MCQ of Physop

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Marks: 1/1

Checking the patients knowledge of current date, time and place refers to this
cognitive function
Choose one answer.
a. Insight

b. Long term memory

c. Orientation

d. Short term memory

e. Confabulation

Marks: 1/1

Unstable angina pain

Choose at least one answer.
a. can be precipitated with minimal exertion

b. can also occur at rest

c. must be treated as an medical emergency

d. is characteristic of slow onset and disappearing spontaneously

e. can lead to death from myocardial infarction.

Marks: 1/1

Pain threshold is increased

Choose at least one answer.
a. during exercise

b. in sleep deprivation
c. in depression
d. by positive mental attitude

e. with analgesic drugs

Marks: 1/1

An abnormal belief that is held with total conviction and is not shared by others from
culture is called
Choose one answer.
a. Abstract thinking

b. Delusion

c. Convolution
d. Concrete thinking
e. Critical thinking

Marks: 1/1

History taking on a child will require questions regarding

Choose at least one answer.
a. Mode of delivery at birth

b. History of immunization

c. Developmental milestones

d. History child abuse

e. Complications during the delivery

Marks: 1/1

Indicate ONE of the following diseases that a shipyard worker can be found to be
most susceptible?
Choose one answer.
a. Occupational asthma

b. Pleural plague

c. Contact dermatitis
d. Allergic aleveolitis
e. Sensorineural hearing loss

Marks: 1/1

Generally, history taking of any patient should include

Choose at least one answer.
a. Presenting complaint

b. Cultural Beliefs
c. Vital signs
d. Review of systems

e. Family history

Marks: 1/1

Good communication skills are the MOST important part of being a good doctor.
These should
always include:
Choose at least one answer.

a. checking the patient's prior knowledge or understanding

b. going at a pace that is comfortable for the doctor

c. encouraging verbal and non-verbal communication

d. maintaining good eye contact

e. using jargon

Marks: 1/1

The following are relevant social factors that should be asked during history taking:
Choose at least one answer.
a. Exercise

b. Social services involvement

c. Relationship and domestic circumstances

d. Travel history
e. Financial problems

Marks: 1/1

Following are risk factors for medically unexplained symptoms

Choose at least one answer.
a. Depression and anxiety

b. Learnt illness behaviour

c. Female gender

d. Atherosclerosis
e. Stresses

Marks: 1/1

Having insight is an important prerequisite for patient compliance. The term insight
refers to
Choose one answer.
a. Being arrogant to hospital staff

b. The patient thinks that doctor is ill

c. Not accepting that he is abnormal
d. The degree to which a patient agrees/accepts that he is ill

e. Being non compliant to treatment

Marks: 1/1

The following are true regarding the definition of patients behavior

Choose at least one answer.

a. Disinhibition is the maintenance of bizarre gait or limb positions f

b. Posturing is the loss of control over normal social behaviour

c. Agitation is a combination of psychic anxiety and excessive purpo

d. Motor retardation is the decreased motor activity usually a combi


e. Compulsion is an unnecessary, purposeless action that the patien


Marks: 1/1

The following are TRUE for occupational-related disorders:

Choose at least one answer.

a. Repeated exposure to flour dust can cause occupational asthma

b. Divers are more prone to get decompression sickness

c. Prolong exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma

d. Chemical exposure is one of the common cause of dermatitis

e. Excessive noise exposure can exacerbate joint symptoms

Marks: 1/1

Angina pain most commonly

Choose at least one answer.
a. Lasts for more than 30 minutes.

b. Present as tight pressing band-like sensation around the chest.

c. Starts as dull aching discomfort felt in the left side of the chest
d. Can be confused with indigestion.

e. Can be relieved by taking a deep inspiration

Marks: 1/1

The following are the reasons why people or patients visit doctors;
Choose at least one answer.
a. They have reached their limits of anxiety

b. They have problems of living presenting as symptoms

c. For prevention

d. They have extra money to use for medical check up

e. They have reached their limits of tolerance

Marks: 1/1

Mr. CA, a 50 year old presents with dark discoloration, shiny and sticky stool. Which
ONE of the following is BEST suggestive of the likely diagnoses?
Choose one answer.
a. Perforated peptic ulcer

b. Inflammatory bowel disease

c. Complicated diverticulitis
d. Colorectal polyps
e. Haemorrhoids

Marks: 1/1

Indicate which of the following are TRUE.

