The Fallen Silk 6

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Effie dropped the bag of soil on the porch and removed her keys from her pocketshe had made a
trip into town, despite her fatigue from the night beforeand unlocked the front door. Nimbus
greeted her with a mewl, following her through the house to the back porch. She surveyed the area,
then turned her face to the sky and determined that the front of the house would be the best place
to put her garden. She led Nimbus back into the house, where she filled the kittens water dish and
placed the second half of a can of tuna on the floor.
Effie checked the pitcher of lemonade she had started before leaving the house, and added
a few more ice cubes. Satisfied with the taste, she grabbed a glass from the cupboard and headed
to the front door.
If you want to join me, the door will be open. She called to Nimbus, who chose not to look
up but continued lapping at her tuna feast. Smiling, Effie poured herself a glass of the lemonade
and set the pitcher down on the small table beside the front door, taking in a deep breath of the
fresh forest air.
All right, she said to herself, Ill start with pots, because Winter is well on its way. I can
always transplant them in the ground once Spring arrives. She went to her car and pulled out four
large planter pots and two planter boxes. She didnt have any use for the boxes, but had decided to
buy them just in case she was sparked with inspiration. The four pots had been planned, and she
placed two on either side of the deck, one in each corner. There would be lavender, rosemary, sage,
and chamomile growing once Spring hit. She had to read up on gardening, because it had been
years since she had last attempted to grow anythinginstead of jumping right into pouring the
dirt and planting the seeds, Effie sat down in her chair, propped her feat up on the railing, and
pulled out a book from the garden store.
The Beginners Guide to Gardening. She read through the first few pages and took a sip of
her lemonade. She read a few more pages before the sound of approaching footsteps startled her
out of her gardening daydream. Vincent stood at the bottom of the steps, his hands in his pockets.
Good afternoon, Miss Effie. He greeted, tipping his invisible hat to her. I wanted to see if
you would have dinner with me tonight?
She looked at the man, whom she had only met a few days earlier, and studied his face for a
moment. She had never been approached in such a way by anyone, but she admitted to herself that
it felt nice to be asked out on a date.
That sounds wonderful. Effie responded. As she stood from her chair and put the book
down on the table near the pitcher of lemonade, Nimbus ran to the front door and stopped as if an
invisible wall were blocking her from leaving the house. She arched her back and her fur stood on
end as she hissed at Vincent. Though the sound that escaped her kitten lips was not vicious or
menacing in the slightest, Nimbus remained vigilant in her barrage of growls and hisses. Now,
what is your problem, Nimbus?
The kitten remained stiff even as Effie raised her up from the floor and held her against her
chest. It was only when she turned around and had Nimbus facing inside the house that the kitten
calmed enough to relax.

How strange. Of course, we dont get visitorsshe may just not like people. Effie said,
more to herself than to Vincent, who was still standing at the bottom step. He smiled and
shrugged his shoulders.
Animals do not like me much, from my experience. He confided. Ill be by to pick you up at
eight oclock?
Wonderful. See you then. Effie said, waving to him as he turned to walk away. A strange
feeling came over her, as if something was clawing at her mind, trying to get out. She put Nimbus
down on the couch and fetched her glass, pitcher, and book from the table. It was nearing four
oclock, and though she knew it wouldnt take her hours to prepare for dinner, she thought it best
to lay her clothes out, take a shower, and eat a light snack before it was too late.

Effie watched the other patrons of the restaurant, in part concerned with how she was dressed
she felt out of place, though she had decided against the red sun-dress and instead chose a soft
blue peasant dress and navy flats. It seemed that Vincent had chosen a high class venue for their
dinner date, and it put her out of sorts with both herself and her surroundings. She felt
disconnected, but that feeling had been with her the entire day. The dream she had woken up to
had found its way back into her thoughts, and she chided herself for not cleaning her boots before
leaving the house. They would surely stain at this point, so she made a mental note to check
around for a new pair.
How have you been faring since last we spoke? Vincent asked, taking a sip of his wine. Effie
shrugged her shoulders in response, glancing around their table. It seemed that the women were
casting looks her way, but they turned their attention back to their companions when they noticed
her scanning the crowd. It was unnerving to be the focus of their scrutiny, and she wondered if it
even her choice in dress, or perhaps it was her choice in companion.
Ive been well, to be honest. The fresh air and the sounds of the forest are soothing and
uplifting, and being so far away from the city has curbed my need for certain things. I will say that
I am lucky to have found my little kittenshe was trapped in a bush when I found her. Effie said,
unsure as to why she had opened up, once again, to this man. He nodded and gave her a small
I am glad that you are adjusting to this life so well, many people who come to Norswood
end up leaving soon after. I assume that the small town atmosphere is too much for them. We are
a tight community, and we take care of each other. It was as if he was warning her, advising her
that if she had any doubts about living out the remainder of her life in Norswood, she would need
to pack her things and leave.
I intend to be here for a while, Vincent. She assured him, finishing her wine. There really
isnt anything for me back in the city. I dont doubt that I will visit my parents and my brother, but
that little cabin I call home is where I need to be. For my health. For my safety.
Of course, of course. He turned just as the waitress appeared at their table. We are ready,
young lady. I will have the Beef Wellington, cooked rare, and my companion will have the Fillet
Mignon with Balsamic Glaze, also cooked rare.
Wonderful choices, sir. Can I interest you in an appetizer while you wait? The waitress
asked, writing down their orders.

Why yes, you can. We will take an order of the Blue Cheese and Pear tarts, and an order of
your Stuffed Mushrooms. Vincent stated, closing his menu and gathering Effies. And, would you
be a dear and have the chef choose a wine to pair with our appetizers, as well as one to pair with
our entres?
Definitely, sir. The girl nodded, her ponytail bouncing. Effie knew she was thinking about
the tip she would receive for their table, and Effie only hoped that Vincent was as generous a
tipper as he was a date.

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