Stemcellpaper 2

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Mila Mendoza
Biology Block E
Ms. Kashinsky
12 Nov 2015
Embryonic Stem Cells as Treatment Evaluation Essay
The use of embryonic stem cells as treatment for human disease is revolutionary as well
as controversial. While these cells might be seen by some as a cure-all solution, the matter
cannot be perceived so one-dimensionally. There are significant health risks and moral
predicaments to consider when dealing with these dangerously formidable cells. Stem cells are
unlike any other type of cell and their strange abilities create controversy and draw attention to
the cells.
According to Stem Cell Basics, embryonic stem cells can mature into a range of cells
because they are unspecialized or pluripotent. When the cell reproduces, it can continue being a
stem cell but can also mature into another cell specimen (Stem Cell Basics). This unique
capability to mutate allows for embryonic stem cells to be used to regenerate healthy cells. As
stated by Regalado, embryonic stem cells could be utilized in treating spinal-cord injuries. The
cells would be used hoping to regain nerves and therefore reverse paralysis (currently without
remedy). The article also details how the cells were successful when used on rats and if no
mishaps occur, the embryonic stem cells can potentially become the solution to spinal cord injury
(Regalado). Embryonic stem cells can additionally be placed in patients with Parkinsons disease
to become dopamine-producing cells as: Theoretically, if these cells were transplanted back into
the brains of Parkinson[s] patients, they would replace the defective cells and reverse the course

of the disease (Stein). Parkinsons disease does not currently have an actual cure but instead
treatments that manage it, thus if successful, the stem cells could begin an end to Parkinsons.
According to Svodoba, as embryonic stem cell research increases in popularity, the
protest increases in correlation. Those against embryonic stem cells might pose the question: will
we as a human race abandon our ethics in order to live just a little longer? (Svodoba) According
to Embryonic Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Dilemma, obtaining and using embryonic stem
cells requires the eradication of the embryo itself. Researching embryonic stem cells empowers
humans to play God and justifies killing one life to: alleviate the suffering of many people
(EmbryonicDilemma). Is it worth finding out how useful embryonic stem cells could
potentially be if we are obscuring babies from being born in the process? However, Svodoba
does discuss that advances are being made to avoid this issue. Experts manipulate adult stem
cells into possessing embryonic traits and these adult cells not only end the ethical dilemma
but additionally remove other health risks involving embryonic stem cells (Svodoba).
Not only does the use of embryonic stem cells create moral predicaments, the cells have
been proven to be dangerous. According to Regalado, the cells possess a unique power to
reproduce endlessly. This uncontrollable factor conjures up noteworthy risks, and not only
hypothetically: disclosed by the New England Journal of Medicine, a trial involving Parkinsons
disease patients yielded catastrophic results. Hollowell states Results included uncontrollable
movements: writhing, twisting, head jerking, arm-flailing, and constant chewing. If these side
effects heightened, patients would be left worse than before the treatment.
Embryonic stem cells as treatment for disease cause quite an uproar because both sides
present valid arguments. Embryonic stem cells create a new world of medicinal possibilities.
Optimistically, embryonic stem cells could create better solutions and possible cures for diseases

previously considered incurable. The use of these cells can result in rapid cures but also expose
the patient to lethal side effects. In addition, access to embryonic stem cells creates potential
ethical issues. I personally believe that embryonic stem cells should not be used when a less
controversial and also effective type of stem cell exists: the adult stem cell. Current clinical
applications of adult stem cells are abundant (Hollowell) and therefore the focus should not be
on embryonic stem cells but instead on adult stem cells. This alternative provides a solution to
the moral dilemma, and has also been proven to be successful. Embryonic stem cells pluripotent
factor allows for scientists to be ambitious while envisioning what they can one day achieve
using the cells. When considering embryonic stem cell treatments, medical professionals should
prioritize the safety of the patient while respecting their moral beliefs.


Works Cited
"Embryonic Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Dilemma." EuroStemCell. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov.
FAQs. In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Web site]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of
Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015
Hollowell, Kelly. "Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Ten Problems with
Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Institute of Creation Research, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
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Stem Cell Basics: Introduction. In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Web site]. Bethesda, MD:

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Svoboda, Elizabeth. "The essential guide to stem cells: everything you need to know about the
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hearth risks and the patients witting to take them." Popular Science June 2009: 60+.
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MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015

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