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WJI Workshop Agenda:

Humanizing How We Teach about Violent Conflicts in the Past and Today
Wednesday, August 24th
9:00 Welcome and Workshop Overview (Alan Stoskopf)
The Challenges and Opportunities of Introducing this Topic with High School
Students: Journal Activity
International Research on Representations of War and Peace in
American History Textbooks: Decoding Dominant Narratives (Alan Stoskopf)
Constructing Enemies and Friends in Literature: Implications for Peace
Building in a Violent World (Rajini Srikanth)
12:30 Lunch Break
1:15 Making it Personal: Bringing the Lives of People Who Experienced War into
Student Learning (Erin Leach-Ogden and Paul Dyson)
WJI Resources and Website: (Mitch Manning)
3:00 End of Day
Thursday, August 25th

In Another Voice: Poetry and the Human Dimensions of War and its Legacies
(Mitch Manning and Fred Marchant)
Teaching and Learning Across the Humanities: Seekonk High School Case
Study ((Elizabeth Machado Cook and Morgan Hellmold, Seekonk HS Teachers)
12:00 Lunch Break
12:45 Breaking Down the Curriculum Boundaries: New Pathways for Creating
Teaching Units (Chris Unger, Northeastern University on Digital Workspaces)
HS Teams Meet and Share Out Initial Ideas for the Year
Short Break
Next Steps and Evaluation (WJI Staff)
3:00 End of Workshop

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