Kaplan Policies

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Jan Kaplan (kaplanj@scsk12.org)

English 281 (Honors)/Room M102
Areas of Study/Performance
This years literature study includes a variety of classic and new novels, Shakespeare, poetry, and short stories of varying
genres. Students will also prepare for the EOC exam that is given later in the year as well as the PARCC assessment.
The EOC is a compilation of vocabulary, grammar, and identification and application of reading strategies and will factor
into the second semester grade this school year. Students will also write a full research paper as well as a variety of
essays and other research pieces. Students will need access to a computer and printer throughout the year and can
obtain an access card from the school library.
My goal is to employ teaching strategies that will meet the needs of each individual learner so that each student can
achieve his or her full academic potential within a safe learning environment that values and promotes all students
confidence in their expression of their thoughts and feelings. In order to achieve this, I have established the following
policies for all students:
Classroom Rules
1. NO cell phones
2. NO food or drinks
3. Arrive on time - ready to begin the days assignment
4. Come prepared with the proper supplies
5. Be respectful following directions the first time, refraining from behavior that
is annoying or disruptive to fellow students or to the teacher
Consequences for Failure to Follow Policies
1. First: Warning
2. Second: Teacher/student conference
3. Third: Parent phone call or email
4. Fourth: Disciplinary referral
* Noncompliance will affect quarterly participation grade per rubric on additional sheet
**Major violations will be dealt with by the administration, regardless of the above
mentioned consequences.
Conduct Grades
Students are expected to behave in a mature, businesslike manner, taking pride in their ability, character, and work.
General guidelines:

Follows the rules every day; exercises good citizenship and attitude in the classroom; exemplary behavior
Generally follows rules; may have received warning; comes to class prepared; general good citizenship and
Frequently disregards rules; excessive talking or tardiness to class; sleeps in class; sits on desktops
Cheating, cursing, fighting, insubordination

Supply List: Students should have these items and appropriate text everyday
blue pens and red pen
index cards
notebook paper (NOT colored paper or spiral)
hi-liters/post-it notes
agenda or personal calendar
3-ring binder with dividers
[Save this handout as the first sheet in your notebook]

Supplementary Readings for the Class

These books can be purchased or checked out at the library; used copies are fine. Each student is responsible for having
his/her own copy for class and home use. Please note, having a personal copy allows for annotation - highlighting and
making notes in the margin.
How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Beowulf, anonymous
Thomas C. Foster (Honors classes only)
Grendel, John Gardner
Color of Water, James McBride
A Walk to Remember Nicholas Sparks
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
(Standard classes only)
Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
No Fear Julius Caesar Shakespeare
The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Crucible, Arthur Miller
Grading Policies
1. Grades are calculated on a total points grading system and are based on performance in the following
areas: class work, homework, projects (includes essay and research writing), quizzes, and tests.
2. Students will NOT receive a perfect score for simple completion grades are
based on accuracy and
effort; spelling and grammar always count.
3. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing on an assignment will receive a zero (0) this includes participation
in sharing work.
4. A zero (0) will be assigned for any work missed during an unexcused absence. OSS is considered an
unexcused absence; therefore no make up work for those days will be accepted. Students present for any
portion of the day that a project or paper is due must turn in the assignment regardless of check-in after
scheduled class time or check-out prior to scheduled class time; otherwise, the work will be considered late
and points deducted accordingly.
5. Late work- Work that is not ready to submit at the beginning of class when due will receive no greater than
70% credit; 50% credit for work submitted the day after it was due; zero (0) thereafter. NO LATE WORK IS
6. Students are responsible for all graded papers and should keep these in the event a discrepancy should
occur. It is the sole responsibility of the student to notify me immediately if he or she notes any grade
discrepancy on Power School.
7. No work is accepted via email unless specifically assigned by the teacher
Make up Work Consistent daily attendance is critical for success in this class
According to the SCS Handbook policy: students have one day to make up work for each day of an excused absence. It is
the responsibility of students who have an excused absence on the day of a quiz or test to make arrangements with the
teacher outside of the regular class time to make up the work. Individual arrangements may be made as needed for
unusual circumstances; however, the student is responsible for communicating his or her needs.
Extra Credit Opportunities: Extra credit opportunities will be offered throughout the school year. Extra credit means
extra work and extra time put forth on a specifically assigned project. The work must also be of quality; if you want an A
on the extra credit, you must turn in A work. Late extra credit work will not be accepted. No extra credit opportunities will
be available to students who are missing assignments or who have failed to complete the assigned classroom work. Do
not rely on extra credit to salvage what should be protected along the way.
Struggling Students: The parent/guardian of students who are not meeting required course standards will be contacted
regarding a plan of assistance for the student. While after-school tutoring is available for all students all year upon
request, one or more of the following interventions may be offered at the teachers discretion: bi-weekly/weekly email
notification of upcoming assignments, progress, extension of late policy to makeup missing assignments, modified
assessments, partial or full re-testing of failed assessments, access to Compass assignments either for extra credit in
advance of unit completion or for point recovery after non-proficient completion of unit study. A students failure to take
advantage of the assistance opportunities offered could result in failure to successfully earn the required course credit.

Return to Mrs. Kaplan

DUE: Wednesday, August 10th
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand all of the policies, procedures, and
expectations for Mrs. Kaplan class.
Student Signature __________________________
Parent Signature ___________________________ Daytime Phone _______________
Parent Email ______________________________ Evening Phone ______________
Additionally, in the past, I have used portions or clips of video/DVDs to support class instruction.
Incorporating the visual aspect of literature has been very helpful to many students. As permission
waivers are necessary for works found outside of the English department or our school library, I am
including a waiver for the use of any longer works that we might use. Please feel sure, we will NOT
watch movies to replace instruction, but only to enhance what we are studying in the classroom.
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
Band of Brothers (2001)
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)
A Separate Peace (1972/2004)
A Walk to Remember (2002)
Author biographies or historical era clips
Please take this opportunity to choose one option below and to provide your signature where
Student Name__________________________
______ I am providing my consent for Mrs. Kaplan to use video supplements during
instructional presentations in the English 281 classroom that my child is taking
this school year.
______ I do not give my consent for Mrs. Kaplan to use video supplements during
instructional presentations in the English 281 classroom that my child is taking
this school year and may be reached at the following phone or email contact to
discuss the matter further.
Phone: _______________________
Email: __________________________
Parent Signature ___________________________
If you have questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to email me the quickest and easiest
way for you to contact me, as I do not have regular access to a telephone during the school day. I am
looking forward to an exciting year!
Jan Kaplan


Name: ________________________________
If different from above, what first name do you prefer to be called: _________________
Address: __________________________________
Phone Contact (give at least 2):
Name and relationship to you

Phone Number

1. ____________________________


2. ____________________________


3. ____________________________


Parents Name and Email Address: _____________________________

What are your goals/future plans (college, technical training, military, workplace)

Do you have any health problems of which I should be aware?

If you could tell me one thing about yourself to help me know and understand you better, what would
it be? (you can tell me more than one thing, but only use the space below - you may not use the back
of the paper).

Telephone/Conference Log


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