Exercício Avaliativo Ingles - Pronomes - Artigos GABARITO

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Preencham os espaos em branco usando "the", "a" ou "an" adequadamente.

1 There is______ excellent doctor in______hospital I know.

2 He is_______university student.
3 We are_________champions.
4 It is_____honor for me to be here.
5 I'll be back in_________hour.
6 I think this is_____end of_____story.
7 Are you______manager of this company?
8 He is________good father.
9 She is________great friend.
10 We are from ______USA.
1. an / the
2. a
3. the
4. an
5. an
6. the / the
7. the
8. a
9. a
10. the
Marque um X na alternativa correta :
11 ______ love ice-cream.
A( x)I
B ( ) She
C( )


12 Shelly and ______ want to travel to Cuba.

A ( ) they
B ( ) me
C( x)
13 I know ______ ! She's Mark's sister.
A ( ) hers
B ( ) she
C( x)


14 Carla and Regina are in my class, but I never see ______.

A ( ) her
B ( x ) them
C( )
15 Where was John yesterday? I didn't see _____ all day.
A ( x ) him
B ( ) you
C ( ) he
16 Kate and Mark never get to class on time! ______ are hopeless.
1 ( ) Them
2 ( ) She and him
3 ( x ) They
17 Where's Claire? ______ and Ann can help us.
A ( ) They
B ( x ) She
C ( ) Her
18 Give ______ that book. I need it now.
A ( ) them
B ( ) they

C (x )


19 Please, get your bike and give _____ to Paul. He needs ______
A ( ) it, him
B( )
its, it
C( x)
it, it
Complete the sentences below with the appropriate pronouns:
20 _____________ watched a movie with _____________ at the mall.
(Ns assistimos um filme com eles no shopping).
21 - ________________ are very late.

(Voc est muito atrasada.)

22 - ________________ is an English teacher.
(Ele professor de ingls.)
23 - Jane was looking at ___________________.
(A Jane estava olhando para ele.)
24 - __________________ lives in an apartment.
(Ela mora num apartamento.)
25 - ___________________ have to study for the test tonight.
(Ns temos que estudar para a prova hoje noite.)
26 - ____________________ guys need to do your homework.
(Vocs precisam fazer sua tarefa.)
27 - ___________________ like to have chicken for lunch.
(Eles gostam de comer frango no almoo.)
28 - _________________ talked to __________________ yesterday.
(Ela conversou com ele ontem.)
29 - ________________ work downtown.
(Eu trabalho no centro.)
30 - ____________ wants to work with _________________.
(Ele quer trabalhar com ela.)
31 - ____ had dinner with ________________.
(Eu jantei com eles.)
33 - William will go to the party with ___________________.
(O William vai festa conosco.)
34 - ____ forgot to do ___________________.
(Eu me esqueci de faz-la (a tarefa).
35 - _____ fix the computer and the printer.
( Eles consertam o computador e a impressora)
20. We/them, 21. You, 22. He, 23. him, 24. She, 25. You, 26. They, 27. she/him, 28. He/her, 29. I/
it, 30 they

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