The Fallen Silk 4

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The gathering was held in the back gardens of the Anderson Estateit seemed that the mayor and
his family were quite well off, for being in such a small town. Effie noted the rich tablecloths and
glistening crystal; she hadnt been around such finery in her entire life, and she was concerned
that she might just lose her balance and break something.
As she moved through the crowd, she saw the Andersons near the beverage table, and tried
to wave for their attentionshe hadnt intended on spending much time at the party, she would
have preferred to stay home in the first place. However, it was a positive step forward to get out of
the house and make friends, especially since she didnt know exactly how long she would be in
On the final step of the stairway leading into the gardens, Effie must have caught her dress
underfootas she pitched forward, a hand caught hers and balanced her upright.
You really should pay more attention. A familiar voice chuckled. Effie looked up from the
ground and was hit with a wave of heat in her cheeks. Vincent, the man who had helped her after
she had tripped, had once again come to her rescue. He took her arm and wrapped it around his,
leading her away from the stairs. Let me escort you.
She was too embarrassed, too confused, to say anything in responseshe followed him in
silence as he weaved through the crowd. He pulled a seat out for her at an empty table, and took
two glasses from a passing server.
Here, you look like you need this. He placed her glass on the table and took the seat
opposite her. Now, why are you so clumsy?
Im nervous. She blurted out, catching herself at the end of the sentence. Why would she
say that? She looked at Vincent, who was eyeing her with curiosity. I just moved here from a pretty
big city, and Im not used to the small town atmosphere.
That is understandable. I moved here a few years ago from New York Cityit took a few
weeks for me to become comfortable here. I received the house I live in from my uncle, when he
passed. Vincents voice was quiet, and he didnt look at her as he spoke. Youll get the hang of it
soon enough, Effie. Vincent promised. Effie couldnt quite place the feeling that was washing over
her, but she felt that the man before her was someone she could trust. What exactly inspired you
to move to Norswood?
My family, actually. Well, not entirely. I was headed down a dark path, and I needed to get
out. Effie shrugged as she explained, running her finger along the rim of her glass.
Not all dark paths are wrong. His voice was low, thoughtful, as he stared at her from
across the table. Perhaps, if the path is destructive or deadly, it could be considered fallacious.
However, the twists and turns and obstacles we encounter are not to be forgottenthey help to
shape us, make us who we are.

You definitely make a good point. Though I regret letting it get so bad, I am glad I
experienced what I did because it will help me make better choices in the future. Effie agreed. She
drained her glass, but was too slow to grab another before Vincent stood and grabbed two more
glasses from a passing server.
Take this, one more and you should be relaxed enough to brave the crowd. She took the
glass and sipped on the golden liquid. One more question, Effie. What was so terrible that you had
to leave your life in the city behind?
Effie choked on her champagne, her eyes wide as the reality of his question set in. She
didnt want to answer himdrugs were a touchy subject, even with open minded people like her
parents. How would this stranger react if she told him the truth?
You are safe from ridicule, Effie. I will not judge you for the choices you have made. We all
have those dark twists in our paths, that does not define who we are in the present. She took a
deep breath and placed her glass on the table.
I was dating someone who introduced me to heroin. I overdosed one too many times; I
almost died the last time it happened. I refused to check into rehab, so my brother kept an eye on
me while I worked through the worst of my withdrawal symptoms. It nearly drove him insane. I
was horrible, I lashed out, I almost killed him a few times. When my parents came over one night
to check on us, he had me barricaded in the bathroom. I broke his mirror, and I slashed my wrists.
Anything was better than the withdrawalseven death. She had to stop herself as the scars on her
wrists pulsed with pain. They were still so fresh, though they had healed already.
The guy I had been dating came around a week later, looking for me, wondering what had
happened. My brother wasnt home, and I was in no place to answer the door. He screamed, he
banged against the wood, he even threatened to burn the place down. I was quiet. I was passed the
worst of it all. I had taken the first step to recovery.
My brother came home and I told him about the visit. He called our mother and father, of
course, and they were there within a few hours. That was when they gave me the choice. Rehab in
the city, or freedom in the forest. I chose freedom, of course.
But, why this town?
My parents own the house I am living in, but they rent it out to people throughout the
year. No one was living in it, so they called Mayor Anderson and informed him of my intent. Effie
shrugged. It was a gift from my fathers great grandfather; its been in the family for generations,
since Norswood was first founded.
Your family has old rootsthat means strength and stability. Perhaps your family knew
my own.
Maybe, whats your last name? Effie inquired, interested in the turn their conversation
had taken. He had kept to his word, he hadnt judged her or shied away from her.
Kerslake. Vincent responded. The name sounded vaguely familiar to her, but she wasnt
able to place it.
Hmm, definitely a maybe on my family knowing yours. Id have to ask my mother, she has
always been interested in genealogy. Effie smiled, finishing her drink.
Well, now that we know a little bit about each other, why dont we dance?
Effie had all but forgotten there was a party going on around there. When she refocused
her attention on her surroundings, the music and the conversations and the sounds of the night
all hit her. She had lost herself in talking to him, and she had never experienced that before. It was

an interesting feeling, she noted, being able to open herself so completely to a strangerand the
fact that he hadnt run away or shunned her was definitely noteworthy.

Vincent escorted her to her vehicle, ensuring that she did not repeat the staircase incident, and
opened the driver side door.
Thank you, Vincent. Effie said, giving him a light hug. He returned it and closed the door
after she was sitting behind the wheel. He took a step back and waved his handEffie started the
car and backed out of her space, sending him a wave back.
She had no idea why she had felt so comfortable around him, nor why the world had fallen
away during their conversations and dances throughout the night.
Effie did know one thing: there was something strange and alluring and curious about
Vincent, and she had to find out what it was.

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