who's
"Baba O'riley".
Note: Many people think that the song's actually called "Teenage Wasteland", but that's a very common
mistake ;) Haha, just had to be mentioned...
The song is one of my all-time favorites and I elaborate on the story of how I listened to it for the first
time: I dance and sing, I'm absolutely free of any thoughts, I take Sweethearts hands and look deep into
her eyes: "I love this song. In 2010 I took my two best friends and a girlfriend on a spontaneous trip to
Croatia... A 9-hour ride, we drove through the Croatian pampas forever... highlands, highways, I had

lost my T-shirt cause I left it on the roof of the car when we had a break... we're sweating and tired...
for the first time in an eternity it goes downhill and there it appears... so suddenly: The sea... shining,
immersed in the beautiful orange of the sunset... we let down the windows, smell the sea... Baba
O'Riley starts playing from the CD player... THAT was one of the most beautiful moments of my
life..." Sweetheart looks into my eyes and they tell me: She won't go anywhere tonight without me...
We go into another room, more connection, I mention that I'm hungry - seeding the pull. We chat, I just
say: "Come on, let's grab some food." I take her hand, eye contact, to the coat check, Andre has already
left, Jan as well. I tell her funny stories, vibe with the coat check dude, we leave the club, I say bye to
the bouncers.
We're on the street, look up to the impressive Stevens Dome, she tells me she studied architecture. She
wants to head into the other direction, but I just claim that my favorite pizza stand is the other way
(since it's closer to the LJ25). I keep the fun vibe up during the 15-minute walk.
Keeping the Vibe Up
We fool around, I tell her about my childhood, push her against a wall, make out with her, repeat. We
jump on a bench together, make out, jump off at the same time, she looks at me with glaring eyes.
Storytelling, storytelling, storytelling... it's just bubbling out of me, cool. We get pizza at one of the
stands, nice cheat meal, have been eating clean for weeks now.
She wants to go back for a second I think it's over. I steer the conversation towards movies: "Ey, this
pizza would be awesome for a movie!" Her: "Totally!" I mention Disney movies, she tells me she loves
Peter Pan and that she has the movie at home, I get it. We turn around, walk back, I get us a cab.
Her place, she has a nice apartment, the rooms are full of paintings she drew herself, holy shit, pretty
talented! We watch the DVD for a minute, but I don't fuck around and start escalating...
The Escalation
I make out with her, she seems less "warm" then before, know that, been there, it's normal. I just keep
kissing and shut down my own mind. We're in the kitchen, I take off my shirt, she takes off her top, I
put my hands under her pants, grab her ass... "Fuck, I love g-strings!" I open my pants, make her feel
my boner, but she doesn't wanna jerk me off... "Let's go into the bedroom." We turn off the movie

(didn't run longer than 3 minutes haha). I lie next to her, we take off our clothes, for some reason the
vibe is not sexual at all, she barely shows horniness, but whatever. Her eyes tell me she really likes me
and I finger her, lick her, she's super quiet, doesn't let loose at all. I get up, get condoms, get back, put it
The Sex
The sex is not really good... pretty lame actually, haha. I penetrate her and fuck her fairly hard, she's
just breathing heavily, no moaning, barely any movement from her. My last lays have all been super
hardcore and passionate, they all knew how to please a man, haha. I guess I've been a bit spoiled
recently, but it's okay, I'm tired myself (it's just about 5am), but still decide to fuck her a little harder,
the moon shines through the balcony door, I look at her body, her tight little tits have perfect nipples,
her belly is so tender and flat, and dayum dat ass! Her skin is so tender... "Are you bathing in milk or
some shit?" We laugh. I let go of my tiredness and now get really horny at her. I put her legs above my
shoulders and fuck her hard, her breath gets heavier, still no moaning, but at least there's some tight
pussy contraction... fuck... fuck, I keep being just about to cum. Dayum, that PC muscle training has to
be intensified. I pull out and cum a little, put it back and keep fucking, cool.
We fuck some more in missionary, after 20 minutes I'm sweating like a pig, decide to cum, even though
she's just about to cum, but not there yet. I fuck faster, everything I have, so hot, I look her in her eyes,
we have a great connection.
She's lying in my arms, asks if she can go for a smoke, haha. I chill in my boxers with her on the
balcony, enjoy the cold air of the night, it's really soothing. We do deep rapport and get back into the
warm bed, she asks me why I moved to Vienna, I tell her my long way of how I had always wanted to
become a professional musician... and how that bubble burst with a tendonitis. When the story is over
she looks at me again with those Anime Eyes. We cuddle a little, exchange numbers, joke around,
laugh, play with her phone and hit a new highscore...
I have to go, say good bye to her and walk off into the early morning of Vienna... Listen to Daft Punk Contact... brilliant song.
This is just one of Maxs top 10 Lay reports series.
These are a special bonus to RSD Max Hotseat.

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