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I. Definition
II. History
III. Rumseys Principle
IV. Types
V. Parameters
VI. Schematic Diagram
VII. Features
VIII. Applications

I. Definition
The name Log Periodic is derived from the
geometry of antenna structure which is so chosen
that the electrical properties periodically repeat
with the log of frequency.

I. Definition
In telecommunication, a log-periodic
antenna (LP, also known as a log-periodic array)
is a broadband, multi element, unidirectional,
narrow-beam antenna that has impedance and
radiation characteristics that are regularly
repetitive as a logarithmic function of the
excitation frequency.

II. History
Concept of Frequency Independent Antennas Victor
H. Rumsey (1950s)
Experimentally implemented by John D. Dyson Spiral
Antenna (1958)
Raymond Duhamel and Dwight Isbell introduced log
periodic structure
Isbell LPDA (1960)
Paul Mayes and Robert Carrel with V-dipole Elements

III. Rumseys Principle

The impedance and pattern properties
of an antenna will be frequency independent
if the antenna shape is specified only in
terms of angles and the antenna itself is

III. Rumseys Principle

Angle Specified Antenna
Angles do not depend on distance and hence
on wavelength, so if we could design such an
antenna it will be frequency independent.

III. Rumseys Principle

Self - Complementary Configuration
This principle states that if an antenna
has the same shape as its complement
empty part , its impedance is constant at all

III. Rumseys Principle

Self - Complementary Configuration

IV. types
Zig Zag Log Periodic Array

IV. types
Trapezoidal Log Periodic

IV. types
Log Periodic Monopole Array

IV. types
Planar Log Periodic Spiral Antenna

IV. types
Conical Spiral Antenna

IV. types
Circular Toothed Log Periodic Antenna

IV. types
Log Periodic Dipole Array

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
a. Radiation Pattern

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
a. Radiation Pattern

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
a. Radiation Pattern

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
a. Radiation Pattern

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
a. Radiation Pattern

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
b. Antenna Polarization

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
c. Near Field and Far Field

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
d. Antenna Gain

V. Parameters
Log Periodic Dipole Array
e. Antenna Beam width

Vi. Schematic diagram

Vi. Schematic diagram

Vi. Schematic diagram

Vi. Schematic diagram

Vi. Schematic diagram

Vi. Schematic diagram

ViI. Features
Wide Bandwidth (200Mhz 5Ghz)
High power gain (7dBi)
High directivity(5)
Low VSWR(<2)
Small Size
Light Weight
Easy Assemble

ViI. Applications
HF Communication
TV Reception
Wireless and Mobile Communications
EMC/EMI testing as well as for radiated
susceptibility testing.
Solar Radio Spectrograph to measure Solar
Radio Emissions

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