Choose at least one answer.

a. Heart failure can present as both breathless and swelling of the lo

b. The severity of cardiac problems can often be correlated with the

c. Angina pectoris is the most common cause of cardiac pain.

d. Severe cardiac arrhythmias can cause syncope in a patient.

e. Most acute cardiovascular diseases are initially symptomatic.

Marks: 1/1

An inquiry on characteristics of pain during history taking include

Choose at least one answer.
a. onset

b. site

c. exacerbating factor

d. severity

e. radiation

Marks: 1/1

The following are important points that should be taken into account during history taking
in patient with respiratory disease.
Choose at least one answer.
a. Past history of tuberculosis

b. Recent history of epigastric pain

c. Childhood history of asthma

d. Family history of malignancy

e. Personal history of smoking

Marks: 1/1

The associated symptoms commonly found in malignancy include:

Choose at least one answer.

a. Fatigue

b. Fever
c. Diarrhea
d. Loss of appetite

e. Loss of weight

Marks: 1/1

The following are important steps that should be asked when completing the history
before examining the patient:
Choose at least one answer.
a. Allow the patient to correct anything you have misunderstood

b. Add anything that may have been forgotten

c. Tell the patient what you are going to examine

d. Straight-away examine the patient without asking his/her permission to

e. Briefly summarize what the patient has told you

Marks: 1/1

Radiation of angina pain can occur

Choose at least one answer.
a. Down the left arm

b. Down the right arm

c. Up into the throat, jaw and teeth

d. Up to the left temporal region

e. Due to sudden twisting or turning of the chest

Marks: 1/1

Which of the following questions are commonly asked for verifying symptoms
concerning Cardiovascular System during history taking?
Choose at least one answer.
a. Have you coughed up any blood?

b. Do you have chest pain?

c. Are you having repeated heartburns?

d. Do you wake up during the night due to shortness of breath

e. Have you experienced shortness of breath?

Marks: 1/1

The following are core cognitive functions:

Choose at least one answer.
a. Orientation

b. Vertigo
c. Consciousness

d. Memory

e. Dreaming subconscious

Marks: 1/1

Precipitating factors of chest pain include

Choose at least one answer.
a. Severe hypertension

b. Emotional excitement

c. Cold weather

d. Increased the myocardial oxygen demand

e. Doing a warm-up before exercise

Marks: 1/1

The following are TRUE regarding features of alcohol dependence:

Choose at least one answer.
a. Neglect of other pleasures and interests

b. A strong desire to take alcohol

c. Ability to control starting or stopping alcohol

d. It is not relieved by more alcohol

e. Continuing to drink in spite of being aware of the harmful consequenc

Marks: 1/1

29 years patient presented with abdominal pain. On history the patient has nausea,
vomiting, central abdominal pain which later shifts to the right iliac fossa. Which
ONE of the following is the most likely provisional diagnosis?
Choose one answer.

a. Intestinal obstruction

b. Acute appendicitis

c. Acute pancreatitis
d. Peptic ulcer
e. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Marks: 1/1

The cardinal questions regarding pain include

Choose at least one answer.
a. Type of pain

b. Aura of the pain

c. Associated symptoms of pain

d. Severity of pain

e. Relieving factors of pain

Marks: 1/1

Inquiries on social history includes

Choose at least one answer.
a. Smoking habit

b. Living environment

c. Hobbies

d. Occupation

e. Sexual relations

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