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1. Write the POS representation of the following SOP function : (A/M 2016)
F(x,y,z) = m (0,1,3,5,7)
Answer: The POS function is written as
F(x,y,z) = M (2,4,6)
F(x,y,z) = (x+y+z) (x+y+z) (x+y+z)
2. Convert the given expression in canonical SOP form : Y = AC +AB +BC (A/M 2015)
Answer : Y = ABC + ABC + ABC+ABC
Y (A,B,C) = m(3,5,6,7)
3. Convert the given expression in canonical SOP formY = AB +AC+BC(N/D 2015)
Answer : Y = ABC + ABC +ABC + ABC+ABC
F(A,B,C) = m(1,2,3,6,7)
4. Draw the logic diagram of EX-OR using NAND gates. (N/D 2015)

5. What are the basic properties of Boolean algebra?

6. Define Minterm and Maxterm.

Each individual term in standard SOP form is called minterm. Minterms are standard product.
(AND terms)
Each individual term in standard POS form is called maxterm. Maxterms are standard sum.(OR
7. What are Canonical form?
Any Boolean function that is expressed as a sum of minterms or as a product of max terms is
said to be in its canonical form.It mainly involves in two Boolean terms, minterms and
8. Define SOP and POS.
Sum of Products (SOP): The logical sum of two or more logical product terms is called a Sum of
Products expression. It is basically an OR operation of AND operated variables. Example : AB +

Product of Sum (POS): A product of sums expression is a logical product of two or more
logical sum terms. It is basically an AND operation of OR operated variables. Example : (A+B)
* (A + B + C) * (C +D)

9. Enumerate some of the combinational circuits.

(N/D 2013)

Multiplexer, Decoder, Demultiplexer, Encoder, Magnitude comparator, Adder, Subtractor

and Code converters are some of the combinational circuits.
10. State DeMorgans Theorem. (N/D2009, N/D2010,A/M 2013)

Theorem 1:

A + B


The complement of a product is equal to the sum of the complements.

B= A . B
Theroem 2: A+
The complement of a sum is equal to the product of the complements.
11. Given F=B + AB +AC. Identify the redundant term using K-map. (N/D 2014)

12. What are Dont care terms? (A/M 2013)

In some logic circuits, certain input conditions never occur, therefore the corresponding never
appears. In such cases, the output level is not defined and it can be either High or Low. These
output levels are indicated by X or d in the truth table . These terms are called as dont
care terms or dont care conditions.
13. What are the methods adopted to reduce Boolean function?
(i) Minimization using Boolean theorems
(ii) Karnaugh mapping
(iii) Quine-McCluskey method (Tabulation method)
14. Define prime implicant.
All the implicants of a function determined using a Karnaugh map are called prime

15. What is a multiplexer?

A multiplexer (MUX) also called a data selector, is a combinational circuit with more than one
input line, one output line and more than one selection line. A multiplexer selects binary
information present on any one of the input lines, depending upon the logic status of the
selection inputs and routes it to the output line.
If there are n selection lines, then the number of maximum possible input lines is 2 n and the
multiplexer is referred to as a 2n-to-1multiplexer or 2n 1 multiplexer. F
16. Give one application each for Multiplexer and Decoder. (N/D2014)
Application of Multiplexer: In telephone network, multiple audio signals are integrated
on a single line for transmission with the help of multiplexers
Application of Decoder: Used in code converters and for address decoding.
17. Differentiate a decoder from a demultiplexer. (N/D 2009)
Converts binary information from n input It receives information on a single input
lines to 2n unique output lines.

and transmits the same information over

There are no selection lines.

one of several (2n) output lines.

The selection of specific output line is
controlled by the value of selection line.

18 Realize the Boolean function using appropriate multiplexer.

F (A, B, C) = (1, 2, 5, 7)

19. List few applications of Multiplexer.

Data routing
Logic function generator
Control sequencer and Parallel to Serial converter

(A/M 2012)

20. Draw the logic diagram of a 4 line to 1 line Multiplexer

(A/M 2013)

21. Draw the logic diagram of a 2 :1 Multiplexer

22. What is encoder?

(A/M 2012)
A encoder is a combinational circuit that has 2n input lines and n output lines.
Converts an active input signal into a coded output signal .
No of outputs is less than the number of inputs
23. What is priority encoder? (May 2014)
A priority encoder is an encoder circuit in which if two or more inputs are equal to 1 at the
same time, the input having the highest priority will take precedence.

24. Design a half subtractor. (A/M 2016)

25. Write an expression for borrow and difference in a full subtractor circuit. (A/M 2010)
Borrow =

B+ B B
A B + A

A B+ B +

Difference = B ( A B)

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